10 research outputs found

    A note on the penalty parameter in Nitsche's method for unfitted boundary value problems

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    Nitsche's method is a popular approach to implement Dirichlet-type boundary conditions in situations where a strong imposition is either inconvenient or simply not feasible. The method is widely applied in the context of unfitted finite element methods. From the classical (symmetric) Nitsche's method it is well-known that the stabilization parameter in the method has to be chosen sufficiently large to obtain unique solvability of discrete systems. In this short note we discuss an often used strategy to set the stabilization parameter and describe a possible problem that can arise from this. We show that in specific situations error bounds can deteriorate and give examples of computations where Nitsche's method yields large and even diverging discretization errors

    A note on the stability parameter in Nitsche's method for unfitted boundary value problems

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    Nitsche's method is a popular approach to implement Dirichlet-type boundary conditions in situations where a strong imposition is either inconvenient or simply not feasible. The method is widely applied in the context of unfitted finite element methods. Of the classical (symmetric) Nitsche's method it is well-known that the stabilization parameter in the method has to be chosen sufficiently large to obtain unique solvability of discrete systems. In this short note we discuss an often used strategy to set the stabilization parameter and describe a possible problem that can arise from this. We show that in specific situations error bounds can deteriorate and give examples of computations where Nitsche's method yields large and even diverging discretization errors. <br/

    Mixed aggregated finite element methods for the unfitted discretization of the Stokes problem

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    In this work, we consider unfitted finite element methods for the numerical approximation of the Stokes problem. It is well-known that these kinds of methods lead to arbitrarily ill-conditioned systems and poorly approximated fluxes on unfitted interfaces/boundaries. In order to solve these issues, we consider the recently proposed aggregated finite element method, originally motivated for coercive problems. However, the well-posedness of the Stokes problem is far more subtle and relies on a discrete inf-sup condition. We consider mixed finite element methods that satisfy the discrete version of the inf-sup condition for body-fitted meshes and analyze how the discrete inf-sup is affected when considering the unfitted case. We propose different aggregated mixed finite element spaces combined with simple stabilization terms, which can include pressure jumps and/or cell residuals, to fix the potential deficiencies of the aggregated inf-sup. We carry out a complete numerical analysis, which includes stability, optimal a priori error estimates, and condition number bounds that are not affected by the small cut cell problem. For the sake of conciseness, we have restricted the analysis to hexahedral meshes and discontinuous pressure spaces. A thorough numerical experimentation bears out the numerical analysis. The aggregated mixed finite element method is ultimately applied to two problems with nontrivial geometries. No separate or additional fees are collected for access to or distribution of the work

    The diffuse Nitsche method: Dirichlet constraints on phase-field boundaries

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    We explore diffuse formulations of Nitsche's method for consistently imposing Dirichlet boundary conditions on phase-field approximations of sharp domains. Leveraging the properties of the phase-field gradient, we derive the variational formulation of the diffuse Nitsche method by transferring all integrals associated with the Dirichlet boundary from a geometrically sharp surface format in the standard Nitsche method to a geometrically diffuse volumetric format. We also derive conditions for the stability of the discrete system and formulate a diffuse local eigenvalue problem, from which the stabilization parameter can be estimated automatically in each element. We advertise metastable phase-field solutions of the Allen-Cahn problem for transferring complex imaging data into diffuse geometric models. In particular, we discuss the use of mixed meshes, that is, an adaptively refined mesh for the phase-field in the diffuse boundary region and a uniform mesh for the representation of the physics-based solution fields. We illustrate accuracy and convergence properties of the diffuse Nitsche method and demonstrate its advantages over diffuse penalty-type methods. In the context of imaging based analysis, we show that the diffuse Nitsche method achieves the same accuracy as the standard Nitsche method with sharp surfaces, if the inherent length scales, i.e., the interface width of the phase-field, the voxel spacing and the mesh size, are properly related. We demonstrate the flexibility of the new method by analyzing stresses in a human vertebral body

    A Quasi-Conforming Embedded Reproducing Kernel Particle Method for Heterogeneous Materials

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    We present a quasi-conforming embedded reproducing kernel particle method (QCE-RKPM) for modeling heterogeneous materials that makes use of techniques not available to mesh-based methods such as the finite element method (FEM) and avoids many of the drawbacks in current embedded and immersed formulations which are based on meshed methods. The different material domains are discretized independently thus avoiding time-consuming, conformal meshing. In this approach, the superposition of foreground (inclusion) and background (matrix) domain integration smoothing cells are corrected by a quasi-conforming quadtree subdivision on the background integration smoothing cells. Due to the non-conforming nature of the background integration smoothing cells near the material interfaces, a variationally consistent (VC) correction for domain integration is introduced to restore integration constraints and thus optimal convergence rates at a minor computational cost. Additional interface integration smoothing cells with area (volume) correction, while non-conforming, can be easily introduced to further enhance the accuracy and stability of the Galerkin solution using VC integration on non-conforming cells. To properly approximate the weak discontinuity across the material interface by a penalty-free Nitsche's method with enhanced coercivity, the interface nodes on the surface of the foreground discretization are also shared with the background discretization. As such, there are no tunable parameters, such as those involved in the penalty type method, to enforce interface compatibility in this approach. The advantage of this meshfree formulation is that it avoids many of the instabilities in mesh-based immersed and embedded methods. The effectiveness of QCE-RKPM is illustrated with several examples

    Explicit Time Stepping for the Wave Equation using CutFEM with Discrete Extension

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    In this paper we develop a fully explicit cut finite element method for the wave equation. The method is based on using a standard leap frog scheme combined with an extension operator that defines the nodal values outside of the domain in terms of the nodal values inside the domain. We show that the mass matrix associated with the extended finite element space can be lumped leading to a fully explicit scheme. We derive stability estimates for the method and provide optimal order a priori error estimates. Finally, we present some illustrating numerical examples

    A unified computational framework for process modeling and performance modeling of multi-constituent materials

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    This thesis presents new theoretical and computational developments and an integrated approach for interface and interphase mechanics in the process and performance modeling of fibrous composite materials. A new class of stabilized finite element methods is developed for the coupled-field problems that arise due to curing and chemical reactions at the bi-material interfaces at the time of the manufacturing of the fiber-matrix systems. An accurate modeling of the degree of curing, because of its effects on the evolving properties of the interphase material, is critical to determining the coupled chemo-mechanical interphase stresses that influence the structural integrity of the composite and its fatigue life. A thermodynamically consistent theory of mixtures for multi-constituent materials is adopted to model curing and interphase evolution during the processing of the composites. The mixture theory model combines the composite constituent behaviors in an effective medium, thereby reducing the computational cost of modeling chemically reacting multi-constituent mixtures, while retaining information involving the kinematic and kinetic responses of the individual constituents. The effective medium and individual constituent behaviors are each constrained to mutually satisfy the balance principles of mechanics. Even though each constituent is governed by its own balance laws and constitutive equations, interactive forces between constituents that emanate from maximization of entropy production inequality provide the coupling between constituent specific balance laws and constitutive models. The mixture model is cast in a finite strain finite element framework that finds roots in the Variational Multiscale (VMS) method. The deformation of multi-constituent mixtures at the Neumann boundaries requires imposing constraint conditions such that the constituents deform in a self-consistent fashion. A set of boundary conditions is presented that accounts for the non-zero applied tractions, and a variationally consistent method is developed to enforce inter constituent constraints at Neumann boundaries in the finite deformation context. The new method finds roots in a local multiscale decomposition of the deformation map at the Neumann boundary. Locally satisfying the Lagrange multiplier field and subsequent modeling of the fine scales via edge bubble functions results in closed-form expressions for a generalized penalty tensor and a weighted numerical flux that are free from tunable parameters. The key novelty is that the consistently derived constituent coupling parameters evolve with material and geometric nonlinearity, thereby resulting in optimal enforcement of inter-constituent constraints. A class of coupled field problems for process modeling and for performance molding of fibrous composites is presented that provides insight into the theoretical models and multiscale stabilized formulations for computational modeling of multi-constituent materials

    Generalized averaged Gaussian quadrature and applications

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    A simple numerical method for constructing the optimal generalized averaged Gaussian quadrature formulas will be presented. These formulas exist in many cases in which real positive GaussKronrod formulas do not exist, and can be used as an adequate alternative in order to estimate the error of a Gaussian rule. We also investigate the conditions under which the optimal averaged Gaussian quadrature formulas and their truncated variants are internal

    MS FT-2-2 7 Orthogonal polynomials and quadrature: Theory, computation, and applications

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    Quadrature rules find many applications in science and engineering. Their analysis is a classical area of applied mathematics and continues to attract considerable attention. This seminar brings together speakers with expertise in a large variety of quadrature rules. It is the aim of the seminar to provide an overview of recent developments in the analysis of quadrature rules. The computation of error estimates and novel applications also are described