92 research outputs found

    The reverse greedy algorithm for the metric k-median problem

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    The Reverse Greedy algorithm (RGreedy) for the k-median problem works as follows. It starts by placing facilities on all nodes. At each step, it removes a facility to minimize the resulting total distance from the customers to the remaining facilities. It stops when k facilities remain. We prove that, if the distance function is metric, then the approximation ratio of RGreedy is between ?(log n/ log log n) and O(log n).Comment: to appear in IPL. preliminary version in COCOON '0

    Center-based Clustering under Perturbation Stability

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    Clustering under most popular objective functions is NP-hard, even to approximate well, and so unlikely to be efficiently solvable in the worst case. Recently, Bilu and Linial \cite{Bilu09} suggested an approach aimed at bypassing this computational barrier by using properties of instances one might hope to hold in practice. In particular, they argue that instances in practice should be stable to small perturbations in the metric space and give an efficient algorithm for clustering instances of the Max-Cut problem that are stable to perturbations of size O(n1/2)O(n^{1/2}). In addition, they conjecture that instances stable to as little as O(1) perturbations should be solvable in polynomial time. In this paper we prove that this conjecture is true for any center-based clustering objective (such as kk-median, kk-means, and kk-center). Specifically, we show we can efficiently find the optimal clustering assuming only stability to factor-3 perturbations of the underlying metric in spaces without Steiner points, and stability to factor 2+32+\sqrt{3} perturbations for general metrics. In particular, we show for such instances that the popular Single-Linkage algorithm combined with dynamic programming will find the optimal clustering. We also present NP-hardness results under a weaker but related condition

    Fault Tolerant Clustering Revisited

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    In discrete k-center and k-median clustering, we are given a set of points P in a metric space M, and the task is to output a set C \subseteq ? P, |C| = k, such that the cost of clustering P using C is as small as possible. For k-center, the cost is the furthest a point has to travel to its nearest center, whereas for k-median, the cost is the sum of all point to nearest center distances. In the fault-tolerant versions of these problems, we are given an additional parameter 1 ?\leq \ell \leq ? k, such that when computing the cost of clustering, points are assigned to their \ell-th nearest-neighbor in C, instead of their nearest neighbor. We provide constant factor approximation algorithms for these problems that are both conceptually simple and highly practical from an implementation stand-point

    Robust Fault Tolerant uncapacitated facility location

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    In the uncapacitated facility location problem, given a graph, a set of demands and opening costs, it is required to find a set of facilities R, so as to minimize the sum of the cost of opening the facilities in R and the cost of assigning all node demands to open facilities. This paper concerns the robust fault-tolerant version of the uncapacitated facility location problem (RFTFL). In this problem, one or more facilities might fail, and each demand should be supplied by the closest open facility that did not fail. It is required to find a set of facilities R, so as to minimize the sum of the cost of opening the facilities in R and the cost of assigning all node demands to open facilities that did not fail, after the failure of up to \alpha facilities. We present a polynomial time algorithm that yields a 6.5-approximation for this problem with at most one failure and a 1.5 + 7.5\alpha-approximation for the problem with at most \alpha > 1 failures. We also show that the RFTFL problem is NP-hard even on trees, and even in the case of a single failure

    Incremental Medians via Online Bidding

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    In the k-median problem we are given sets of facilities and customers, and distances between them. For a given set F of facilities, the cost of serving a customer u is the minimum distance between u and a facility in F. The goal is to find a set F of k facilities that minimizes the sum, over all customers, of their service costs. Following Mettu and Plaxton, we study the incremental medians problem, where k is not known in advance, and the algorithm produces a nested sequence of facility sets where the kth set has size k. The algorithm is c-cost-competitive if the cost of each set is at most c times the cost of the optimum set of size k. We give improved incremental algorithms for the metric version: an 8-cost-competitive deterministic algorithm, a 2e ~ 5.44-cost-competitive randomized algorithm, a (24+epsilon)-cost-competitive, poly-time deterministic algorithm, and a (6e+epsilon ~ .31)-cost-competitive, poly-time randomized algorithm. The algorithm is s-size-competitive if the cost of the kth set is at most the minimum cost of any set of size k, and has size at most s k. The optimal size-competitive ratios for this problem are 4 (deterministic) and e (randomized). We present the first poly-time O(log m)-size-approximation algorithm for the offline problem and first poly-time O(log m)-size-competitive algorithm for the incremental problem. Our proofs reduce incremental medians to the following online bidding problem: faced with an unknown threshold T, an algorithm submits "bids" until it submits a bid that is at least the threshold. It pays the sum of all its bids. We prove that folklore algorithms for online bidding are optimally competitive.Comment: conference version appeared in LATIN 2006 as "Oblivious Medians via Online Bidding

    The Hardness of Approximation of Euclidean k-means

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    The Euclidean kk-means problem is a classical problem that has been extensively studied in the theoretical computer science, machine learning and the computational geometry communities. In this problem, we are given a set of nn points in Euclidean space RdR^d, and the goal is to choose kk centers in RdR^d so that the sum of squared distances of each point to its nearest center is minimized. The best approximation algorithms for this problem include a polynomial time constant factor approximation for general kk and a (1+Ï”)(1+\epsilon)-approximation which runs in time poly(n)2O(k/Ï”)poly(n) 2^{O(k/\epsilon)}. At the other extreme, the only known computational complexity result for this problem is NP-hardness [ADHP'09]. The main difficulty in obtaining hardness results stems from the Euclidean nature of the problem, and the fact that any point in RdR^d can be a potential center. This gap in understanding left open the intriguing possibility that the problem might admit a PTAS for all k,dk,d. In this paper we provide the first hardness of approximation for the Euclidean kk-means problem. Concretely, we show that there exists a constant Ï”>0\epsilon > 0 such that it is NP-hard to approximate the kk-means objective to within a factor of (1+Ï”)(1+\epsilon). We show this via an efficient reduction from the vertex cover problem on triangle-free graphs: given a triangle-free graph, the goal is to choose the fewest number of vertices which are incident on all the edges. Additionally, we give a proof that the current best hardness results for vertex cover can be carried over to triangle-free graphs. To show this we transform GG, a known hard vertex cover instance, by taking a graph product with a suitably chosen graph HH, and showing that the size of the (normalized) maximum independent set is almost exactly preserved in the product graph using a spectral analysis, which might be of independent interest

    Performance Appraisal Research: A Critical Review of Work on “The Social Context and Politics of Appraisal”

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    This paper reviews existing literatures on the analysis of performance appraisal (PA) paying special attention to those which try to take into account the “social context” of appraisal systems and processes. The special place of political action within these processes is underlined and the different levels at which politics need to be considered in research are outlined. Research on politics is considered and shown to lack an adequate consideration of the social relations involved in the reciprocal interactions between PA tools and processes and users interpretation and manipulation of them.Performance appraisal; Social context; Politics
