3,384 research outputs found

    Hybrid image representation methods for automatic image annotation: a survey

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    In most automatic image annotation systems, images are represented with low level features using either global methods or local methods. In global methods, the entire image is used as a unit. Local methods divide images into blocks where fixed-size sub-image blocks are adopted as sub-units; or into regions by using segmented regions as sub-units in images. In contrast to typical automatic image annotation methods that use either global or local features exclusively, several recent methods have considered incorporating the two kinds of information, and believe that the combination of the two levels of features is beneficial in annotating images. In this paper, we provide a survey on automatic image annotation techniques according to one aspect: feature extraction, and, in order to complement existing surveys in literature, we focus on the emerging image annotation methods: hybrid methods that combine both global and local features for image representation

    Simulated evaluation of faceted browsing based on feature selection

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    In this paper we explore the limitations of facet based browsing which uses sub-needs of an information need for querying and organising the search process in video retrieval. The underlying assumption of this approach is that the search effectiveness will be enhanced if such an approach is employed for interactive video retrieval using textual and visual features. We explore the performance bounds of a faceted system by carrying out a simulated user evaluation on TRECVid data sets, and also on the logs of a prior user experiment with the system. We first present a methodology to reduce the dimensionality of features by selecting the most important ones. Then, we discuss the simulated evaluation strategies employed in our evaluation and the effect on the use of both textual and visual features. Facets created by users are simulated by clustering video shots using textual and visual features. The experimental results of our study demonstrate that the faceted browser can potentially improve the search effectiveness

    Edge Potential Functions (EPF) and Genetic Algorithms (GA) for Edge-Based Matching of Visual Objects

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    Edges are known to be a semantically rich representation of the contents of a digital image. Nevertheless, their use in practical applications is sometimes limited by computation and complexity constraints. In this paper, a new approach is presented that addresses the problem of matching visual objects in digital images by combining the concept of Edge Potential Functions (EPF) with a powerful matching tool based on Genetic Algorithms (GA). EPFs can be easily calculated starting from an edge map and provide a kind of attractive pattern for a matching contour, which is conveniently exploited by GAs. Several tests were performed in the framework of different image matching applications. The results achieved clearly outline the potential of the proposed method as compared to state of the art methodologies. (c) 2007 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works

    Image Information Mining Systems

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    A Review of Content Based Image Mining System

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    في السنوات الأخيرة، مع انتشار الإنترنت، هناك كمية كبيرة من البيانات المتاحة فيه. لذلك، يصبح من الضروري العثور على محركات بحث سريعة لاسترداد الصور والمستندات. استرجاع الصور هو مجال مهم جدا في معالجة الصور الرقمية. لفهم ومعرفة المزيد حول "نظام استرداد الصور" ، تقدم الدراسة الحالية مراجعة لوصف أنواع تقنيات استرجاع الصور، وشرح مزايا وعيوبها. علاوة على ذلك، تستعرض هذه الورقة الدراسات البحثية المختلفة والمنهجيات التي تنطبق على مجال CBIRIn recent years, with the spread of the internet, there is a large amount of data available at it. Therefore, it becomes necessary to find fast search engines to retrieve images and documents. Image retrieval is a very significant area in digital image processing. To understand and learn more about "image retrieval system", the current study presents a review to describe the types of image retrieval techniques, explain the advantages and disadvantages of them. Moreover, this paper reviews different research studies and methodologies that applied to the area of CBIR

    Content-Based Image Retrieval of Skin Lesions by Evolutionary Feature Synthesis

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    Abstract. This paper gives an example of evolved features that improve image retrieval performance. A content-based image retrieval system for skin lesion images is presented. The aim is to support decision making by retrieving and displaying relevant past cases visually similar to the one under examination. Skin lesions of five common classes, including two non-melanoma cancer types, are used. Colour and texture features are extracted from lesions. Evolutionary algorithms are used to create composite features that optimise a similarity matching function. Experiments on our database of 533 images are performed and results are compared to those obtained using simple features. The use of the evolved composite features improves the precision by about 7%.