2,694 research outputs found

    Advanced modelling and control of 5MW wind turbine using global optimization algorithms

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    This article presents a methodological approach for controller gain tuning of wind turbines using global optimization algorithms. For this purpose, the wind turbine structural and aerodynamic modeling are first described and a complete model for a 5 MW wind turbine is developed as a case study based on a systematic modeling approach. The turbine control requirements are then described and classified using its power curve to generate an appropriate control structure for satisfying all turbine control modes simultaneously. Next, the controller gain tuning procedure is formulated as an engineering optimization problem where the command tracking error and minimum response time are defined as objective function indices and physical limitations (overspeed and oscillatory response) are considered as penalty functions. Taking the nonlinear nature of the turbine model and its controller into account, two meta-heuristic global optimization algorithms (Imperialist Competitive Algorithm and Differential Evolution) are used to deal with the defined objective functions where the mechanism of interaction between the defined problem and the used algorithms are presented in a flowchart feature. The results confirm that the proposed approach is satisfactory and both algorithms are able to achieve the optimized controller for the wind turbine

    Wind turbine power output short-term forecast : a comparative study of data clustering techniques in a PSO-ANFIS model

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    Abstract:The emergence of new sites for wind energy exploration in South Africa requires an accurate prediction of the potential power output of a typical utility-scale wind turbine in such areas. However, careful selection of data clustering technique is very essential as it has a significant impact on the accuracy of the prediction. Adaptive neurofuzzy inference system (ANFIS), both in its standalone and hybrid form has been applied in offline and online forecast in wind energy studies, however, the effect of clustering techniques has not been reported despite its significance. Therefore, this study investigates the effect of the choice of clustering algorithm on the performance of a standalone ANFIS and ANFIS optimized with particle swarm optimization (PSO) technique using a synthetic wind turbine power output data of a potential site in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. In this study a wind resource map for the Eastern Cape province was developed. Also, autoregressive ANFIS models and their hybrids with PSO were developed. Each model was evaluated based on three clustering techniques (grid partitioning (GP), subtractive clustering (SC), and fuzzy-c-means (FCM)). The gross wind power of the model wind turbine was estimated from the wind speed data collected from the potential site at 10 min data resolution using Windographer software. The standalone and hybrid models were trained and tested with 70% and 30% of the dataset respectively. The performance of each clustering technique was compared for both standalone and PSO-ANFIS models using known statistical metrics. From our findings, ANFIS standalone model clustered with SC performed best among the standalone models with a root mean square error (RMSE) of 0.132, mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) of 30.94, a mean absolute deviation (MAD) of 0.077, relative mean bias error (rMBE) of 0.190 and variance accounted for (VAF) of 94.307. Also, PSO-ANFIS model clustered with SC technique performed the best among the three hybrid models with RMSE of 0.127, MAPE of 28.11, MAD of 0.078, rMBE of 0.190 and VAF of 94.311. The ANFIS-SC model recorded the lowest computational time of 30.23secs among the standalone models. However, the PSO-ANFIS-SC model recorded a computational time of 47.21secs. Based on our findings, a hybrid ANFIS model gives better forecast accuracy compared to the standalone model, though with a trade-off in the computational time. Since, the choice of clustering technique was observed to play a vital role in the forecast accuracy of standalone and hybrid models, this study recommends SC technique for ANFIS modeling at both standalone and hybrid models

    A Review of using Data Mining Techniques in Power Plants

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    Data mining techniques and their applications have developed rapidly during the last two decades. This paper reviews application of data mining techniques in power systems, specially in power plants, through a survey of literature between the year 2000 and 2015. Keyword indices, articles’ abstracts and conclusions were used to classify more than 86 articles about application of data mining in power plants, from many academic journals and research centers. Because this paper concerns about application of data mining in power plants; the paper started by providing a brief introduction about data mining and power systems to give the reader better vision about these two different disciplines. This paper presents a comprehensive survey of the collected articles and classifies them according to three categories: the used techniques, the problem and the application area. From this review we found that data mining techniques (classification, regression, clustering and association rules) could be used to solve many types of problems in power plants, like predicting the amount of generated power, failure prediction, failure diagnosis, failure detection and many others. Also there is no standard technique that could be used for a specific problem. Application of data mining in power plants is a rich research area and still needs more exploration

    A Review of Classification Problems and Algorithms in Renewable Energy Applications

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    Classification problems and their corresponding solving approaches constitute one of the fields of machine learning. The application of classification schemes in Renewable Energy (RE) has gained significant attention in the last few years, contributing to the deployment, management and optimization of RE systems. The main objective of this paper is to review the most important classification algorithms applied to RE problems, including both classical and novel algorithms. The paper also provides a comprehensive literature review and discussion on different classification techniques in specific RE problems, including wind speed/power prediction, fault diagnosis in RE systems, power quality disturbance classification and other applications in alternative RE systems. In this way, the paper describes classification techniques and metrics applied to RE problems, thus being useful both for researchers dealing with this kind of problem and for practitioners of the field

    Wind Power Forecasting Methods Based on Deep Learning: A Survey

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    Accurate wind power forecasting in wind farm can effectively reduce the enormous impact on grid operation safety when high permeability intermittent power supply is connected to the power grid. Aiming to provide reference strategies for relevant researchers as well as practical applications, this paper attempts to provide the literature investigation and methods analysis of deep learning, enforcement learning and transfer learning in wind speed and wind power forecasting modeling. Usually, wind speed and wind power forecasting around a wind farm requires the calculation of the next moment of the definite state, which is usually achieved based on the state of the atmosphere that encompasses nearby atmospheric pressure, temperature, roughness, and obstacles. As an effective method of high-dimensional feature extraction, deep neural network can theoretically deal with arbitrary nonlinear transformation through proper structural design, such as adding noise to outputs, evolutionary learning used to optimize hidden layer weights, optimize the objective function so as to save information that can improve the output accuracy while filter out the irrelevant or less affected information for forecasting. The establishment of high-precision wind speed and wind power forecasting models is always a challenge due to the randomness, instantaneity and seasonal characteristics

    Maintenance models applied to wind turbines. A comprehensive overview

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    Producción CientíficaWind power generation has been the fastest-growing energy alternative in recent years, however, it still has to compete with cheaper fossil energy sources. This is one of the motivations to constantly improve the efficiency of wind turbines and develop new Operation and Maintenance (O&M) methodologies. The decisions regarding O&M are based on different types of models, which cover a wide range of scenarios and variables and share the same goal, which is to minimize the Cost of Energy (COE) and maximize the profitability of a wind farm (WF). In this context, this review aims to identify and classify, from a comprehensive perspective, the different types of models used at the strategic, tactical, and operational decision levels of wind turbine maintenance, emphasizing mathematical models (MatMs). The investigation allows the conclusion that even though the evolution of the models and methodologies is ongoing, decision making in all the areas of the wind industry is currently based on artificial intelligence and machine learning models

    A Brief Analysis of Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA) Publication from 2009 to May 2013

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    Gravitational Search Algorithm was introduced in year 2009. Since its introduction, the academic community shows a great interest on this algorith. This can be seen by the high number of publications with a short span of time. This paper analyses the publication trend of Gravitational Search Algorithm since its introduction until May 2013. The objective of this paper is to give exposure to reader the publication trend in the area of Gravitational Search Algorithm

    Hybrid MPPT Control: P&O and Neural Network for Wind Energy Conversion System

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    In the field of wind turbine performance optimization, many techniques are employed to track the maximum power point (MPPT), one of the most commonly used MPPT algorithms is the perturb and observe technique (PO) because of its ease of implementation. However, the main disadvantage of this method is the lack of accuracy due to fluctuations around the maximum power point. In contrast, MPPT control employing neural networks proved to be an effective solution, in terms of accuracy. The contribution of this work is to propose a hybrid maximum power point tracking control using two types of MPPT control: neural network control (NNC) and the perturbation and observe method (PO), thus the PO method can offer better performance. Furthermore, this study aims to provide a comparison of the hybrid method with each algorithm and NNC. At the resulting duty cycle of the 2 methods, we applied the combination operation. A DC-DC boost converter is subjected to the hybrid MPPT control.  This converter is part of a wind energy conversion system employing a permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG). The chain is modeled using MATLAB/Simulink software. The effectiveness of the controller is tested at varying wind speeds. In terms of the Integral time absolute error (ITAE), using the PO technique, the ITAE is 9.72. But, if we apply the suggested technique, it is smaller at 4.55. The corresponding simulation results show that the proposed hybrid method performs best compared to the PO method. Simulation results ensure the performance of the proposed hybrid MPPT control.