443,201 research outputs found

    Secure Framework in Data Processing for Mobile Cloud Computing

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    Generally Mobile Cloud storage enables users to remotely store their data and enjoy the on-demand high quality cloud applications without the burden of local hardware and software management. Though the benefits are clear, such a service is also relinquishing users ‘physical possession of their outsourced data, which inevitably poses new security risks towards the correctness of the data in cloud. In order to address this new problem and further achieve a secure and dependable cloud storage service, we propose in this paper a new secure framework. In addition to providing traditional computation services, mobile cloud also enhances the operation of traditional ad hoc network by treating mobile devices as service nodes, e.g., sensing services. The mobile services or sensed information, such as location coordinates, health related information, should be processed and stored in a secure fashion to protect user’s privacy in the cloud. In this paper, we present a new mobile cloud data processing framework through trust management and private data isolation. Finally, an implementation pilot for improving teenagers’ driving safety, which is called FocusDrive, is presented to demonstrate the solution

    A Security Framework for Wireless Sensor Networks Utilizing a Unique Session Key

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    Key management is a core mechanism to ensure the security of applications and network services in wireless sensor networks. It includes two aspects: key distribution and key revocation. Many key management protocols have been specifically designed for wireless sensor networks. However, most of the key management protocols focus on the establishment of the required keys or the removal of the compromised keys. The design of these key management protocols does not consider the support of higher level security applications. When the applications are integrated later in sensor networks, new mechanisms must be designed. In this paper, we propose a security framework, uKeying, for wireless sensor networks. This framework can be easily extended to support many security applications. It includes three components: a security mechanism to provide secrecy for communications in sensor networks, an efficient session key distribution scheme, and a centralized key revocation scheme. The proposed framework does not depend on a specific key distribution scheme and can be used to support many security applications, such as secure group communications. Our analysis shows that the framework is secure, efficient, and extensible. The simulation and results also reveal for the first time that a centralized key revocation scheme can also attain a high efficiency

    Efficient Security Protocols for Fast Handovers in Wireless Mesh Networks

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    Wireless mesh networks (WMNs) are gaining popularity as a flexible and inexpensive replacement for Ethernet-based infrastructures. As the use of mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets is becoming ubiquitous, mobile clients should be guaranteed uninterrupted connectivity and services as they move from one access point to another within a WMN or between networks. To that end, we propose a novel security framework that consists of a new architecture, trust models, and protocols to offer mobile clients seamless and fast handovers in WMNs. The framework provides a dynamic, flexible, resource-efficient, and secure platform for intra-network and inter-network handovers in order to support real-time mobile applications in WMNs. In particular, we propose solutions to the following problems: authentication, key management, and group key management. We propose (1) a suite of certificate-based authentication protocols that minimize the authentication delay during handovers from one access point to another within a network (intra-network authentication). (2) a suite of key distribution and authentication protocols that minimize the authentication delay during handovers from one network to another (inter-network authentication). (3) a new implementation of group key management at the data link layer in order to reduce the group key update latency from linear time (as currently done in IEEE 802.11 standards) to logarithmic time. This contributes towards minimizing the latency of the handover process for mobile members in a multicast or broadcast group

    Distributed Load Scheduling in Residential Neighborhoods for Coordinated Operation of Multiple Home Energy Management Systems

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    Recently, home energy management systems (HEMS) are gaining more popularity enabling customers to minimize their electricity bill under time-varying electricity prices. Although they offer a promising solution for better energy management in smart grids, the uncoordinated and autonomous operation of HEMS may lead to some operational problems at the grid level. This paper aims to develop a coordinated framework for the operation of multiple HEMS in a residential neighborhood based on the optimal and secure operation of the grid. In the proposed framework customers cooperate to optimize energy consumption at the neighborhood level and prevent any grid operational constraints violation. A new price-based global and individualized incentives are proposed for customers to respond and adjust loads. The individual customers are rewarded for their cooperation and the network operator benefits by eliminating rebounding network peaks. The alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) technique is used to implement coordinated load scheduling in a distributed manner reducing the computational burden and ensure customer privacy. Simulation results demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed method in maintaining nominal network conditions while ensuring benefits for individual customers as well as grid operators

    Towards a generic research data management infrastructure

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    Until recent years, a focused and centralized strategy for the annotation, storage and curation of research data is something that has not been widely considered within academic communities. The majority of research data sits, fragmented, on a variety of disk structures (Desktops, network & external hard drives) and is usually managed locally, with little interest paid to policies governing how it is backed up, disseminated and organized for short or long term reuse. Recognition of how current practices and infrastructure present a barrier to research, has resulted in several recent academic programmes which have focused on developing comprehensive frameworks for the management and curation of research data1-3. Many of these frameworks (such as the Archer suite of e- Research tools1), however, are large and complex, and have an overreliance on new and novel technologies making them unwieldy and difficult to support. The paper discusses the development of a simpler framework for the management of research data through its full lifecycle, allowing users to annotate and structure their research in a secure and backed up environment. The infrastructure is being developed as a pilot system and is expected to work with data from approximately a dozen researchers and manage several Terabytes of data. The technical work is a strand of the MaDAM (Manchester Data Management) project at The University of Manchester which is funded by the JISC Managing Research Data Programme.

    Adaptive secure network model for dynamic wireless mesh network

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    University of Technology Sydney. Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology.We as an advanced civilization rely on communication networks for a lot of important tasks. They are used to share information between vital systems, provide us with our pin-point location, access various digital resources and to stay connected with each other. Due to its necessity and enormity, maintaining and securing such a communication medium is an important task. As most communication networks rely on centralized systems, they are bound by the control of a central entity and are unable to keep up with the current growth of the network and advancements in electronic devices. The next step in an inter-connected world requires a decentralized distributed system that can also provide high levels of security. One possible solution is a dynamic distributed wireless mesh network as it provides all the features of a traditional network along with the flexibility of wireless communication and an infrastructure less distributed setup. The network can be created by connecting mobile or stationary devices together using wireless communication devices (such as smartphones, laptops, hot-spots, etc). As the network is created by multiple devices, it would not break-down if some of the devices were disabled. On the contrary, as the network uses hopping for message transmission using dynamic routes, it can self-heal by creating alternate routes if a device was to fail. As the workings and features of a dynamic mesh network differ from the traditional network, it also requires a modified security framework that can provide high levels of security whilst taking benefit of the dynamic mesh network’s unique features. This thesis investigates the problems and limitations linked to secure dynamic wireless mesh networks and how they can be improved upon. In addition to the routing protocols used and how they can be improved upon, the thesis also elaborates on the various security concerns with such networks. As distributed networks aren’t dependent on a central entity, enabling various security features such as authentication are a major challenge. In addition to the decentralized nature of the networks, a single security scheme would not be able to cover the various types of requirements a given scenario in the network might have. Along with authentication, providing end-to-end encryption is also an important component towards ensuring the data travelling through the network is secure and not tampered with. Encryption is also essential in a dynamic wireless mesh network as the data transmitted travels through multiple devices on the network before reaching the destination node and can be easily compromised if not secured. With such an importance of encryption, the network also requires a key management and distribution framework. As traditional network uses a centralized system for maintaining and distributing cryptographic keys in the network, it is a big challenge to implement the same in a distributed network with minimal dependence on a central entity. The key exchange must consider the nature of the network and accordingly incorporate improvements to be able to function in a distributed network. This thesis explores the above areas to propose a new network model for a secure dynamic wireless mesh network including a new routing scheme and a security framework comprising a hybrid encryption scheme, a hybrid authentication scheme and an improved key exchange and management scheme. This thesis demonstrates that our solutions not only strengthen and secure the dynamic wireless mesh networks but also significantly improve the performance and efficiency as compared to existing approaches

    Enabling Trustworthiness in Sustainable Energy Infrastructure Through Blockchain and AI-Assisted Solutions

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    Network trustworthiness is a critical component of network security, as it builds on positive inter-actions, guarantees, transparency, and accountability. And with the growth of smart city services and applications, trustworthiness is becoming more important. Most current network trustworthiness solutions are insufficient, particularly for critical infrastructures where end devices are vulnerable and easily hacked. In terms of the energy sector, blockchain technology transforms all currencies into digital modes, thereby allowing one person to manage and exchange energy with others. This has drawn the attention of experts in many fields as a safe, low-cost platform to track billions of transactions in a distributed energy economy. Security and trust issues are still relatively new in the current centralized energy management scheme. With blockchain technology, a decentralized energy infrastructure enables parties to establish micro- grid trading energy transactions and apply artificial intelligence (AI). Using AI in energy systems enables machines to learn various parameters, such as predicted required amounts, excess amounts, and trusted partners. In this article, we envision a cooperative and distributed framework based on cutting-edge computing, communication, and intelligence capabilities such as AI and blockchain in the energy sector to enable secure energy trading, remote monitoring, and trustworthiness. The proposed framework can also enable secure energy trading at the edge devices and among multiple devices. There are also discussions on difficulties, issues, and design principles, as well as spotlights on some of the more popular solutions
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