6,702 research outputs found

    A new parallel domain decomposition method for the adaptive finite element solution of elliptic partial differential equations

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    We present a new domain decomposition algorithm for the parallel finite element solution of elliptic partial differential equations. As with most parallel domain decomposition methods each processor is assigned one or more subdomains and an iteration is devised which allows the processors to solve their own subproblem(s) concurrently. The novel feature of this algorithm however is that each of these subproblems is defined over the entire domain - although the vast majority of the degrees of freedom for each subproblem are associated with a single subdomain (owned by the corresponding processor). This ensures that a global mechanism is contained within each of the subproblems tackled and so no separate coarse grid solve is required in order to achieve rapid convergence of the overall iteration. Furthermore, by following the paradigm introduced in [15], it is demonstrated that this domain decomposition solver may be coupled easily with a conventional mesh refinement code, thus allowing the accuracy, reliability and efficiency of mesh adaptivity to be utilized in a well load-balanced manner. Finally, numerical evidence is presented which suggests that this technique has significant potential, both in terms of the rapid convergence properties and the efficiency of the parallel implementation

    A Frugal FETI-DP and BDDC Coarse Space for Heterogeneous Problems

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    The convergence rate of domain decomposition methods is generally determined by the eigenvalues of the preconditioned system. For second-order elliptic partial differential equations, coefficient discontinuities with a large contrast can lead to a deterioration of the convergence rate. Only by implementing an appropriate coarse space or second level, a robust domain decomposition method can be obtained. In this article, a new frugal coarse space for FETI-DP (Finite Element Tearing and Interconnecting - Dual Primal) and BDDC (Balancing Domain Decomposition by Constraints) methods is presented, which has a lower set-up cost than competing adaptive coarse spaces. In particular, in contrast to adaptive coarse spaces, it does not require the solution of any local generalized eigenvalue problems. The approach considered here aims at a low-dimensional approximation of the adaptive coarse space by using appropriate weighted averages and is robust for a broad range of coefficient distributions for diffusion and elasticity problems. In this article, the robustness is heuristically justified as well as numerically shown for several coefficient distributions. The new coarse space is compared to adaptive coarse spaces, and parallel scalability up to 262,144 parallel cores for a parallel BDDC implementation with the new coarse space is shown. The superiority of the new coarse space over classic coarse spaces with respect to parallel weak scalability and time to solution is confirmed by numerical experiments

    Algorithms and data structures for adaptive multigrid elliptic solvers

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    Adaptive refinement and the complicated data structures required to support it are discussed. These data structures must be carefully tuned, especially in three dimensions where the time and storage requirements of algorithms are crucial. Another major issue is grid generation. The options available seem to be curvilinear fitted grids, constructed on iterative graphics systems, and unfitted Cartesian grids, which can be constructed automatically. On several grounds, including storage requirements, the second option seems preferrable for the well behaved scalar elliptic problems considered here. A variety of techniques for treatment of boundary conditions on such grids are reviewed. A new approach, which may overcome some of the difficulties encountered with previous approaches, is also presented

    A bibliography on parallel and vector numerical algorithms

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    This is a bibliography of numerical methods. It also includes a number of other references on machine architecture, programming language, and other topics of interest to scientific computing. Certain conference proceedings and anthologies which have been published in book form are listed also

    Nonconforming mortar element methods: Application to spectral discretizations

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    Spectral element methods are p-type weighted residual techniques for partial differential equations that combine the generality of finite element methods with the accuracy of spectral methods. Presented here is a new nonconforming discretization which greatly improves the flexibility of the spectral element approach as regards automatic mesh generation and non-propagating local mesh refinement. The method is based on the introduction of an auxiliary mortar trace space, and constitutes a new approach to discretization-driven domain decomposition characterized by a clean decoupling of the local, structure-preserving residual evaluations and the transmission of boundary and continuity conditions. The flexibility of the mortar method is illustrated by several nonconforming adaptive Navier-Stokes calculations in complex geometry