21 research outputs found

    A nonuniform popularity-similarity optimization (nPSO) model to efficiently generate realistic complex networks with communities

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    The hidden metric space behind complex network topologies is a fervid topic in current network science and the hyperbolic space is one of the most studied, because it seems associated to the structural organization of many real complex systems. The Popularity-Similarity-Optimization (PSO) model simulates how random geometric graphs grow in the hyperbolic space, reproducing strong clustering and scale-free degree distribution, however it misses to reproduce an important feature of real complex networks, which is the community organization. The Geometrical-Preferential-Attachment (GPA) model was recently developed to confer to the PSO also a community structure, which is obtained by forcing different angular regions of the hyperbolic disk to have variable level of attractiveness. However, the number and size of the communities cannot be explicitly controlled in the GPA, which is a clear limitation for real applications. Here, we introduce the nonuniform PSO (nPSO) model that, differently from GPA, forces heterogeneous angular node attractiveness by sampling the angular coordinates from a tailored nonuniform probability distribution, for instance a mixture of Gaussians. The nPSO differs from GPA in other three aspects: it allows to explicitly fix the number and size of communities; it allows to tune their mixing property through the network temperature; it is efficient to generate networks with high clustering. After several tests we propose the nPSO as a valid and efficient model to generate networks with communities in the hyperbolic space, which can be adopted as a realistic benchmark for different tasks such as community detection and link prediction

    Latent Geometry Inspired Graph Dissimilarities Enhance Affinity Propagation Community Detection in Complex Networks

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    Affinity propagation is one of the most effective unsupervised pattern recognition algorithms for data clustering in high-dimensional feature space. However, the numerous attempts to test its performance for community detection in complex networks have been attaining results very far from the state of the art methods such as Infomap and Louvain. Yet, all these studies agreed that the crucial problem is to convert the unweighted network topology in a 'smart-enough' node dissimilarity matrix that is able to properly address the message passing procedure behind affinity propagation clustering. Here we introduce a conceptual innovation and we discuss how to leverage network latent geometry notions in order to design dissimilarity matrices for affinity propagation community detection. Our results demonstrate that the latent geometry inspired dissimilarity measures we design bring affinity propagation to equal or outperform current state of the art methods for community detection. These findings are solidly proven considering both synthetic 'realistic' networks (with known ground-truth communities) and real networks (with community metadata), even when the data structure is corrupted by noise artificially induced by missing or spurious connectivity

    Intra-community link formation and modularity in ultracold growing hyperbolic networks

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    Hyperbolic network models, centered around the idea of placing nodes at random in a hyperbolic space and drawing links according to a probability that decreases as a function of the distance, provide a simple, yet also very capable framework for grasping the small-world, scale-free, highly clustered and modular nature of complex systems that are often referred to as real-world networks. In the present work we study the community structure of networks generated by the Popularity Similarity Optimization model (corresponding to one of the fundamental, widely known hyperbolic models) when the temperature parameter (responsible for tuning the clustering coefficient) is set to the limiting value of zero. By focusing on the intra-community link formation we derive analytical expressions for the expected modularity of a partitioning consisting of equally sized angular sectors in the native disk representation of the 2d hyperbolic space. Our formulas improve earlier results to a great extent, being able to estimate the average modularity (measured by numerical simulations) with high precision in a considerably larger range both in terms of the model parameters and also the relative size of the communities with respect to the entire network. These findings enhance our comprehension of how modules form in hyperbolic networks. The existence of these modules is somewhat unexpected, given the absence of explicit community formation steps in the model definition