21,329 research outputs found

    Single machine scheduling with general positional deterioration and rate-modifying maintenance

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    We present polynomial-time algorithms for single machine problems with generalized positional deterioration effects and machine maintenance. The decisions should be taken regarding possible sequences of jobs and on the number of maintenance activities to be included into a schedule in order to minimize the overall makespan. We deal with general non-decreasing functions to represent deterioration rates of job processing times. Another novel extension of existing models is our assumption that a maintenance activity does not necessarily fully restore the machine to its original perfect state. In the resulting schedules, the jobs are split into groups, a particular group to be sequenced after a particular maintenance period, and the actual processing time of a job is affected by the group that job is placed into and its position within the group

    Optimal Composition Ordering Problems for Piecewise Linear Functions

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    In this paper, we introduce maximum composition ordering problems. The input is nn real functions f1,,fn:RRf_1,\dots,f_n:\mathbb{R}\to\mathbb{R} and a constant cRc\in\mathbb{R}. We consider two settings: total and partial compositions. The maximum total composition ordering problem is to compute a permutation σ:[n][n]\sigma:[n]\to[n] which maximizes fσ(n)fσ(n1)fσ(1)(c)f_{\sigma(n)}\circ f_{\sigma(n-1)}\circ\dots\circ f_{\sigma(1)}(c), where [n]={1,,n}[n]=\{1,\dots,n\}. The maximum partial composition ordering problem is to compute a permutation σ:[n][n]\sigma:[n]\to[n] and a nonnegative integer k (0kn)k~(0\le k\le n) which maximize fσ(k)fσ(k1)fσ(1)(c)f_{\sigma(k)}\circ f_{\sigma(k-1)}\circ\dots\circ f_{\sigma(1)}(c). We propose O(nlogn)O(n\log n) time algorithms for the maximum total and partial composition ordering problems for monotone linear functions fif_i, which generalize linear deterioration and shortening models for the time-dependent scheduling problem. We also show that the maximum partial composition ordering problem can be solved in polynomial time if fif_i is of form max{aix+bi,ci}\max\{a_ix+b_i,c_i\} for some constants ai(0)a_i\,(\ge 0), bib_i and cic_i. We finally prove that there exists no constant-factor approximation algorithm for the problems, even if fif_i's are monotone, piecewise linear functions with at most two pieces, unless P=NP.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    Combining time and position dependent effects on a single machine subject to rate-modifying activities

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    We introduce a general model for single machine scheduling problems, in which the actual processing times of jobs are subject to a combination of positional and time-dependent effects, that are job-independent but additionally depend on certain activities that modify the processing rate of the machine, such as, maintenance. We focus on minimizing two classical objectives: the makespan and the sum of the completion times. The traditional classification accepted in this area of scheduling is based on the distinction between the learning and deterioration effects on one hand, and between the positional effects and the start-time dependent effects on the other hand. Our results show that in the framework of the introduced model such a classification is not necessary, as long as the effects are job-independent. The model introduced in this paper covers most of the previously known models. The solution algorithms are developed within the same general framework and their running times are no worse than those available earlier for problems with less general effects

    Some scheduling problems with deteriorating jobs and learning effects

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    Author name used in this publication: T. C. E. Cheng2007-2008 > Academic research: refereed > Publication in refereed journalAccepted ManuscriptPublishe

    Approximation schemes for scheduling on a single machine subject to cumulative deterioration and maintenance

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    We consider a scheduling problem on a single machine to minimize the makespan. The processing conditions are subject to cumulative deterioration, but can be restored by a single maintenance. We link the problem to the Subset-sum problem (if the duration of maintenance is constant) and to the Half-Product Problem (if the duration of maintenance depends on its start time). For both versions of the problem, we adapt the existing fully polynomial-time approximation schemes to our problems by handling the additive constants

    A Novel Approach to the Common Due-Date Problem on Single and Parallel Machines

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    This paper presents a novel idea for the general case of the Common Due-Date (CDD) scheduling problem. The problem is about scheduling a certain number of jobs on a single or parallel machines where all the jobs possess different processing times but a common due-date. The objective of the problem is to minimize the total penalty incurred due to earliness or tardiness of the job completions. This work presents exact polynomial algorithms for optimizing a given job sequence for single and identical parallel machines with the run-time complexities of O(nlogn)O(n \log n) for both cases, where nn is the number of jobs. Besides, we show that our approach for the parallel machine case is also suitable for non-identical parallel machines. We prove the optimality for the single machine case and the runtime complexities of both. Henceforth, we extend our approach to one particular dynamic case of the CDD and conclude the chapter with our results for the benchmark instances provided in the OR-library.Comment: Book Chapter 22 page

    Common Due-Date Problem: Exact Polynomial Algorithms for a Given Job Sequence

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    This paper considers the problem of scheduling jobs on single and parallel machines where all the jobs possess different processing times but a common due date. There is a penalty involved with each job if it is processed earlier or later than the due date. The objective of the problem is to find the assignment of jobs to machines, the processing sequence of jobs and the time at which they are processed, which minimizes the total penalty incurred due to tardiness or earliness of the jobs. This work presents exact polynomial algorithms for optimizing a given job sequence or single and parallel machines with the run-time complexities of O(nlogn)O(n \log n) and O(mn2logn)O(mn^2 \log n) respectively, where nn is the number of jobs and mm the number of machines. The algorithms take a sequence consisting of all the jobs (Ji,i=1,2,,n)(J_i, i=1,2,\dots,n) as input and distribute the jobs to machines (for m>1m>1) along with their best completion times so as to get the least possible total penalty for this sequence. We prove the optimality for the single machine case and the runtime complexities of both. Henceforth, we present the results for the benchmark instances and compare with previous work for single and parallel machine cases, up to 200200 jobs.Comment: 15th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computin