5 research outputs found

    Axiomatic and operational connections between the l1l_1-norm of coherence and negativity

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    Quantum coherence plays a central role in various research areas. The l1l_1-norm of coherence is one of the most important coherence measures that are easily computable, but it is not easy to find a simple interpretation. We show that the l1l_1-norm of coherence is uniquely characterized by a few simple axioms, which demonstrates in a precise sense that it is the analog of negativity in entanglement theory and sum negativity in the resource theory of magic-state quantum computation. We also provide an operational interpretation of the l1l_1-norm of coherence as the maximum entanglement, measured by the negativity, produced by incoherent operations acting on the system and an incoherent ancilla. To achieve this goal, we clarify the relation between the l1l_1-norm of coherence and negativity for all bipartite states, which leads to an interesting generalization of maximally correlated states. Surprisingly, all entangled states thus obtained are distillable. Moreover, their entanglement cost and distillable entanglement can be computed explicitly for a qubit-qudit system.Comment: 5+7 pages, 1 figure, published in PR

    Coherifying quantum channels

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    Is it always possible to explain random stochastic transitions between states of a finite-dimensional system as arising from the deterministic quantum evolution of the system? If not, then what is the minimal amount of randomness required by quantum theory to explain a given stochastic process? Here, we address this problem by studying possible coherifications of a quantum channel Φ\Phi, i.e., we look for channels ΦC\Phi^{\mathcal{C}} that induce the same classical transitions TT, but are "more coherent". To quantify the coherence of a channel Φ\Phi we measure the coherence of the corresponding Jamio{\l}kowski state JΦJ_{\Phi}. We show that the classical transition matrix TT can be coherified to reversible unitary dynamics if and only if TT is unistochastic. Otherwise the Jamio{\l}kowski state JΦCJ_\Phi^{\mathcal{C}} of the optimally coherified channel is mixed, and the dynamics must necessarily be irreversible. To assess the extent to which an optimal process ΦC\Phi^{\mathcal{C}} is indeterministic we find explicit bounds on the entropy and purity of JΦCJ_\Phi^{\mathcal{C}}, and relate the latter to the unitarity of ΦC\Phi^{\mathcal{C}}. We also find optimal coherifications for several classes of channels, including all one-qubit channels. Finally, we provide a non-optimal coherification procedure that works for an arbitrary channel Φ\Phi and reduces its rank (the minimal number of required Kraus operators) from d2d^2 to dd.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures. Published versio

    Using and reusing coherence to realize quantum processes

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    Coherent superposition is a key feature of quantum mechanics that underlies the advantage of quantum technologies over their classical counterparts. Recently, coherence has been recast as a resource theory in an attempt to identify and quantify it in an operationally well-defined manner. Here we study how the coherence present in a state can be used to implement a quantum channel via incoherent operations and, in turn, to assess its degree of coherence. We introduce the robustness of coherence of a quantum channel---which reduces to the homonymous measure for states when computed on constant-output channels---and prove that: i) it quantifies the minimal rank of a maximally coherent state required to implement the channel; ii) its logarithm quantifies the amortized cost of implementing the channel provided some coherence is recovered at the output; iii) its logarithm also quantifies the zero-error asymptotic cost of implementation of many independent copies of a channel. We also consider the generalized problem of imperfect implementation with arbitrary resource states. Using the robustness of coherence, we find that in general a quantum channel can be implemented without employing a maximally coherent resource state. In fact, we prove that \textit{every} pure coherent state in dimension larger than 22, however weakly so, turns out to be a valuable resource to implement \textit{some} coherent unitary channel. We illustrate our findings for the case of single-qubit unitary channels.Comment: 8 pages (main text) + 9 pages (supplementary material). Comments welcome. v2: minor edits to the introduction. v3: version accepted for publication in Quantu

    Quantifying the magic of quantum channels

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    To achieve universal quantum computation via general fault-tolerant schemes, stabilizer operations must be supplemented with other non-stabilizer quantum resources. Motivated by this necessity, we develop a resource theory for magic quantum channels to characterize and quantify the quantum "magic" or non-stabilizerness of noisy quantum circuits. For qudit quantum computing with odd dimension dd, it is known that quantum states with non-negative Wigner function can be efficiently simulated classically. First, inspired by this observation, we introduce a resource theory based on completely positive-Wigner-preserving quantum operations as free operations, and we show that they can be efficiently simulated via a classical algorithm. Second, we introduce two efficiently computable magic measures for quantum channels, called the mana and thauma of a quantum channel. As applications, we show that these measures not only provide fundamental limits on the distillable magic of quantum channels, but they also lead to lower bounds for the task of synthesizing non-Clifford gates. Third, we propose a classical algorithm for simulating noisy quantum circuits, whose sample complexity can be quantified by the mana of a quantum channel. We further show that this algorithm can outperform another approach for simulating noisy quantum circuits, based on channel robustness. Finally, we explore the threshold of non-stabilizerness for basic quantum circuits under depolarizing noise.Comment: 44 pages, 7 figures; v2 close to published versio