2,071 research outputs found

    Discrete time optimal control with frequency constraints for non-smooth systems

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    We present a Pontryagin maximum principle for discrete time optimal control problems with (a) pointwise constraints on the control actions and the states, (b) frequency constraints on the control and the state trajectories, and (c) nonsmooth dynamical systems. Pointwise constraints on the states and the control actions represent desired and/or physical limitations on the states and the control values; such constraints are important and are widely present in the optimal control literature. Constraints of the type (b), while less standard in the literature, effectively serve the purpose of describing important spectral properties of inertial actuators and systems. The conjunction of constraints of the type (a) and (b) is a relatively new phenomenon in optimal control but are important for the synthesis control trajectories with a high degree of fidelity. The maximum principle established here provides first order necessary conditions for optimality that serve as a starting point for the synthesis of control trajectories corresponding to a large class of constrained motion planning problems that have high accuracy in a computationally tractable fashion. Moreover, the ability to handle a reasonably large class of nonsmooth dynamical systems that arise in practice ensures broad applicability our theory, and we include several illustrations of our results on standard problems

    Non-linear eigenvalue problems arising from growth maximization of positive linear dynamical systems

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    We study a growth maximization problem for a continuous time positive linear system with switches. This is motivated by a problem of mathematical biology (modeling growth-fragmentation processes and the PMCA protocol). We show that the growth rate is determined by the non-linear eigenvalue of a max-plus analogue of the Ruelle-Perron-Frobenius operator, or equivalently, by the ergodic constant of a Hamilton-Jacobi (HJ) partial differential equation, the solutions or subsolutions of which yield Barabanov and extremal norms, respectively. We exploit contraction properties of order preserving flows, with respect to Hilbert's projective metric, to show that the non-linear eigenvector of the operator, or the "weak KAM" solution of the HJ equation, does exist. Low dimensional examples are presented, showing that the optimal control can lead to a limit cycle.Comment: 8 page

    Equilibrium Problems with Equilibrium Constraints via Multiobjective Optimization

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    The paper concerns a new class of optimization-related problems called Equilibrium Problems with Equilibrium Constraints (EPECs). One may treat them as two level hierarchical problems, which involve equilibria at both lower and upper levels. Such problems naturally appear in various applications providing an equilibrium counterpart (at the upper level) of Mathematical Programs with Equilibrium Constraints (MPECs). We develop a unified approach to both EPECs and MPECs from the viewpoint of multiobjective optimization subject to equilibrium constraints. The problems of this type are intrinsically nonsmooth and require the use of generalized differentiation for their analysis and applications. This paper presents necessary optimality conditions for EPECs in finite-dimensional spaces based an advanced generalized variational tools of variational analysis. The optimality conditions are derived in normal form under certain qualification requirements, which can be regarded as proper analogs of the classical Mangasarian-Fromovitz constraint qualification in the general settings under consideration

    Charactarizations of Linear Suboptimality for Mathematical Programs with Equilibrium Constraints

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    The paper is devoted to the study of a new notion of linear suboptimality in constrained mathematical programming. This concept is different from conventional notions of solutions to optimization-related problems, while seems to be natural and significant from the viewpoint of modern variational analysis and applications. In contrast to standard notions, it admits complete characterizations via appropriate constructions of generalized differentiation in nonconvex settings. In this paper we mainly focus on various classes of mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints (MPECs), whose principal role has been well recognized in optimization theory and its applications. Based on robust generalized differential calculus, we derive new results giving pointwise necessary and sufficient conditions for linear suboptimality in general MPECs and its important specifications involving variational and quasi variational inequalities, implicit complementarity problems, etc

    Discrete Approximations of a Controlled Sweeping Process

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    The paper is devoted to the study of a new class of optimal control problems governed by the classical Moreau sweeping process with the new feature that the polyhe- dral moving set is not fixed while controlled by time-dependent functions. The dynamics of such problems is described by dissipative non-Lipschitzian differential inclusions with state constraints of equality and inequality types. It makes challenging and difficult their anal- ysis and optimization. In this paper we establish some existence results for the sweeping process under consideration and develop the method of discrete approximations that allows us to strongly approximate, in the W^{1,2} topology, optimal solutions of the continuous-type sweeping process by their discrete counterparts

    Relative Pareto Minimizers to Multiobjective Problems: Existence and Optimality Conditions

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    In this paper we introduce and study enhanced notions of relative Pareto minimizers to constrained multiobjective problems that are defined via several kinds of relative interiors of ordering cones and occupy intermediate positions between the classical notions of Pareto and weak Pareto efficiency/minimality. Using advanced tools of variational analysis and generalized differentiation, we establish the existence of relative Pareto minimizers to general multiobjective problems under a refined version of the subdifferential Palais-Smale condition for set-valued mappings with values in partially ordered spaces and then derive necessary optimality conditions for these minimizers (as well as for conventional efficient and weak efficient counterparts) that are new in both finite-dimensional and infinite-dimensional settings. Our proofs are based on variational and extremal principles of variational analysis; in particular, on new versions of the Ekeland variational principle and the subdifferential variational principle for set-valued and single-valued mappings in infinite-dimensional spaces
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