82 research outputs found

    Evaluation of a patient-specific finite-element model to simulate conservative treatment in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis

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    PublishedJournal ArticleAuthor's accepted manuscript.Study design: Retrospective validation study. Objectives: To propose a method to evaluate, from a clinical standpoint, the ability of a finite-element model (FEM) of the trunk to simulate orthotic correction of spinal deformity and to apply it to validate a previously described FEM. Summary of background data: Several FEMs of the scoliotic spine have been described in the literature. These models can prove useful in understanding the mechanisms of scoliosis progression and in optimizing its treatment, but their validation has often been lacking or incomplete. Methods: Three-dimensional (3D) geometries of 10 patients before and during conservative treatment were reconstructed from biplanar radiographs. The effect of bracing was simulated by modeling displacements induced by the brace pads. Simulated clinical indices (Cobb angle, T1-T12 and T4-T12 kyphosis, L1-L5 lordosis, apical vertebral rotation, torsion, rib hump) and vertebral orientations and positions were compared to those measured in the patients' 3D geometries. Results: Errors in clinical indices were of the same order of magnitude as the uncertainties due to 3D reconstruction; for instance, Cobb angle was simulated with a root mean square error of 5.7°, and rib hump error was 5.6°. Vertebral orientation was simulated with a root mean square error of 4.8° and vertebral position with an error of 2.5 mm. Conclusions: The methodology proposed here allowed in-depth evaluation of subject-specific simulations, confirming that FEMs of the trunk have the potential to accurately simulate brace action. These promising results provide a basis for ongoing 3D model development, toward the design of more efficient orthoses.ParisTech BiomecAM chair programProteorParisTechYves Cotrel Foundation

    Biomechanical analysis and modeling of different vertebral growth patterns in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis and healthy subjects

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The etiology of AIS remains unclear, thus various hypotheses concerning its pathomechanism have been proposed. To date, biomechanical modeling has not been used to thoroughly study the influence of the abnormal growth profile (i.e., the growth rate of the vertebral body during the growth period) on the pathomechanism of curve progression in AIS. This study investigated the hypothesis that AIS progression is associated with the abnormal growth profiles of the anterior column of the spine.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A finite element model of the spinal column including growth dynamics was utilized. The initial geometric models were constructed from the bi-planar radiographs of a normal subject. Based on this model, five other geometric models were generated to emulate different coronal and sagittal curves. The detailed modeling integrated vertebral body growth plates and growth modulation spinal biomechanics. Ten years of spinal growth was simulated using AIS and normal growth profiles. Sequential measures of spinal alignments were compared.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>(1) Given the initial lateral deformity, the AIS growth profile induced a significant Cobb angle increase, which was roughly between three to five times larger compared to measures utilizing a normal growth profile. (2) Lateral deformities were absent in the models containing no initial coronal curvature. (3) The presence of a smaller kyphosis did not produce an increase lateral deformity on its own. (4) Significant reduction of the kyphosis was found in simulation results of AIS but not when using the growth profile of normal subjects.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Results from this analysis suggest that accelerated growth profiles may encourage supplementary scoliotic progression and, thus, may pose as a progressive risk factor.</p

    Étude biomĂ©canique du traitement de la scoliose idiopathique par orthĂšse: effets des paramĂštres de conception des corsets sur les corrections gĂ©omĂ©triques et sur les contraintes internes du rachis.

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    RÉSUMÉ La scoliose est une dĂ©formation tridimensionnelle Ă©volutive de la colonne vertĂ©brale et de la cage thoracique. Pour des dĂ©formations modĂ©rĂ©es, le principal traitement utilisĂ© est le traitement par corset. Son objectif est, Ă  court-terme, de rĂ©duire les dĂ©formations scoliotiques et, Ă  long-terme, d’en empĂȘcher la progression. Toutefois le traitement par corset tel qu’il est effectuĂ© actuellement n’est pas optimal. La conception des corsets repose encore principalement sur des principes empiriques et l’expĂ©rience variĂ©e des orthĂ©sistes. Aucune Ă©tude, clinique ou numĂ©rique, n’a Ă©tudiĂ© directement l’effet des paramĂštres de conception d’un corset sur son efficacitĂ©. De nombreuses controverses existent encore de ce fait sur les paramĂštres de conception optimaux. De mĂȘme, aucune Ă©tude, expĂ©rimentale ou numĂ©rique, n’a tentĂ© de prouver que le traitement par corset permet de modifier favorablement les contraintes agissant sur les plaques de croissance d’un sujet scoliotique, dĂ©montrant ainsi de façon thĂ©orique l’efficacitĂ© du traitement Ă  empĂȘcher la progression des dĂ©formations. L’objectif gĂ©nĂ©ral de ce projet est donc d’étudier l’effet du design des corsets sur la correction immĂ©diate des dĂ©formations scoliotiques et sur les contraintes agissant sur les plaques de croissance. L’hypothĂšse que nous souhaitons vĂ©rifier est que le traitement par corset peut annuler l’asymĂ©trie des contraintes de compression s’exerçant sur les plaques de croissance Ă  l’apex des courbures scoliotiques mais que cet effet est dĂ©pendant des paramĂštres de conception du corset, ce qui nĂ©cessite un ajustement optimal. Cette Ă©tude a Ă©tĂ© divisĂ©e en 5 parties. Une mĂ©thode a tout d’abord Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©e pour reprĂ©senter les forces de gravitĂ© sur un modĂšle Ă©lĂ©ments finis (MEF) du tronc d’un patient scoliotique tout en respectant sa gĂ©omĂ©trie 3D. Un processus d’optimisation a permis de dĂ©terminer les forces Ă  soustraire au MEF, dont la gĂ©omĂ©trie a Ă©tĂ© construit Ă  partir d’une reconstruction 3D par radiographies biplanaires du patient, afin d’obtenir suite Ă  l’application de la gravitĂ© un modĂšle correspondant Ă  la gĂ©omĂ©trie rĂ©elle du patient. La diffĂ©rence entre la position 3D des vertĂšbres issue des radiographies et la position simulĂ©e des vertĂšbres du modĂšle EF aprĂšs application de la gravitĂ© s’est avĂ©rĂ© ĂȘtre infĂ©rieure Ă  3 mm. Les contraintes de compression et les moments d’inflexion latĂ©rale agissant sur les plateaux vertĂ©braux ont Ă©tĂ© calculĂ©s. Il a Ă©tĂ© constatĂ© que dans le plan frontal la concavitĂ© des courbures scoliotiques Ă©tait soumise Ă  des contraintes de compression moyennes supĂ©rieures de 0.1 Ă  0.4 MPa Ă  celles de la convexitĂ©.----------ABSTRACT Scoliosis is defined as a three-dimensional deformity of the spine and rib cage. For moderate deformities, bracing is the most common treatment. Its aim is to reduce the scoliotic deformities in a short-term perspective and to prevent their progression in a long-term perspective. The brace treatment is however not optimal as it is practiced today. The braces design is mostly based on empirical principles and on the experience of the orthotists. The effects of the design parameters of a brace on its efficiency have never been studied, experimentally or numerically. As a consequence, the optimal brace design parameters are still controversial. No study demonstrated that the brace treatment modifies favorably the stresses in the vertebral growth plates of a scoliotic patient, proving thus that the brace treatment is theoretically efficient in preventing the scoliotic deformities from progressing. The objective of this project was consequently to study the effect of the brace design on the immediate correction of the scoliotic deformities and on the spinal stresses. The hypothesis we want to verify is that the brace treatment is able to nullify the asymmetry of the compressive stresses exerted on the growth plates at the apex of the scoliotic curves but this effect depends on the design parameters of the brace and an optimal adjustment is thus required. This study was divided into 5 parts. A simulation process was firstly developed to represent the gravity forces in a finite element model (FEM) of the trunk of a scoliotic patient. An optimization process computed the forces to substract to the FEM, based on the 3D reconstruction of biplanar x-rays of the patient, in order to obtain after the inclusion of the gravity forces a model corresponding to the actual geometry of the patient. The difference in the vertebral positions between the geometry acquired form radiographs and the computed geometry of the model including the gravity forces was inferior to 3 mm. The forces and compressive stresses in the scoliotic spine were then computed. An asymmetrical load in the coronal plane, particularly at the apices of the scoliotic curves, was present. Difference of mean compressive stresses between concavity and convexity of the scoliotic curves ranged between 0.1 and 0.4 MPa

    Design, Optimization, and Evaluation of a Fusionless Device to Induce Growth Modulation and Correct Spinal Curvatures in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis

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    RÉSUMÉ La scoliose est une dĂ©formation musculo-squelettique complexe et tridimensionnelle de la colonne vertĂ©brale. Les mĂ©canismes de progression de la scoliose sont liĂ©s au principe de Hueter-Volkmann. Selon cette thĂ©orie, les chargements asymĂ©triques des plaques de croissance altĂšrent la croissance du rachis (cunĂ©iformisation des vertĂšbres). Une courbure scoliotique prĂ©sentant un angle de Cobb supĂ©rieur Ă  50° nĂ©cessite gĂ©nĂ©ralement une intervention chirurgicale avec fusion rachidienne. Cette chirurgie implique des procĂ©dures particuliĂšrement invasives et coĂ»teuses, ce qui a incitĂ© plusieurs chercheurs Ă  tenter de dĂ©velopper d‘autres alternatives. Des techniques minimalement invasives et sans fusion ont ainsi Ă©tĂ© Ă©laborĂ©es pour contrĂŽler et corriger un mauvais alignement de la colonne vertĂ©brale avant qu'une progression trop importante des dĂ©formations scoliotiques ne se produise. Ces techniques tentent d'exploiter la croissance vertĂ©brale rĂ©siduelle afin de corriger la cunĂ©iformisation locale et d‘aboutir Ă  un rĂ©alignement progressif du rachis. Les traitements sans fusion semblent Ă©galement mettre en pĂ©ril la santĂ© du disque intervertĂ©bral Ă  long terme et se limitent Ă  une correction 2D (plan frontal) de dĂ©formations intrinsĂšquement 3D. Mieux comprendre biomĂ©caniquement la progression des dĂ©formations scoliotiques permettrait de dĂ©velopper des dispositifs sans fusion plus efficaces. Cela serait une contribution importante et innovatrice Ă  l'amĂ©lioration du traitement de la scoliose idiopathique adolescente (SIA). L'objectif global de cette thĂšse Ă©tait le dĂ©veloppement, l‘optimisation, et lâ€˜Ă©valuation expĂ©rimentale d'implants sans fusion afin de moduler la croissance et de corriger les dĂ©formations scoliotiques. Les objectifs spĂ©cifiques Ă©taient de 1) dĂ©velopper un modĂšle par Ă©lĂ©ments finis (MEF) de la colonne vertĂ©brale intĂ©grant une modĂ©lisation de la croissance; 2) exploiter ce MEF pour Ă©tudier les facteurs biomĂ©caniques impliquĂ©s dans les mĂ©canismes de progression de la SIA; 3) exploiter le MEF pour analyser la biomĂ©canique des dispositifs sans fusion existant actuellement et repĂ©rer les amĂ©liorations pouvant ĂȘtre apportĂ©es Ă  ces dispositifs; et 4) exploiter la plate-forme de conception conçue (analyses in silico, in situ, et in vivo) pour dĂ©velopper, optimiser, et valider de nouveaux dispositifs sans fusion modulateurs de croissance pour la correction des dĂ©formations de la SIA.----------ABSTRACT Scoliosis is a spinal musculoskeletal deformity defined by a 3D deformity of the spine. The pathomechanism of scoliotic progression may be in part explained by the Hueter-Volkmann principle. This theory describes how increased loading of growth plates will reduce regular growth rates while the converse is also accurate. Further, when extended to the pathogenesis of scoliosis, it defines how asymmetric loading of the vertebral bodies leads to the progression of the deformity via vertebral wedging. Currently, a scoliotic curve reaching a magnitude of 50° Cobb deformation requires surgical intervention involving instrumentation and spinal fusion. The process of fusion is among the most invasive and expensive procedures, which has motivated several researchers to develop other alternatives. The development of a less invasive technique, to control and correct a spinal misalignment before undesirable progression occurs, has subsequently been explored. Several fusionless devices have been developed that attempt to manipulate vertebral growth to correct vertebral wedging and, consequently, realign the spine. However, to date, these approaches have yet to be adopted in a clinical context. Moreover, devices actively pursued seemed to imperil the long term health of the intervertebral disc while corrective attempts are restricted to the unilateral manipulation of a 3D deformity. Therefore, enhanced biomechanical understanding of AIS pathomechanism in conjunction with the development of early and less invasive interventions would offer an important contribution to the improved treatment of AIS. The global objective of this thesis was to design, optimize, and evaluated experimentally fusionless device concepts to induce growth modulation and correct spinal curvatures in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS). The specific objectives were to: 1) develop a FEM of the spine with integrated growth dynamics; 2) exploit the FEM to explore biomechanical factors involved in the pathomechanism of AIS; 3) exploit the FEM to analyze biomechanically current fusionless growth sparring devices to identify available avenues of improvement; and 4) exploit the devised developmental platform (in silico, in situ, and in vivo analyses) to develop, optimize, and validate novel and improved fusionless growth modulating devices for AIS

    Utilization of Finite Element Analysis Techniques for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Surgical Planning

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    Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis, a three-dimensional deformity of the thoracolumbar spine, affects approximately 1-3% of patients ages 10-18. Surgical correction and treatment of the spinal column is a costly and high-risk task that is consistently complicated by factors such as patient-specific spinal deformities, curve flexibility, and surgeon experience. The following dissertation utilizes finite element analysis to develop a cost-effective, building-block approach by which surgical procedures and kinematic evaluations may be investigated. All studies conducted are based off a volumetric, thoracolumbar finite element (FE) model developed from computer-aided design (CAD) anatomy whose components are kinematically validated with in-vitro data. Spinal ligament stiffness properties derived from the literature are compared for kinematic assessment of a thoracic functional spinal unit (FSU) and benchmarked with available in-vitro kinematic data. Once ligament stiffness properties were selected, load sharing among soft tissues (e.g., ligaments and intervertebral disc) within the same FSU is then assessed during individual steps of a posterior correction procedure commonly used on scoliosis patients. Finally, the entire thoracolumbar spine is utilized to mechanically induce a mild scoliosis profile through an iterative preload and growth procedure described by the Hueter-Volkmann law. The mild scoliosis model is then kinematically compared with an asymptomatic counterpart. The thoracic deformation exhibited in the mild scoliosis model compared well with available CT datasets. Key findings of the studies confirm the importance of appropriately assigning spinal ligament properties with traditional toe and linear stiffness regimes to properly characterize thoracic spine FE models. Stiffness properties assigned within spinal FE models may also alter how intact ligaments and intervertebral discs respond to external loads during posterior correction procedures involving serial ligament removal, and thus can affect any desired post-surgical outcomes. Lastly, the thoracolumbar spine containing mild scoliosis experiences up to a 37% reduction in global range of motion compared to an asymptomatic spine, while also exhibiting larger decreases in segmental axial rotations at apical deformity levels. Future studies will address kinematic behavior of a severe scoliosis deformity and set the stage for column-based osseoligamentous load sharing assessments during surgical procedures

    Biomechanical analysis and modeling of lumbar belt: Preliminary study.

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    International audienceLow back pain is a major public health problem in European Countries. In France, about 50% of population is suffering of this pathology every year (Fassier 2011). Because of health care cost and sick leave (Fassier 2011; Leclerc et al. 2009), low back pain has both societal and economic adverse consequences. Many treatments are proposed. However no guideline is provided to physician. Treatment depends on patient, on low back pain type and evolution and also on physician knowledge and believes. Medical devices, as lumbar belt might be proposed to treat low back pain. Several clinical trials have shown their efficacy (Calmels et al. 2009). Nevertheless, both mechanical and physiological effects of lumbar belts remain unclear. In this study, the application of a lumbar belt on the trunk is simulated by a finite element model. It is often assumed that the pain comes from the toe of the intervertebral discs and is related only to the intradiscal pressure and the thoracolumbar posture. Beside, abdominal pressure is used by belt manufacturers as a marker of the lumbar belt efficiency, because a change in the abdominal pressure could bring a change in the thoracolumbar posture and consequently on the intradiscal pressure. That's why the goal of this study is to determine the mechanical effect of wearing lumbar belt: i) on abdominal pressure; ii) on thoracolumbar posture; iii) on intervertebral disc pressure

    Evaluation of a patient-specific finite element model to simulate conservative treatment in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis

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    Study design: Retrospective validation study Objectives: To propose a method to evaluate, from a clinical standpoint, the ability of a finite element model (FEM) of the trunk to simulate orthotic correction of spinal deformity, and to apply it to validate a previously described FEM Summary of background data: Several FEMs of the scoliotic spine have been described in the literature. These models can prove useful in understanding the mechanisms of scoliosis progression and in optimizing its treatment, but their validation has often been lacking or incomplete. Methods: Three-dimensional geometries of ten patients before and during conservative treatment were reconstructed from bi-planar radiographs. The effect of bracing was simulated by modeling displacements induced by the brace pads. Simulated clinical indices (Cobb angle, T1-T12 and T4-T12 kyphosis, L1-L5 lordosis, apical vertebral rotation, torsion, rib hump) and vertebral orientations and positions were compared to those measured in the patients’ three-dimensional geometries. Results: Errors in clinical indices were of the same order of magnitude as the uncertainties due to 3D reconstruction; for instance, Cobb angle was simulated with a root mean square error of 5.7° and rib hump error was 6.4°. Vertebral orientation was simulated with a root mean square error of 4.8° and vertebral position with an error of 2.5 mm. Conclusions: The methodology proposed here allowed in-depth evaluation of subject-specific simulations, confirming that FEMs of the trunk have the potential to accurately simulate brace action. These promising results provide a basis for ongoing 3D model development, toward the design of more efficient orthoses.The authors are grateful to the ParisTech BiomecAM chair program on subject-specific musculoskeletal modelling for funding (with the support of Proteor, ParisTech and Yves Cotrel Foundations) and to EOS imaging for logistic support in data collection

    Biomechanical Modeling and Characterization of the Postural Parameters in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis

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    RÉSUMÉ La scoliose est une dĂ©formation 3D de la colonne vertĂ©brale qui influence la morphologie et l'alignement de la colonne vertĂ©brale, du bassin et de la cage thoracique. Bien que plusieurs paramĂštres soient introduits pour identifier et Ă©valuer les courbes chez les sujets scoliotiques, la relation biomĂ©canique entre la colonne vertĂ©brale et le bassin ainsi que ses impacts sur la posture et l'Ă©quilibre gĂ©nĂ©ral des sujets scoliotiques n’est pas encore Ă©lucidĂ©e. Le but de ce projet doctoral Ă©tait d'examiner l'interaction spino-pelvienne en mesurant les paramĂštres biomĂ©caniques chez les sujets atteints de scolioses idiopathiques adolescentes (SIA). La cinĂ©matique pelvienne, l'orientation spino-pelvienne relative et le chargement biomĂ©canique lombo-sacrĂ© ont Ă©tĂ© examinĂ©s chez des sujets avec des courbures diffĂ©rentes. L’hypothĂšse que nous souhaitons vĂ©rifier est que l'interaction spino-pelvienne (au niveau des paramĂštres statiques, cinĂ©matiques et des chargements biomĂ©caniques Ă  l’interface entre le rachis et le bassin) est non seulement diffĂ©rente entre les SIA et les contrĂŽles, mais varie aussi entre les sujets prĂ©sentant diffĂ©rents types de scolioses. De plus, l'effet d’une instrumentation chirurgicale du rachis sur l’équilibre ainsi que sur l'interaction biomĂ©canique spino-pelvienne a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ© post opĂ©rativement. Donc, aprĂšs avoir examinĂ© la littĂ©rature pertinente, trois chapitres ont Ă©tĂ© consacrĂ©s pour examiner l'hypothĂšse gĂ©nĂ©rale de ce projet. Chaque chapitre aborde un aspect de l'interaction spino-pelvienne chez les sous-groupes scoliotiques et compare les rĂ©sultats avec un groupe de contrĂŽles de la mĂȘme catĂ©gorie d'Ăąge-sexe. Bien que l'orientation pelvienne entre les sujets SIA et le groupe contrĂŽle Ă©tait diffĂ©rente, il n'est pas vĂ©rifiĂ© dans quelle mesure l'orientation pelvienne et l'alignement spino-pelvien affectent la cinĂ©matique du bassin chez les sujets prĂ©sentant diffĂ©rents types de courbures. Par la suite, l’interfĂ©rence entre l'orientation du bassin et le mouvement spino-pelvien a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©e.----------ABSTRACT Scoliosis is a 3D spinal deformity which impacts the morphology and alignment of the spine, the pelvis, and the ribcage. Although several spinal parameters are introduced to identify and evaluate scoliotic curves, there is not much known about the biomechanical relationship between the spine and the pelvis and its impact on the overall posture and equilibrium of the scoliotic patients. The focus of this Ph.D. project was to investigate the spino-pelvic biomechanical interaction in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) more closely. Spine and pelvic kinematic, relative spino-pelvic orientation in static, and lumbosacral biomechanical loading were investigated in subjects with different curve patterns. We hypothesized that spino-pelvic interaction is not only different between AIS and controls, but also varies between subjects with different scoliotic types in static, kinematic, and biomechanical loading. Furthermore the hypothetical effect of the spinal operation on equilibrating the spino-pelvic biomechanical interaction was tested postoperatively. Hence, after reviewing the pertinent literatures, 3 chapters were devoted to investigate the general hypothesis of this project. Each chapter tries to investigate one aspect of the spine and pelvis interaction in scoliotic subgroups and compares the results with an age-gender match group of controls. Although the pelvic alignment in the AIS group was different from the age-gender matched control group, it is not closely verified to what extent the pelvic orientation and the spino-pelvic alignment affect the pelvis kinematic in subjects with different curve types and subsequently its impact on the spino-pelvic movement is not determined. An experimental setup was designed to investigate the pelvic 3D motion during simple trunk movement in vivo

    Biomechanical Response of the Epiphyseal Vertebral Growth Plate under Static and Cyclic Compression: A Finite Element Study

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    RÉSUMÉ La scoliose idiopathique de l’adolescent (SIA), qui implique une dĂ©formation tridimensionnelle de la colonne vertĂ©brale, affecte 1 Ă  3% des adolescents, principalement des filles. Les influences mĂ©caniques sur la croissance du rachis jouent un rĂŽle important dans la progression de la courbure chez les patients SIA, notamment pendant les pĂ©riodes de croissance rapide comme l’adolescence. Les traitements sans fusion du rachis, via la modulation mĂ©canique locale de la croissance osseuse, ont montrĂ© des avancĂ©es prometteuses pour le traitement prĂ©coce des dĂ©formations modĂ©rĂ©es de la colonne vertĂ©brale. Des Ă©tudes in vivo rĂ©centes sur les plaques de croissance de rats, utilisant des chargements statiques et dynamiques Ă©quivalents au niveau de la contrainte moyenne appliquĂ©e, ont montrĂ© que les chargements dynamiques Ă©taient aussi efficaces que les chargements statiques en termes de modulation de croissance, mais moins dommageables pour l’intĂ©gritĂ© de la plaque de croissance en comparaison aux chargements statiques [1, 2]. Cependant, il a Ă©tĂ© montrĂ© que la combinaison de hautes frĂ©quences et d’amplitudes d’oscillations conduit Ă  des inflammations tissulaires. Comme approche complĂ©mentaire Ă  l’approche expĂ©rimentale pour investiguer la biomĂ©canique du rachis, la modĂ©lisation numĂ©rique fournit une plateforme pour approfondir nos connaissances sur les structures du rachis et leurs comportements mĂ©caniques [3]. En utilisant les simulations numĂ©riques, un paramĂštre peut aisĂ©ment ĂȘtre modifiĂ© afin d’investiguer son effet spĂ©cifique en maintenant les autres paramĂštres constants. La modĂ©lisation par Ă©lĂ©ments finis constitue l’une des mĂ©thodes numĂ©riques couramment utilisĂ©es ; elle se base sur une mĂ©thode numĂ©rique rapide pour des analyses de contraintes et de dĂ©formations de problĂšmes complexes, en Ă©vitant les limites et difficultĂ©s associĂ©es aux Ă©tudes expĂ©rimentales. Bien que les modĂšles poroĂ©lastiques aient Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©s pour investiguer la rĂ©ponse dĂ©pendante du temps des tissus rachidiens, le comportement biomĂ©canique comparatif de tissus cartilagineux, tels que les plaques de croissance sous chargements statiques vs. dynamiques, n’a pas encore Ă©tĂ© clairement dĂ©terminĂ© [3, 4] et pourrait apporter des connaissances sur la comprĂ©hension de l’interaction entre les chargements mĂ©caniques et le mĂ©tabolisme tissulaire. L’objectif principal de ce projet Ă©tait d’étudier la rĂ©ponse biomĂ©canique de la plaque de croissance soumise Ă  des compressions statique et dynamique, en utilisant des modĂšles par Ă©lĂ©ments finis. Afin d’atteindre cet objectif, un modĂšle axisymĂ©trique poroĂ©lastique de la plaque----------ABSTRACT Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS), a 3D deformity of the spine, affects 1-3% of adolescents, mainly females. Mechanical influences on spinal growth play an important role in AIS curve progression, mainly during the rapid growth periods such as adolescence. Fusionless corrective techniques of the spine, by means of local mechanical modulation of bone growth, have shown promising advances in the early treatment of moderate spinal deformities. Recent in vivo studies on rat growth plates using matched static and cyclic loadings in terms of average stress showed that cyclic loads were as efficient as static loads in terms of growth modulation but less detrimental to the growth plate integrity compared to static loads [1, 2]. However, it was shown that the combination of high frequency and oscillation amplitude resulted in infection in the rats. As a complementary approach to investigate spinal biomechanics from experiments, computational modeling provides a platform to extend our knowledge about spinal structures and their mechanical behavior [3]. Using computational modeling, one parameter can be changed easily to investigate its effect while the other parameters are kept constant. Finite element modeling is one of the widely used computational methods; it provides a fast numerical method for stress and strain analysis in complex problems, while avoiding limitations and difficulties associated with experimental studies. Although poroelastic models have been developed to investigate the time-dependent response of the spinal tissues, the comparative biomechanical behavior of cartilaginous tissues such as growth plates under static vs. cyclic loads has yet to be fully understood [3, 4] and could provide insights on understanding of the interaction of mechanical loading and tissue metabolism. The objective of this project was to study the biomechanical response of the growth plate to static and cyclic compressions using finite element models. To achieve this objective, an axisymmetric biphasic model of growth plate was first developed to investigate stress components and deformation within the model for different transversal permeabilities and peripheral pore pressures (part one). Then, a finite element model of a spinal functional unit was used to investigate the same parameters as well as fluid content using a more realistic model (part two). This thesis aimed at verifying the hypothesis that Cyclic and static compressive loads show the same total stress but different pore pressure (stress in fluid phase) and effective stress (stress in solid matrix) within growth plates
