449 research outputs found

    A notion of minor-based matroid connectivity

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    For a matroid NN, a matroid MM is NN-connected if every two elements of MM are in an NN-minor together. Thus a matroid is connected if and only if it is U1,2U_{1,2}-connected. This paper proves that U1,2U_{1,2} is the only connected matroid NN such that if MM is NN-connected with ∣E(M)∣>∣E(N)∣|E(M)| > |E(N)|, then M\eM \backslash e or M/eM / e is NN-connected for all elements ee. Moreover, we show that U1,2U_{1,2} and M(W2)M(\mathcal{W}_2) are the only connected matroids NN such that, whenever a matroid has an NN-minor using {e,f}\{e,f\} and an NN-minor using {f,g}\{f,g\}, it also has an NN-minor using {e,g}\{e,g\}. Finally, we show that MM is U0,1⊕U1,1U_{0,1} \oplus U_{1,1}-connected if and only if every clonal class of MM is trivial.Comment: 13 page

    On perturbations of highly connected dyadic matroids

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    Geelen, Gerards, and Whittle [3] announced the following result: let q=pkq = p^k be a prime power, and let M\mathcal{M} be a proper minor-closed class of GF(q)\mathrm{GF}(q)-representable matroids, which does not contain PG(r−1,p)\mathrm{PG}(r-1,p) for sufficiently high rr. There exist integers k,tk, t such that every vertically kk-connected matroid in M\mathcal{M} is a rank-(≤t)(\leq t) perturbation of a frame matroid or the dual of a frame matroid over GF(q)\mathrm{GF}(q). They further announced a characterization of the perturbations through the introduction of subfield templates and frame templates. We show a family of dyadic matroids that form a counterexample to this result. We offer several weaker conjectures to replace the ones in [3], discuss consequences for some published papers, and discuss the impact of these new conjectures on the structure of frame templates.Comment: Version 3 has a new title and a few other minor corrections; 38 pages, including a 6-page Jupyter notebook that contains SageMath code and that is also available in the ancillary file

    On the existence of asymptotically good linear codes in minor-closed classes

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    Let C=(C1,C2,…)\mathcal{C} = (C_1, C_2, \ldots) be a sequence of codes such that each CiC_i is a linear [ni,ki,di][n_i,k_i,d_i]-code over some fixed finite field F\mathbb{F}, where nin_i is the length of the codewords, kik_i is the dimension, and did_i is the minimum distance. We say that C\mathcal{C} is asymptotically good if, for some ε>0\varepsilon > 0 and for all ii, ni≥in_i \geq i, ki/ni≥εk_i/n_i \geq \varepsilon, and di/ni≥εd_i/n_i \geq \varepsilon. Sequences of asymptotically good codes exist. We prove that if C\mathcal{C} is a class of GF(pn)(p^n)-linear codes (where pp is prime and n≥1n \geq 1), closed under puncturing and shortening, and if C\mathcal{C} contains an asymptotically good sequence, then C\mathcal{C} must contain all GF(p)(p)-linear codes. Our proof relies on a powerful new result from matroid structure theory

    Rank-width and Well-quasi-ordering of Skew-Symmetric or Symmetric Matrices

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    We prove that every infinite sequence of skew-symmetric or symmetric matrices M_1, M_2, ... over a fixed finite field must have a pair M_i, M_j (i<j) such that M_i is isomorphic to a principal submatrix of the Schur complement of a nonsingular principal submatrix in M_j, if those matrices have bounded rank-width. This generalizes three theorems on well-quasi-ordering of graphs or matroids admitting good tree-like decompositions; (1) Robertson and Seymour's theorem for graphs of bounded tree-width, (2) Geelen, Gerards, and Whittle's theorem for matroids representable over a fixed finite field having bounded branch-width, and (3) Oum's theorem for graphs of bounded rank-width with respect to pivot-minors.Comment: 43 page

    An obstacle to a decomposition theorem for near-regular matroids

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    Seymour's Decomposition Theorem for regular matroids states that any matroid representable over both GF(2) and GF(3) can be obtained from matroids that are graphic, cographic, or isomorphic to R10 by 1-, 2-, and 3-sums. It is hoped that similar characterizations hold for other classes of matroids, notably for the class of near-regular matroids. Suppose that all near-regular matroids can be obtained from matroids that belong to a few basic classes through k-sums. Also suppose that these basic classes are such that, whenever a class contains all graphic matroids, it does not contain all cographic matroids. We show that in that case 3-sums will not suffice.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figur

    Tensor structure from scalar Feynman matroids

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    We show how to interpret the scalar Feynman integrals which appear when reducing tensor integrals as scalar Feynman integrals coming from certain nice matroids.Comment: 12 pages, corrections suggested by referee
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