468 research outputs found

    On the perturbation and subproper splittings for the generalized inverse AT,S(2) of rectangular matrix A

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    AbstractIn this paper, the perturbation and subproper splittings for the generalized inverse AT,S(2), the unique matrix X such that XAX=X,R(X)=T and N(X)=S, are considered. We present lower and upper bounds for the perturbation of AT,S(2). Convergence of subproper splittings for computing the special solution AT,S(2)b of restricted rectangular linear system Ax=b, x∈T, are studied. For the solution AT,S(2)b we develop a characterization. Therefore, we give a unified treatment of the related problems considered in literature by Ben-Israel, Berman, Hanke, Neumann, Plemmons, etc

    Essays on the economics of networks

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    Networks (collections of nodes or vertices and graphs capturing their linkages) are a common object of study across a range of fields includ- ing economics, statistics and computer science. Network analysis is often based around capturing the overall structure of the network by some reduced set of parameters. Canonically, this has focused on the notion of centrality. There are many measures of centrality, mostly based around statistical analysis of the linkages between nodes on the network. However, another common approach has been through the use of eigenfunction analysis of the centrality matrix. My the- sis focuses on eigencentrality as a property, paying particular focus to equilibrium behaviour when the network structure is fixed. This occurs when nodes are either passive, such as for web-searches or queueing models or when they represent active optimizing agents in network games. The major contribution of my thesis is in the applica- tion of relatively recent innovations in matrix derivatives to centrality measurements and equilibria within games that are function of those measurements. I present a series of new results on the stability of eigencentrality measures and provide some examples of applications to a number of real world examples

    Weighted G-Drazin inverses and a new pre-order on rectangular matrices

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    [EN] This paper deals with weighted G-Drazin inverses, which is a new class of matrices introduced to extend (to the rectangular case) G-Drazin inverses recently considered by Wang and Liu for square matrices. First, we define and characterize weighted G-Drazin inverses. Next, we consider a new pre-order defined on complex rectangular matrices based on weighted G-Drazin inverses. Finally, we characterize this pre-order and relate it to the minus partial order and to the weighted Drazin pre-order. (C) 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.This paper was partially supported by Universidad Nacional de La Pampa, Facultad de Ingenieria, grant resol. no. 155/14. The first and third authors were partially supported by Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad of Spain (grant no. DGI MTM2013-43678-P) and the third author was also partially supported by Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad of Spain (Red de Excelencia MTM2015-68805-REDT).Coll, C.; Lattanzi, M.; Thome, N. (2018). Weighted G-Drazin inverses and a new pre-order on rectangular matrices. Applied Mathematics and Computation. 317:12-24. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.amc.2017.08.047S122431
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