64,859 research outputs found

    Centroidal bases in graphs

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    We introduce the notion of a centroidal locating set of a graph GG, that is, a set LL of vertices such that all vertices in GG are uniquely determined by their relative distances to the vertices of LL. A centroidal locating set of GG of minimum size is called a centroidal basis, and its size is the centroidal dimension CD(G)CD(G). This notion, which is related to previous concepts, gives a new way of identifying the vertices of a graph. The centroidal dimension of a graph GG is lower- and upper-bounded by the metric dimension and twice the location-domination number of GG, respectively. The latter two parameters are standard and well-studied notions in the field of graph identification. We show that for any graph GG with nn vertices and maximum degree at least~2, (1+o(1))lnnlnlnnCD(G)n1(1+o(1))\frac{\ln n}{\ln\ln n}\leq CD(G) \leq n-1. We discuss the tightness of these bounds and in particular, we characterize the set of graphs reaching the upper bound. We then show that for graphs in which every pair of vertices is connected via a bounded number of paths, CD(G)=Ω(E(G))CD(G)=\Omega\left(\sqrt{|E(G)|}\right), the bound being tight for paths and cycles. We finally investigate the computational complexity of determining CD(G)CD(G) for an input graph GG, showing that the problem is hard and cannot even be approximated efficiently up to a factor of o(logn)o(\log n). We also give an O(nlnn)O\left(\sqrt{n\ln n}\right)-approximation algorithm

    Maker-Breaker domination number

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    The Maker-Breaker domination game is played on a graph GG by Dominator and Staller. The players alternatively select a vertex of GG that was not yet chosen in the course of the game. Dominator wins if at some point the vertices he has chosen form a dominating set. Staller wins if Dominator cannot form a dominating set. In this paper we introduce the Maker-Breaker domination number γMB(G)\gamma_{{\rm MB}}(G) of GG as the minimum number of moves of Dominator to win the game provided that he has a winning strategy and is the first to play. If Staller plays first, then the corresponding invariant is denoted γMB(G)\gamma_{{\rm MB}}'(G). Comparing the two invariants it turns out that they behave much differently than the related game domination numbers. The invariant γMB(G)\gamma_{{\rm MB}}(G) is also compared with the domination number. Using the Erd\H{o}s-Selfridge Criterion a large class of graphs GG is found for which γMB(G)>γ(G)\gamma_{{\rm MB}}(G) > \gamma(G) holds. Residual graphs are introduced and used to bound/determine γMB(G)\gamma_{{\rm MB}}(G) and γMB(G)\gamma_{{\rm MB}}'(G). Using residual graphs, γMB(T)\gamma_{{\rm MB}}(T) and γMB(T)\gamma_{{\rm MB}}'(T) are determined for an arbitrary tree. The invariants are also obtained for cycles and bounded for union of graphs. A list of open problems and directions for further investigations is given.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figure

    Dominating sequences in grid-like and toroidal graphs

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    A longest sequence SS of distinct vertices of a graph GG such that each vertex of SS dominates some vertex that is not dominated by its preceding vertices, is called a Grundy dominating sequence; the length of SS is the Grundy domination number of GG. In this paper we study the Grundy domination number in the four standard graph products: the Cartesian, the lexicographic, the direct, and the strong product. For each of the products we present a lower bound for the Grundy domination number which turns out to be exact for the lexicographic product and is conjectured to be exact for the strong product. In most of the cases exact Grundy domination numbers are determined for products of paths and/or cycles.Comment: 17 pages 3 figure