4,063 research outputs found

    Analysis and operational challenges of dynamic ride sharing demand responsive transportation models

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    There is a wide body of evidence that suggests sustainable mobility is not only a technological question, but that automotive technology will be a part of the solution in becoming a necessary albeit insufficient condition. Sufficiency is emerging as a paradigm shift from car ownership to vehicle usage, which is a consequence of socio-economic changes. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) now make it possible for a user to access a mobility service to go anywhere at any time. Among the many emerging mobility services, Multiple Passenger Ridesharing and its variants look the most promising. However, challenges arise in implementing these systems while accounting specifically for time dependencies and time windows that reflect users’ needs, specifically in terms of real-time fleet dispatching and dynamic route calculation. On the other hand, we must consider the feasibility and impact analysis of the many factors influencing the behavior of the system – as, for example, service demand, the size of the service fleet, the capacity of the shared vehicles and whether the time window requirements are soft or tight. This paper analyzes - a Decision Support System that computes solutions with ad hoc heuristics applied to variants of Pick Up and Delivery Problems with Time Windows, as well as to Feasibility and Profitability criteria rooted in Dynamic Insertion Heuristics. To evaluate the applications, a Simulation Framework is proposed. It is based on a microscopic simulation model that emulates real-time traffic conditions and a real traffic information system. It also interacts with the Decision Support System by feeding it with the required data for making decisions in the simulation that emulate the behavior of the shared fleet. The proposed simulation framework has been implemented in a model of Barcelona’s Central Business District. The obtained results prove the potential feasibility of the mobility concept.Postprint (published version

    Workforce scheduling and planning : a combinatorial approach

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    This thesis investigates solution methodologies for concrete combinatorial problems in scheduling and planning. In all considered problems, it is assumed that the available information does not change over time; hence these problems have a deterministic structure. The problems studied in this thesis are divided into two groups; \workforce scheduling" and \planning". In workforce scheduling, the center problem is to build a schedule of tasks and technicians. It is assumed that the time line is split into workdays. In every workday, tasks must be grouped as sequences, each being performed by a team of technicians. Skill requirements of every task in a sequence must be met by the assigned team. This scheduling problem with some other aspects is di??cult to solve quickly and e??ciently. We developed a Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) based heuristic approach to tackle this complex scheduling problem. Our MIP model is basically a formulation of the matching problem on bipartite graphs and it enabled us to have a global way of assigning technicians to tasks. It is capable of revising technician-task allocations and performs very well, especially in the case of rare skills. A workday schedule of the aforementioned problem includes many-to-one type workforce assignments. As the second problem in workforce scheduling, stability of these workforce assignments is investigated. The stability de??nition of Gale-Shapley on the Marriage model is extended to the setting of multi-skill workforce assignments. It is shown that ??nding stable assignments is NP-hard. In some special cases stable assignments can be constructed in polynomial time. For the general case, we give linear inequalities of binary variables that describe the set of stable assignments. We propose a MIP model including these linear inequalities. To the best of our knowledge, the Gale-Shapley stability is not studied under the multi-skill workforce scheduling framework so far in the literature. The closed form description of stable assignments is also the ??rst embedding of the Gale-Shapley stability concept into an NP-complete problem. In the second problem group, two vehicle related problems are studied; the "dial a ride problem" and the "vehicle refueling problem". In the former, the goal is to check whether a list of pick-up and delivery tasks can be achieved under several timing constraints. It is shown this feasibility testing can be done in linear time using interval graphs. In the vehicle refueling problem, the goal is to make refueling decisions to reach a destination such that the cost of the travel is minimized. A greedy algorithm is presented to ??nd optimal refueling decisions. Moreover, it is shown that the vehicle refueling problem is equivalent to a ow problem on a special network

    Local search in physical distribution management

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    Physical distribution management presents a variety of decision making problems at three levels of strategic, tactical and operational planning. The importance of effective and efficient distribution management is evident from its associated costs. Physical distribution management at the operational level, which is considered in this paper is responsible for an important fraction of the total distribution costs. Not surprisingly, there is a growing demand for planning systems that produce economical routes. Enormous theoretical as well as practical advances have been made, in the last decade. Some of the resulting vehicle and scheduling models will be discussed in this paper, like vehicle routing problem with time window and the pickup and delivery problem with time window

    Transfers in the on-demand transportation: the DARPT Dial-a-Ride Problem with transfers allowed

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    International audienceToday, the on-demand transportation is used for elderly and disabled people for short distances. Each user provides a specific demand: a particular ride from an origin to a destination with hard time constraints like time windows, maximum user ride time, maximum route duration limits and precedence. This paper deals with the resolution of these problems (Dial-a-Ride Problems - DARP), including the possibility of one transshipment from a transfer point by request. We propose an algorithm based on insertion techniques and constraints propagation

    An efficient implementation of local search algorithms for constrained routing problems

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    We investigate the implementation of local search algorithms for routing problems with various side constraints such as time windows on vertices and precedence relations between vertices. The algorithms are based on the k-exchange concept. In the case of unconstrained routing problems, a single k-exchange can obviously be processed in constant time. In the presence of side constraints feasibility problems arise. Testing the feasibility of a single solution requires an amount of time that is linear in the number of vertices. We show how this effort can, on the average, still be reduced to a constant
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