2,448 research outputs found

    Environmentalism: A Symbiotic Relationship Between a Social Movement and U.S. Law?

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    How to Be Unfaithful to Eurocentrism: A Spanglish Decolonial Critique to Knowledge Gentrification, Captivity and Storycide in Qualitative Research

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    From a position of academic activism, we critique the longstanding dominance del production of knowledge that solely implicates fidelity to Eurocentric methodological technologies en qualitative research. Influenced by an Andean decolonial perspective, en Spanglish we problematize métodos of analysis as the dominant research practice, whereby las stories o relatos result en su appropriation, captivity and gentrification, first by researchers’ authorship and later by the publishing industry copyrights. We highlight the racializing and capitalist colonial/modern Eurocentric agenda del current market of knowledge production that displaces to la periphery all knowledge o relatos that do not subscribe to Euro-US American methodological parameters of what counts as knowledge. Therefore, we intend to heighten the readers’ audibility of another possibility of knowing that does not come from Eurocentric methodologically produced stories. At the forefront of our critique, and as an introduction to a decolonial option, we include our written, uttered, and painted stories, with the political intent of social transformation of coloniality. These seek to denounce power structures that have had incarnated effects on our lives y comunidades. We intend to invite researchers to serve as witnesses of our experiences rather than as critics of methodological rigor. We include final commentaries on a decolonial project to rethink the unquestionable fidelity and dependency toward the current research order of things of el center and la periphery. This is so as to render European technologies of knowledge as only one alternative among many other possible means of legitimate knowledge making in qualitative research. We discuss our hope for epistemological coexistence by which fair and reciprocal intercultural translations of knowledge making could take place, not in the name of equality, but difference

    “You just nod and pin and sew and let them do their thing” : An Analysis of the Wedding Dress as an Artifact and Signifier

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    The bridal gown is perhaps one of the most highly symbolic objects in the contemporary wedding ceremony. Fraught with images of sexuality and femininity, the bride conveys multiple messages with her choice of dress colour, style and adornment. As such, the dress communicates and performs as a significant material culture object within the custom of the wedding. This article examines the wedding dress within the North American context through the experiences of Nancy Harris, a dressmaker. The author discusses the struggles of the bride as she negotiates with family, friends and societal conventions while expressing herself through her choice of dress.La robe de mariée est peut-être l’un des objets les plus hautement symboliques de la cérémonie contemporaine du mariage. Chargée d’images de sexualité et de féminité, la mariée véhicule de multiples messages à travers la couleur, le style et les ornements qu’elle choisit pour sa robe. La robe en elle-même est un instrument de communication et de performance en tant qu’objet signifiant de culture matérielle dans le cadre de la coutume du mariage. Cet article examine la robe de mariée en contexte nord-américain à travers l’expérience de Nancy Harris, couturière. L’auteure discute des luttes de la mariée lorsqu’elle doit négocier avec sa famille, ses amis et les conventions sociales, tout en s’exprimant elle-même à travers le choix de sa robe

    Spartan Daily, October 2, 1989

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    Volume 93, Issue 21https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/7881/thumbnail.jp

    The Cowl - v.82 - n.4 - Sep 28, 2017

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    The Cowl - student newspaper of Providence College. Volume 82, Number 4 - September 28, 2017. 24 pages

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    Reproductive development in pinus taeda l. (loblolly pine), 1986

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    Loblolly pine is the most important forest tree in the Southeastern United States producing the major volume of both commercial timber and pulpwood for the region. Inadequate regeneration of this species has recently been identified as one of the problems of continued high yield of softwood in the Southeast. Part of the solution would be a readily available seed supply for forest nurseries. Here, I report data regarding seed viability, reproductive development and seasonal changes in macromolecules of ovules freshly-excised monthly from conelets collected from the Georgia Forestry Commission's Arrowhead Seed Orchard (Pulaski County, GA). Whereas cone analyses involved assessing the number of pollen grains adhering to the nucellar tissue as well as seed potentials and efficiencies, establishing the time-dependent sequence of reproduction centered about histological preparations of chemically-fixed ovules. Seasonal changes in macromolecules were assessed through both UV-absorption and colorimetric assays of both proteins and nucleic acids precipitated from Miracloth filtrates of ovule homogenates. The mean and standard deviation of the number of pollen grains adhering to the nucellar cap of ovules after pollination were 5.3 + 2.3. Cone analysis of 21 clones revealed that two clones, 558 and 593, were the most productive based upon seed efficiency data. During year one of reproductive development, pollination occurred in March and the female gametophyte began formation in April. Then, ovules proceeded into dormancy in the free nuclear phase of the female gametophyte. During year two, fertilization occurred in the second week of June and by August embryos were distinctly visible. In some instances beginning in June, the deterioration of the female gametophyte initiated empty seeds. Histochemical analyses revealed preferential localizations of both starch and protein within the upper portion of the nucellus. Biochemical analyses of seasonal changes in macromolecular contents demonstrated that protein increased semi-linearly from April and August and then decreased from August to October for year one ovules. Both DNA and RNA rose from April to July and then declined with another elevation in nucleic acid contents occurring from August to September. For year two ovules, the protein content rose linearly from April to August and then declined. The content increased again between September and October. As for time-dependent changes in nucleic acid levels, year two ovules exhibited a linear elevation in DNA with a linear increase in RNA from April to July. The level decreased between July and August, after which, it rose linearly

    The Humanities Review

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    Anaphoric potential of bare nouns and event structure in Turkish

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    This dissertation provides insight into the discourse-pragmatic properties of Turkish bare nouns within incorporation structures. It underscores the necessity for nuanced analyses by outlining various perspectives that categorize these constructions based on their verb types. By distinguishing between bare nouns with regular verbs, idiomatic constructions, and those with true light or vague action verbs, it reveals the variable behavior inherent in these constructions. To facilitate this distinction, an incorporation strictness scale is proposed, illustrating the varying degrees of bond between bare nouns and verbs, indicating stricter adherence to properties of true incorporation in idiomatic constructions compared to those with regular verbs. Furthermore, this dissertation contributes to the ongoing debate regarding the anaphoric potential of bare nouns by presenting new experimental evidence from two acceptability judgment studies. The first study reveals that Turkish bare nouns exhibit properties of discourse translucency, indicating that bare nouns indeed introduce discourse referents but require complex rules for anaphoric uptake. The second study delves into the interplay between nominal and verbal parameters influencing the anaphoric potential of bare nouns. Specifically, it shows that creation verbs result in a higher degree of affectedness compared to usage verbs, and provides evidence that bare nouns used with creation verbs are better suited for subsequent anaphoric uptake. The proposed modification within DRT accounts for the degree of change in the theme participant along a scale, distinguishing between the source and result state of an event participant. The data presented highlights the importance of investigating different event types and the role of affectedness on the anaphoric potential of bare nouns

    Some Versions Of Timon\u27s Epitaph: Performance, Text, And Gift In Shakespeare And Middleton\u27s Timon Of Athens

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    This paper examines how notions of textuality influence the production of William Shakespeare and Thomas Middleton\u27s Timon of Athens in both scholarly, print editions and in theatrical performances of the play. It focuses specifically on the scenes involving Timon\u27s epitaph, which have proven difficult to handle both editorially and theatrically, and seeks to show how changing views of the nature of textuality has significantly altered the way that different readers and audiences encounter this play. These issues regarding the idea of textuality begin with the play itself, which enacts its own ideas about the power of texts to intervene in human affairs. This is accomplished by framing the play\u27s harsh critique of socio-economic relations--centering on ideas of the gift and the counterfeit--within a contestation of different modes of artistic representation. Timon\u27s epitaph emerges at the end of this contest as a specifically textual emblem. How different editions and productions of Timon of Athens treat this textual moment in the play then offers insights into their own notions of textuality, and it demonstrates how these views influence their specific editorial and theatrical decisions about how to present this play to their respective audiences. Therefore, a review of the editorial and performance history that focuses on editions and productions which offer unique treatments of the epitaph scenes highlights the significant role that ideas of textuality play in shaping these versions of the play. It also suggests how work in the field of textual studies can ultimately influence theater practice
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