3,817 research outputs found

    Nonlinear error correction, asymmetric adjusment and cointegration

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    This paper has three main components. First, it outlines a model of nonlinear error correction (NEC) in which the linear error correction term a'Xt (the vector time series Xt is cointegrated, a is the cointegrating vector) is replaced by the nonlinear term g(a'X),ˇ where g(.) is a nonlinear function. Second, several types of asymmetries are discussed. The NEC model is shown to have an underlying structural model in the form of an adjustment cost model, with asymmetric adjustment costs. The implications for the NEC model of trending targets are explained. Third, it is shown that nonlinear error correction is present in a trivariate series of UK employment, wage, and capital stock

    Non-linear error correction, asymmetric adjustment and cointegration

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    This article links the intertemporal choice model with the non-linear error correction (NEC) model. It has three main components. First, it outlines a model of non-linear error correction, in which the linear error correction term ?Xt (the vector time series Xt is cointegrated, is the cointegrating vector) is replaced by the non-linear term g(?Xt), where g(.) is a non-linear function. Second, several types of asymmetries and the existence of multiple equilibria are discussed. The implications for the NEC model of trending targets are also explained. Third, it is shown that non-linear error correction is present in a trivariate series of UK employment, wage and capital stock.Publicad

    Nonlinear Error Correction: The Case of Money Demand in the UK (1878-2000).

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    This paper explores single-equation nonlinear error correction (NEC) models with linear and nonlinear cointegrated variables. Within the class of semiparametric NEC models, we use smoothing splines. Within the class of parametric models, we discuss the interesting properties of cubic polynomial NEC models and we show how they can be used to identify unknown threshold points in asymmetric models and to check the stability properties of the long-run equilibrium. A new class of rational polynomial NEC models is also introduced. We found multiple long-run money demand equilibria. The stability observed in the money-demand parameter estimates during more than a century, 1878 to 2000, is remarkable.Money Demand; Nonlinear Error Correction; Cubic Polynomials; Rational Polynomials; Smoothing Splines; Nonlinear Cointegration;


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    Threshold models have gained much recent attention in applied economics for modeling nonlinear behavior. The appeal for these models is due in part to the observable pattern that many economic variables follow, such as asymmetric adjustment towards equilibrium. This paper reviews the literature and provides links to software programs.Research Methods/ Statistical Methods,

    Asymmetric and non linear adjustment in the revenue expenditure models

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    The purpose of this paper is to empirically analyse the revenue-expenditure models of public finance by considering the possibility of non-linear and asymmetric adjustment. A long-run relationship between general government expenditure and revenues is identified for Italy. Following system-wide shocks, the estimated relationship adjusts slowly to equilibrium, mainly due to complex administrative procedures that add to the sluggishness of tax collection and undermine the effective monitoring of public spending. Exogeneity of public expenditure implies that taxes rather than spending, carry the burden of short-run adjustment to correct budgetary disequilibria. Allowing for non-linear adjustment and the possibility of multiple equilibria, our findings show evidence of asymmetric adjustment around a unique equilibrium. In particular, we find that when government expenditure is too high, adjustment of taxes takes places at a faster rate than when it is too low. Further, there is evidence of a faster adjustment when deviations from the equilibrium level get larger, pointing to a Leviathan-style, revenue-maximiser government

    Are House Prices Characterized by Threshold Effects? Evidence from Developed and Post-Transition Countries

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    The authors use a nonlinear framework in order to explore house price determinants and adjustment properties. They test for threshold cointegration using a sample of four developed countries (the United States, the United Kingdom, Spain, and Ireland) and four transition countries (Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, and Estonia). In addition to testing for nonlinearities, they explore house price determinants in these four transition countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Asymmetric house price adjustment is present in all transition countries and the USA, while no threshold effects are detected in developed European countries. In a threshold error correction framework, house prices are aligned with fundamentals, but house price persistence coupled with a slow and asymmetric house price adjustment process might have facilitated the house price boom in transition countries and the USA.house prices, threshold cointegration, transition

    Asymmetric Inflation Hedge of Housing Return: A Non-linear Vector Error Correction Approach

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    Conclusions of past works on the inflation hedging ability of real estate investment are not consistent. The reason for this perplexity might be the neglect of separation between high and low state of inflation, which has a great influence on empirical results. In order to examine the inflation hedging effectiveness of real estate with Taiwanese monthly housing returns and inflation, this paper uses the inflation as the threshold variable to create the nonlinear vector correction model that divides the inflation rates into high and low regime. We find robust evidence that when inflation rates are higher than 0.83% threshold value, housing returns are able to hedge against inflation, and, otherwise, they are unable. Using new methodology to discover new implications is main contribution of this study.Housing prices; Inflation; Nonlinear VECM; Taiwan


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    The US pork sector has experienced many significant structural changes in recent years. Such changes may have influenced price dynamics and transmission of shocks through marketing channels. We investigate linkages among farm, wholesale, and retail markets using weekly price data for the period covering 1987 through 1998. Our analysis uses a threshold cointegration model that permits asymmetric adjustment to positive and negative price shocks. Our results reveal important asymmetries. Our results are consistent with existing literature which has determined that price adjustment patterns are unidirectional and that information tends to flow from farm, to wholesale, to retail markets.asymmetric price transmission, vertical price transmission, error correction, thresholds, pork markets, Demand and Price Analysis, Livestock Production/Industries,


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    imports and exports and asymmetries in the adjustment of the US current account over the study period 1960Q4-2007Q2. We find evidence in favour of cointegration through the application of the standard Johansen methodology. Employing the Trace test procedure recursively, two distinct regimes are identified according to whether or not imports and exports are cointegrated. We also consider the Breitung (2002) and Breitung and Taylor (2003) nonparametric cointegration test procedures that do not assume linear short-run dynamics. Further analysis of the asymmetric short-run dynamics reveals that adjustment towards long-run equilibrium is primarily driven by US exports responding to current account deficits.US Current Account, Sustainability, Cointegration, structural changes, nonparametric cointegration, recursive Trace test statistic, recursive betas, asymmetric error correction.