5 research outputs found

    Towards a development of a users’ ratified acceptance of multi-biometrics intentions model (RAMIM): Initial empirical results

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    User authentication is a continuous balance between the level of invasiveness and system security. Password protection has been the most widely user authentication approach used, however, it is easily compromised. Biometrics authentication devices have been implemented as less compromised approach. This paper reports on initial results of user perceptions about their acceptance of a multi-biometrics authentication approach in the context of elearning systems. Specifically, this paper reports on the initial empirical results on the development of a learners’ Ratified Acceptance of Multibiometrics Intentions Model (RAMIM). The model proposed look at the contributions of learners’ code of conduct awareness, perceived ease-of-use, perceived usefulness, and ethical decision making to their intention to use multi-biometrics for authentication during e-learning exams. The study participants included 97 managers from service oriented organization and government agencies who attended e-learning courses. Results demonstrated high reliability for all constructs measured and indicated that perceived easeof-use and perceived usefulness are significant contributors to learners’ intention to use multi-biometrics. Conversely, code of conduct awareness appears to have little or no contribution on learners’ intention to use multibiometrics, while learners’ ethical decision making appears to have marginal contribution

    Current State of Information Security Research In IS

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    The importance of information security in a pervasive networked environment is undeniable, yet there is a lack of research in this area. In this study we conduct a comprehensive survey of the information security articles published in leading IS journals. We then compared the research themes with those of the IBM Information Security Capability Reference Model

    Application of CBIR techniques for the purpose of biometric identification based on human gait

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    Intenzivan razvoj informaciono-komunikacionih tehnologija otvorio je vrata primeni biometrijskih tehnologija u menadžmentu identiteta. Biometrijski modalitet koji ima veliki potencijal za primenu u praksi je ljudski hod. Njega odlikuju neinvazivnost i neintruzivnost. Ovakve osobine posebno pogoduju primeni u uslovima tehnologije prismotre. Zahvaljujući tome, ovaj biometrijski modalitet tokom prethodnih godina izaziva veliko interesovanje akademske zajednice. Ovo interesovanje rezultiralo je razvojem velikog broja pristupa za prepoznavanje osoba na osnovu hoda. Uprkos tome, primena biometrijskih tehnologija zasnovanih na ljudskom hodu u praksi i dalje zaostaje za dobro ustanovljenim modalitetima poput otiska prsta, lica ili glasa. Glavni razlog je nedostatak odgovarajućeg pristupa koji bi omogućio stabilnu primenu u realnim uslovima. Cilj ovog rada je predlog novog postupka za prepoznavanje osoba na osnovu hoda koji bi omogućio razvoj robusnog i pristupačnog biometrijskog sistema. Inicijalno, urađen je sveobuhvatan pregled oblasti i aktuelnih istraživanja na osnovu čega je predložen novi postupak. Predloženi postupak se zasniva na ideji da se sekvenca ljudskog hoda može predstaviti kao jedna nepomična 2D slika. Ovakav postupak omogućio bi da se za potrebe prepoznavanja primene generičke metode za pretragu slika na osnovu sadržaja. Na ovakav način problem bi bio prenet iz prostorno-vremenskog domena u prostorni domen, konkretno domen 2D nepomične slike, koji je poznat i u kome postoji veliki broj dokazanih rešenja. Za potrebe akvizicije, postupak se oslanja na novu tehnologiju iz oblasti interakcije čovek-računar, Microsoft Kinect. Na osnovu predloženog postupka razvijen je modularni laboratorijski prototip kao i okruženje za testiranje i evaluaciju. Naučna zasnovanost i opravdanost predloženog postupka proverena je nizom eksperimenata. Eksperimenti su organizovani na takav način da ispitaju različite faktore koji tokom primene postupka mogu uticati na konačne performanse u prepoznavanju. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da predloženi postupak odlilkuje visok stepen robusnosti kao i visoka preciznost u prepoznavanju...Intense progress of information and communications technology enabled application of biometric technology in identity management. Human gait, as a biometric modality, has great potential for practical application. This is due to its noninvasive and nonintrusive nature. Surveillance technology is especially fertile ground for recognition based on human gait. These facts caused spike in academic interest for this biometric modality. This in turn resulted in development of large number of different approaches to human gait recognition. Nevertheless, practical application of biometric technology based on human gait still trails those well established modalities such as fingerprint, face or voice. Main reason for this is lacking of such approach that would enable stable use in realistic conditions. Goal of this paper is to propose a new approach for human gait recognition that would result in robust and affordable biometric system. Initially, a comprehensive review of research area and existing research was done that served as a base for the proposition of new approach. This new approach is based on the idea that human gait sequence can be represented as a single 2D still image. Using images would open the possibility of applying Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) techniques for the purpose of final recognition. This procedure shifts the problem form spatio-temporal towards spatial domain, specifically the space of 2D still image that is well researched and familiar. For acquisition purposes approach relies on new human-computer interaction technology, Microsoft Kinect. As proof of concept, a modular laboratory prototype was developed as well as environment for testing and evaluation. Foundation of the proposed approach was tested through a series of experiments. Empirical evaluation was performed in such a manner to investigate the influence of different contributing factors to system performance. Based on retrieved results a conclusion is reached that the proposed approach is highly robust and achieves high recognition rates..

    Bioelectrical User Authentication

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    There has been tremendous growth of mobile devices, which includes mobile phones, tablets etc. in recent years. The use of mobile phone is more prevalent due to their increasing functionality and capacity. Most of the mobile phones available now are smart phones and better processing capability hence their deployment for processing large volume of information. The information contained in these smart phones need to be protected against unauthorised persons from getting hold of personal data. To verify a legitimate user before accessing the phone information, the user authentication mechanism should be robust enough to meet present security challenge. The present approach for user authentication is cumbersome and fails to consider the human factor. The point of entry mechanism is intrusive which forces users to authenticate always irrespectively of the time interval. The use of biometric is identified as a more reliable method for implementing a transparent and non-intrusive user authentication. Transparent authentication using biometrics provides the opportunity for more convenient and secure authentication over secret-knowledge or token-based approaches. The ability to apply biometrics in a transparent manner improves the authentication security by providing a reliable way for smart phone user authentication. As such, research is required to investigate new modalities that would easily operate within the constraints of a continuous and transparent authentication system. This thesis explores the use of bioelectrical signals and contextual information for non-intrusive approach for authenticating a user of a mobile device. From fusion of bioelectrical signals and context awareness information, three algorithms where created to discriminate subjects with overall Equal Error Rate (EER of 3.4%, 2.04% and 0.27% respectively. Based vii | P a g e on the analysis from the multi-algorithm implementation, a novel architecture is proposed using a multi-algorithm biometric authentication system for authentication a user of a smart phone. The framework is designed to be continuous, transparent with the application of advanced intelligence to further improve the authentication result. With the proposed framework, it removes the inconvenience of password/passphrase etc. memorability, carrying of token or capturing a biometric sample in an intrusive manner. The framework is evaluated through simulation with the application of a voting scheme. The simulation of the voting scheme using majority voting improved to the performance of the combine algorithm (security level 2) to FRR of 22% and FAR of 0%, the Active algorithm (security level 2) to FRR of 14.33% and FAR of 0% while the Non-active algorithm (security level 3) to FRR of 10.33% and FAR of 0%