8 research outputs found

    A New Global Router for Modern Designs

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    Abstract -In this paper, we present a new global router, NTHU-Route, for modern designs. NTHU-Route is based on iterative rip-ups and reroutes, and several techniques are proposed to enhance our global router. These techniques include (1) a history based cost function which helps to distribute overflow during iterative rip-ups and reroutes, (2) an adaptive multi-source multi-sink maze routing method to improve the wirelength of maze routing, (3) a congested region identification method to specify the order for nets to be ripped up and rerouted, and (4) a refinement process to further reduce overflow when iterative history based rip-ups and reroutes reach bottleneck. Compared with two state-of-the-art works on ISPD98 benchmarks, NTHU-Route outperforms them in both overflow and wirelength. For the much larger designs from the ISPD07 benchmark suite, our solution quality is better than or comparable to the best results reported in the ISPD07 routing contest. I Introduction In the recent years, feature size continues to shrink. Although the device becomes smaller and faster, the shrinkage increases the wire resistance and hence interconnect delay. Interconnect delay has replaced transistor delay as the main determinant of chip performance. Therefore the routing problem is becoming even more important in VLSI design. Typically, the routing problem can be divided into two steps due to the problem complexity: global routing and detailed routing. During global routing, nets are connected on a coarse-grain grid graph with capacity constraints. Then detailed routing follows the solution in global routing to find the exact routing solution. The quality of global routing affects timing, power and density in the chip area, and thus global routing is a very important stage in the design cycle. Recent global routing techniques can be roughly categorized into two classes: multicommodity flow based techniques and rip-up and reroute techniques. Multicommodity flow based techniques Rip-up and reroute approach starts by routing each net without considering congestion. After routing all nets, congested areas can be identified and the nets in those areas are ripped up and rerouted to find less congested routes. This approach is a sequential one since the net to be ripped up and rerouted has to follow a specific order. Therefore the routing order in rip-up and reroute techniques affects the solution quality a lot. Chi Dispersion In this paper, we present a new global router, NTHU-Route, for modern designs. NTHU-Route is based on iterative rip-ups and reroutes, and several techniques are proposed to enhance our global router. These techniques include (1) a history based cost function which helps to distribute overflow during iterative rip-ups and reroutes, (2) an adaptive multi-source multi-sink maze routing method to improve the wirelength of maze routing, (3) a congested region identification method to specify the order for nets to be ripped up and rerouted, and (4) a refinement process to further reduce overflow when iterative history based rip-ups and reroutes reach bottleneck. We compare our results with two state-of-the-art works, BoxRouter and FastRoute, on ISPD98 benchmarks. Our global router solves all benchmarks without any overflow and respectively reduces the wirelength over BoxRouter and FastRoute by 1.93% and 2.59% on average. We also perform our router on ISPD07 benchmarks which contain multi-layer designs with larger size. The experiments show that our router obtains the solution with least overflow when comparing with the best results reported in the ISPD07 global routing contest. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II gives the preliminaries including the problem formulation and introduction for some routing techniques. In section III, we present our global router in detail. Section IV provides the experimental results and we conclude the paper in section V

    A Layer Centric VLSI Physical Design Methodology Considering Non-uniform Metal Stacks

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    VLSI technology scaling has caused interconnect delay to increasingly dominate the overall chip performance. Optimization techniques such as buffer insertion, wire sizing and layer assignment play critical roles in successful timing closure for chip designs. For several VLSI technology generations, designers have confronted the challenges associated with increasing wire delays. One industrial solution is to add layers of thicker metal to the wiring stacks. However, the existing physical synthesis tools are not effective enough to handle these new thick metal layers. Thus, it is necessary to design a new flow to provide better communication among layer planning, buffering, routing and different optimization engines. In this thesis, our work proposes a new design flow, Layer Centric Design Flow, to perform congestion mitigation and timing optimization with layer directives. Our design flow balances buffer and routing resources so that the design benefits from the availability of thick metal layers and reduces buffer usage while maintaining routability as well as performance

    Using ant colony optimization for routing in microprocesors

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    Power consumption is an important constraint on VLSI systems. With the advancement in technology, it is now possible to pack a large range of functionalities into VLSI devices. Hence it is important to find out ways to utilize these functionalities with optimized power consumption. This work focuses on curbing power consumption at the design stage. This work emphasizes minimizing active power consumption by minimizing the load capacitance of the chip. Capacitance of wires and vias can be minimized using Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithms. ACO provides a multi agent framework for combinatorial optimization problems and hence is used to handle multiple constraints of minimizing wire-length and vias to achieve the goal of minimizing capacitance and hence power consumption. The ACO developed here is able to achieve an 8% reduction of wire-length and 7% reduction in vias thereby providing a 7% reduction in total capacitance, compared to other state of the art routers

    3D Global Router: a Study to Optimize Congestion, Wirelength and Via for Circuit Layout

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    The increasing size of integrated circuits and aggressive shrinking process feature size for IC manufacturing process poses signicant challenges on traditional physical design problems. Various design rules signicantly complicate the physical design problems and large problem size abides nothing but extremely e cient techniques. Leading physical design tools have to be powerful enough to handle complex design demands and be nimble enough to waste no runtime. This thesis studies the challenges faced by global routing problem, one of the traditional physical design problems that needs to be pushed to its new limit. This work proposes three e ective tools to tackle congestion, wire and via optimization in global routing process, from three di erent aspects. The number of vias generated during the global routing stage is a critical factor for the yield of integrated circuits. However, most global routers only approach the problem by charging a cost for vias in the maze routing cost function. The first work of this thesis, FastRoute 4.0 presents a global router that addresses the via number optimization problem throughout the entire global routing ow. It introduces the via aware Steiner tree generation, 3-bend routing and layer assignment with careful ordering to reduce via count. The integration of these three techniques with existing academic global routers achieves signicant reduction in via count without any sacrice in runtime. Despite of the recent development for popular rip-up and reroute framework, the congestion elimination process remains arbitrary and requires signicant tuning. Global routing has congestion elimination as the first and foremost priority and congestion issue becomes increasingly severe due to timing requirements, design for manufacturability. The second work of this thesis, an auction algorithm based pre-processing framework (APF) for global routing focuses on how to eliminate congestion e ectively. In order to achieve more consistent congestion elimination, the framework uses auction based detour techniques to alleviate the impacts of greedy sequential manner of maze routing, which remains as a major drawback in the most popular global routing framework. In the framework, APF first identies the most congested global routing locations by an interval over ow lower bound technique. Then APF uses auction based detour algorithm to compute which nets to detour and where to detour. The framework can be applied to any global routers and would help them to achieve signicant improvement in both solution quality and runtime. The third work in this thesis combines the advantage of the two framework used to minimize via usage in global routing: 3D routers with good solution quality and e cient 2D routers with layer assignment process. It results in a new multi-level 3D global router called MGR (multi-level global router) that combines the advantage of both kinds. MGR resorts to an e cient multi-level framework to reroute nets in the congested region on the 3D grid graph. Routing on the coarsened grid graph speeds up the global router while 3D routing introduces less vias. The powerful multi-level rerouting framework wraps three innovative routing techniques together: an adaptive resource reservation technique in coarsening process, a new 3-terminal maze routing algorithm and a network flow based solution propagation method in uncoarsening process. As a result, MGR can achieve the solution quality close to 3D routers with comparable runtime of 2D routers

    Handling the complexity of routing problem in modern VLSI design

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    In VLSI physical design, the routing task consists of using over-the-cell metal wires to connect pins and ports of circuit gates and blocks. Traditionally, VLSI routing is an important design step in the sense that the quality of routing solution has great impact on various design metrics such as circuit timing, power consumption, chip reliability and manufacturability etc. As the advancing VLSI design enters the nanometer era, the routing success (routability issue) has been arising as one of the most critical problems in back-end design. In one aspect, the degree of design complexity is increasing dramatically as more and more modules are integrated into the chip. Much higher chip density leads to higher routing demands and potentially more risks in routing failure. In another aspect, with decreasing design feature size, there are more complex design rules imposed to ensure manufacturability. These design rules are hard to satisfy and they usually create more barriers for achieving routing closure (i.e., generate DRC free routing solution) and thus affect chip time to market (TTM) plan. In general, the behavior and performance of routing are affected by three consecutive phases: placement phase, global routing phase and detailed routing phase in a typical VLSI physical design flow. Traditional CAD tools handle each of the three phases independently and the global picture of the routability issue is neglected. Different from conventional approaches which propose tools and algorithms for one particular design phase, this thesis investigates the routability issue from all three phases and proposes a series of systematic solutions to build a more generic flow and improve quality of results (QoR). For the placement phase, we will introduce a mixed-sized placement refinement tool for alleviating congestion after placement. The tool shifts and relocates modules based on a global routing estimation. For the global routing phase, a very fast and effective global router is developed. Its performance surpasses many peer works as verified by ISPD 2008 global routing contest results. In the detailed routing phase, a tool is proposed to perform detailed routing using regular routing patterns based on a correct-by-construction methodology to improve routability as well as satisfy most design rules. Finally, the tool which integrates global routing and detailed routing is developed to remedy the inconsistency between global routing and detailed routing. To verify the algorithms we proposed, three sets of testcases derived from ISPD98 and ISPD05/06 placement benchmark suites are proposed. The results indicate that our proposed methods construct an integrated and systematic flow for routability improvement which is better than conventional methods

    Graphics Processing Unit-Based Computer-Aided Design Algorithms for Electronic Design Automation

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    The electronic design automation (EDA) tools are a specific set of software that play important roles in modern integrated circuit (IC) design. These software automate the design processes of IC with various stages. Among these stages, two important EDA design tools are the focus of this research: floorplanning and global routing. Specifically, the goal of this study is to parallelize these two tools such that their execution time can be significantly shortened on modern multi-core and graphics processing unit (GPU) architectures. The GPU hardware is a massively parallel architecture, enabling thousands of independent threads to execute concurrently. Although a small set of EDA tools can benefit from using GPU to accelerate their speed, most algorithms in this field are designed with the single-core paradigm in mind. The floorplanning and global routing algorithms are among the latter, and difficult to render any speedup on the GPU due to their inherent sequential nature. This work parallelizes the floorplanning and global routing algorithm through a novel approach and results in significant speedups for both tools implemented on the GPU hardware. Specifically, with a complete overhaul of solution space and design space exploration, a GPU-based floorplanning algorithm is able to render 4-166X speedup, while achieving similar or improved solutions compared with the sequential algorithm. The GPU-based global routing algorithm is shown to achieve significant speedup against existing state-of-the-art routers, while delivering competitive solution quality. Importantly, this parallel model for global routing renders a stable solution that is independent from the level of parallelism. In summary, this research has shown that through a design paradigm overhaul, sequential algorithms can also benefit from the massively parallel architecture. The findings of this study have a positive impact on the efficiency and design quality of modern EDA design flow

    A Finite Domain Constraint Approach for Placement and Routing of Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Architectures

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    Scheduling, placement, and routing are important steps in Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) design. Researchers have developed numerous techniques to solve placement and routing problems. As the complexity of Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) increased over the past decades, so did the demand for improved place and route techniques. The primary objective of these place and route approaches has typically been wirelength minimization due to its impact on signal delay and design performance. With the advent of Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), the same place and route techniques were applied to FPGA-based design. However, traditional place and route techniques may not work for Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Architectures (CGRAs), which are reconfigurable devices offering wider path widths than FPGAs and more flexibility than ASICs, due to the differences in architecture and routing network. Further, the routing network of several types of CGRAs, including the Field Programmable Object Array (FPOA), has deterministic timing as compared to the routing fabric of most ASICs and FPGAs reported in the literature. This necessitates a fresh look at alternative approaches to place and route designs. This dissertation presents a finite domain constraint-based, delay-aware placement and routing methodology targeting an FPOA. The proposed methodology takes advantage of the deterministic routing network of CGRAs to perform a delay aware placement

    Pinzuordnungs-Algorithmen zur Optimierung der Verdrahtbarkeit beim hierarchischen Layoutentwurf

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    Sie entwickeln Entwurfssysteme für elektronische Baugruppen? Dann gehören für Sie die mit der Pinzuordnung verbundenen Optimierungskriterien - die Verdrahtbarkeit im Elektronikentwurf - zum Berufsalltag. Um die Verdrahtbarkeit unter verschiedenen Gesichtspunkten zu verbessern, werden in diesem Buch neu entwickelte Algorithmen vorgestellt. Sie ermöglichen erstmals die automatisierte Pinzuordnung für eine große Anzahl von Bauelementen in hochkomplexen Schaltungen. Alle Aspekte müssen in kürzester Zeit exakt erfasst, eingeschätzt und im Entwurfsprozess zu einem optimalen Ergebnis geführt werden. Die beschriebenen Methoden reduzieren den Entwicklungsaufwand für elektronische Systeme auf ein Minimum und ermöglichen intelligente Lösungen auf der Höhe der Zeit. Die vorliegende Arbeit behandelt die Optimierung der Pinzuordnung und die dafür notwendige Verdrahtbarkeitsvorhersage im hierarchischen Layoutentwurf. Dabei werden bekannte Methoden der Verdrahtbarkeitsvorhersage aus allen Schritten des Layoutentwurfs zusammengetragen, gegenübergestellt und auf ihre Eignung für die Pinzuordnung untersucht. Dies führt schließlich zur Entwicklung einer Vorhersagemethode, die speziell an die Anforderungen der Pinzuordnung angepasst ist. Die Pinzuordnung komplexer elektronischer Geräte ist bisher ein vorwiegend manueller Prozess. Es existieren also bereits Erfahrungen, welche jedoch weder formalisiert noch allgemein verfügbar sind. In den vorliegenden Untersuchungen werden Methoden der Pinzuordnung algorithmisch formuliert und damit einer Automatisierung zugeführt. Besondere Merkmale der Algorithmen sind ihre Einsetzbarkeit bereits während der Planung des Layouts, ihre Eignung für den hierarchisch gegliederten Layoutentwurf sowie ihre Fähigkeit, die Randbedingungen differenzieller Paare zu berücksichtigen. Die beiden untersuchten Aspekte der Pinzuordnung, Verdrahtbarkeitsvorhersage und Zuordnungsalgorithmen, werden schließlich zusammengeführt, indem die neue entwickelte Verdrahtbarkeitsbewertung zum Vergleichen und Auswählen der formulierten Zuordnungsalgorithmen zum Einsatz kommt.:1 Einleitung 1.1 Layoutentwurfsprozess elektronischer Baugruppen 1.2 Ziel der Arbeit 2 Grundlagen 2.1 Pinzuordnung 2.1.1 Definitionen 2.1.2 Freiheitsgrad 2.1.3 Komplexität und Problemgröße 2.1.4 Optimierungsziel 2.1.5 Randbedingungen 2.2 Reale Entwurfsbeispiele der Pinzuordnung 2.2.1 Hierarchieebenen eines Personal Computers 2.2.2 Multi-Chip-Module auf Hauptplatine 2.3 Einteilung von Algorithmen der Pinzuordnung 2.3.1 Klassifikation nach der Einordnung in den Layoutentwurf 2.3.2 Klassifikation nach Optimierungsverfahren 2.3.3 Zusammenfassung 2.4 Verdrahtbarkeitsvorhersage 2.4.1 Definitionen 2.4.2 Vorhersagegenauigkeit und zeitlicher Rechenaufwand 2.4.3 Methoden der Verdrahtbarkeitsvorhersage 3 Stand der Technik 3.1 Pinzuordnung 3.1.1 Einordnung in den Layoutentwurf 3.1.2 Optimierungsverfahren 3.2 Verdrahtbarkeitsvorhersage 3.2.1 Partitionierbarkeit 3.2.2 Verdrahtungslänge 3.2.3 Verdrahtungsweg 3.2.4 Verdrahtungsdichte 3.2.5 Verdrahtungsauslastung und Overflow 3.2.6 Manuelle optische Bewertung 3.2.7 Interpretation und Wichtung der Kriterien 4 Präzisierung der Aufgabenstellung 5 Pinzuordnungs-Algorithmen 5.1 Voraussetzungen 5.2 Topologische Heuristiken 5.2.1 Wiederholtes Unterteilen 5.2.2 Kreuzungen minimieren 5.2.3 Projizieren auf Gerade 5.3 Lineare Optimierung 5.4 Differenzielle Paare 5.5 Pinzuordnung in Hierarchieebenen 5.6 Nutzen der Globalverdrahtung 5.6.1 Methode 5.6.2 Layout der Ankerkomponenten 5.7 Zusammenfassung 6 Verdrahtbarkeitsbewertung während der Pinzuordnung 6.1 Anforderungen 6.2 Eignung bekannter Bewertungskriterien 6.2.1 Partitionierbarkeit / Komplexitätsanalyse 6.2.2 Verdrahtungslängen 6.2.3 Verdrahtungswege 6.2.4 Verdrahtungsdichte 6.2.5 Verdrahtungsauslastung 6.2.6 Overflow 6.2.7 Schlussfolgerung 6.3 Probabilistische Verdrahtungsdichtevorhersage 6.3.1 Grenzen probabilistischer Vorhersagen 6.3.2 Verdrahtungsumwege 6.3.3 Verdrahtungsdichteverteilung 6.3.4 Gesamtverdrahtungsdichte und Hierarchieebenen 6.4 Bewertung der Verdrahtungsdichteverteilung 6.4.1 Maßzahlen für die Verdrahtbarkeit eines Netzes 6.4.2 Maßzahlen für die Gesamtverdrahtbarkeit 6.5 Zusammenfassung 7 Pinzuordnungs-Bewertung 7.1 Anforderungen 7.2 Kostenterme 7.3 Normierung 7.3.1 Referenzwerte für Eigenschaften der Verdrahtungsdichte 7.3.2 Referenzwerte für Verdrahtungslängen 7.3.3 Referenzwerte für Signalkreuzungen 7.4 Gesamtbewertung der Verdrahtbarkeit 7.5 Priorisierung der Kostenterme 7.6 Zusammenfassung 8 Ergebnisse 8.1 Verdrahtbarkeitsbewertung 8.1.1 Charakteristik der ISPD-Globalverdrahtungswettbewerbe 8.1.2 Untersuchte probabilistische Schätzer 8.1.3 Kriterien zum Bewerten der Vorhersagegenauigkeit 8.1.4 Vorhersagegenauigkeit der probabilistischen Schätzer 8.2 Pinzuordnungs-Bewertung 8.2.1 Vollständige Analyse kleiner Pinzuordnungs-Aufgaben 8.2.2 Pinzuordnungs-Aufgaben realer Problemgröße 8.2.3 Differenzielle Paare 8.2.4 Nutzen der Globalverdrahtung 8.2.5 Hierarchieebenen 8.3 Zusammenfassung 9 Gesamtzusammenfassung und Ausblick Verzeichnisse Zeichen, Benennungen und Einheiten Abkürzungsverzeichnis Glossar Anhang A Struktogramme der Pinzuordnungs-Algorithmen A.1 Wiederholtes Unterteilen A.2 Kreuzungen minimieren A.3 Projizieren auf Gerade A.4 Lineare Optimierung A.5 Zufällige Pinzuordnung A.6 Differenzielle Paare A.7 Pinzuordnung in Hierarchieebenen A.8 Nutzen der Globalverdrahtung B Besonderheit der Manhattan-Länge während der Pinzuordnung C Weitere Ergebnisse C.1 Multipinnetz-Zerlegung C.1.1 Grundlagen C.1.2 In dieser Arbeit angewendete Multipinnetz-Zerlegung C.2 Genauigkeit der Verdrahtungsvorhersage C.3 Hierarchische Pinzuordnung LiteraturverzeichnisThis work deals with the optimization of pin assignments for which an accurate routability prediction is a prerequisite. Therefore, this contribution introduces methods for routability prediction. The optimization of pin assignments, for which these methods are needed, is done after initial placement and before routing. Known methods of routability prediction are compiled, compared, and analyzed for their usability as part of the pin assignment step. These investigations lead to the development of a routability prediction method, which is adapted to the specific requirements of pin assignment. So far pin assignment of complex electronic devices has been a predominantly manual process. Hence, practical experience exists, yet, it had not been transferred to an algorithmic formulation. This contribution develops pin assignment methods in order to automate and improve pin assignment. Distinctive characteristics of the thereby developed algorithms are their usability during layout planning, their capability to integrate into a hierarchical design flow, and the consideration of differential pairs. Both aspects, routability prediction and assignment algorithms, are finally brought together by using the newly developed routability prediction to evaluate and select the assignment algorithms.:1 Einleitung 1.1 Layoutentwurfsprozess elektronischer Baugruppen 1.2 Ziel der Arbeit 2 Grundlagen 2.1 Pinzuordnung 2.1.1 Definitionen 2.1.2 Freiheitsgrad 2.1.3 Komplexität und Problemgröße 2.1.4 Optimierungsziel 2.1.5 Randbedingungen 2.2 Reale Entwurfsbeispiele der Pinzuordnung 2.2.1 Hierarchieebenen eines Personal Computers 2.2.2 Multi-Chip-Module auf Hauptplatine 2.3 Einteilung von Algorithmen der Pinzuordnung 2.3.1 Klassifikation nach der Einordnung in den Layoutentwurf 2.3.2 Klassifikation nach Optimierungsverfahren 2.3.3 Zusammenfassung 2.4 Verdrahtbarkeitsvorhersage 2.4.1 Definitionen 2.4.2 Vorhersagegenauigkeit und zeitlicher Rechenaufwand 2.4.3 Methoden der Verdrahtbarkeitsvorhersage 3 Stand der Technik 3.1 Pinzuordnung 3.1.1 Einordnung in den Layoutentwurf 3.1.2 Optimierungsverfahren 3.2 Verdrahtbarkeitsvorhersage 3.2.1 Partitionierbarkeit 3.2.2 Verdrahtungslänge 3.2.3 Verdrahtungsweg 3.2.4 Verdrahtungsdichte 3.2.5 Verdrahtungsauslastung und Overflow 3.2.6 Manuelle optische Bewertung 3.2.7 Interpretation und Wichtung der Kriterien 4 Präzisierung der Aufgabenstellung 5 Pinzuordnungs-Algorithmen 5.1 Voraussetzungen 5.2 Topologische Heuristiken 5.2.1 Wiederholtes Unterteilen 5.2.2 Kreuzungen minimieren 5.2.3 Projizieren auf Gerade 5.3 Lineare Optimierung 5.4 Differenzielle Paare 5.5 Pinzuordnung in Hierarchieebenen 5.6 Nutzen der Globalverdrahtung 5.6.1 Methode 5.6.2 Layout der Ankerkomponenten 5.7 Zusammenfassung 6 Verdrahtbarkeitsbewertung während der Pinzuordnung 6.1 Anforderungen 6.2 Eignung bekannter Bewertungskriterien 6.2.1 Partitionierbarkeit / Komplexitätsanalyse 6.2.2 Verdrahtungslängen 6.2.3 Verdrahtungswege 6.2.4 Verdrahtungsdichte 6.2.5 Verdrahtungsauslastung 6.2.6 Overflow 6.2.7 Schlussfolgerung 6.3 Probabilistische Verdrahtungsdichtevorhersage 6.3.1 Grenzen probabilistischer Vorhersagen 6.3.2 Verdrahtungsumwege 6.3.3 Verdrahtungsdichteverteilung 6.3.4 Gesamtverdrahtungsdichte und Hierarchieebenen 6.4 Bewertung der Verdrahtungsdichteverteilung 6.4.1 Maßzahlen für die Verdrahtbarkeit eines Netzes 6.4.2 Maßzahlen für die Gesamtverdrahtbarkeit 6.5 Zusammenfassung 7 Pinzuordnungs-Bewertung 7.1 Anforderungen 7.2 Kostenterme 7.3 Normierung 7.3.1 Referenzwerte für Eigenschaften der Verdrahtungsdichte 7.3.2 Referenzwerte für Verdrahtungslängen 7.3.3 Referenzwerte für Signalkreuzungen 7.4 Gesamtbewertung der Verdrahtbarkeit 7.5 Priorisierung der Kostenterme 7.6 Zusammenfassung 8 Ergebnisse 8.1 Verdrahtbarkeitsbewertung 8.1.1 Charakteristik der ISPD-Globalverdrahtungswettbewerbe 8.1.2 Untersuchte probabilistische Schätzer 8.1.3 Kriterien zum Bewerten der Vorhersagegenauigkeit 8.1.4 Vorhersagegenauigkeit der probabilistischen Schätzer 8.2 Pinzuordnungs-Bewertung 8.2.1 Vollständige Analyse kleiner Pinzuordnungs-Aufgaben 8.2.2 Pinzuordnungs-Aufgaben realer Problemgröße 8.2.3 Differenzielle Paare 8.2.4 Nutzen der Globalverdrahtung 8.2.5 Hierarchieebenen 8.3 Zusammenfassung 9 Gesamtzusammenfassung und Ausblick Verzeichnisse Zeichen, Benennungen und Einheiten Abkürzungsverzeichnis Glossar Anhang A Struktogramme der Pinzuordnungs-Algorithmen A.1 Wiederholtes Unterteilen A.2 Kreuzungen minimieren A.3 Projizieren auf Gerade A.4 Lineare Optimierung A.5 Zufällige Pinzuordnung A.6 Differenzielle Paare A.7 Pinzuordnung in Hierarchieebenen A.8 Nutzen der Globalverdrahtung B Besonderheit der Manhattan-Länge während der Pinzuordnung C Weitere Ergebnisse C.1 Multipinnetz-Zerlegung C.1.1 Grundlagen C.1.2 In dieser Arbeit angewendete Multipinnetz-Zerlegung C.2 Genauigkeit der Verdrahtungsvorhersage C.3 Hierarchische Pinzuordnung Literaturverzeichni