7 research outputs found

    Highlighting the excellence in civil engineering research in Portugal with the help of the h-index

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    The Portuguese FCT-“Excellence Stimulus” prize is attributed to Investigators and Professors that published at least 100 papers in the Web of Science-WoS with 500 citations or else 50 papers published in the WoS with 250 citations and the supervision of 10 PhD Thesis. So far almost 70% of these prizes have been awarded to investigators and Professors working in the field of Chemistry. The present paper shows that the fact that this prize has never been award to an Investigator or to a Professor working in the field of Civil Engineering does not mean that excellence is lacking in this particular field. The highest h-index for Associate and Full Professors of Civil Engineering Departments of the six most productive Portuguese Universities are presented in this paper. Comparisons with world top Professors and researchers in the field of Civil Engineering are made

    Utilização do índice-h para caracterizar a quantidade e a qualidade da produção científica: o caso da investigação em Engenharia Civil produzida em Universidades Portuguesas

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    A aferição da qualidade da produção científica pode ser efectuada através de diversos parâmetros. O índice-h proposto em 2005 pelo Professor J. Hirsch da Universidade da Califórnia, é um dos mais utilizados e talvez o mais conhecido. Sendo um índice muito simples o mesmo padece de algumas limitações, que não lhe retiram no entanto a importância que muitos autores e instituições lhe reconhecem. O presente artigo contém uma análise do índice-h de artigos da área científica de engenharia civil produzidos em seis Universidades Portuguesas (UA, UC, UM, UNL, UP e UTL). A mesma permite concluir que com excepção de alguns muito meritórios casos pontuais, a maior parte da investigação realizada nesta área ainda não é uma prática com reconhecimento suficiente em termos internacionais, pelo que se torna necessário agir no sentido de rapidamente se inverter esta situação, criando incentivos para o efeito. Propõe-se por isso que os investigadores da área da engenharia civil titulares de um índice-h=9 sejam considerados ilegíveis para a atribuição do prémio “Estimulo à Excelência”

    Certainty equivalent citation: generalized classes of citation indexes

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    Citation indexes have attracted the interest of many researchers in the recent years. In this paper we propose a new class of citation indexes which is shown to generalize most of the citation indexes in the existing literature (h-, g-, f-, t-index). The class of indexes is obtained borrowing from the notion of ``certainty equivalent income'' or ``equally distributed equivalent income'' which has been largely implemented in the field of risk and inequality measurement. As a result citation orderings are shown to depend on a parameter of concentration/dispersion aversion capturing the value judgments of the decision-maker with respect to the distribution of citations. In order to verify the sensitivity of scientific productivity orderings with respect to concentration/dispersion aversion, an empirical application to a representative sample of Italian academic economists is presented

    Certainty equivalent citation: generalized classes of citation indexes

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    Citation indexes have attracted the interest of many researchers in the recent years. In this paper we propose a new class of citation indexes which is shown to generalize most of the citation indexes in the existing literature (h-, g-, f-, t-index). The class of indexes is obtained borrowing from the notion of ``certainty equivalent income'' or ``equally distributed equivalent income'' which has been largely implemented in the field of risk and inequality measurement. As a result citation orderings are shown to depend on a parameter of concentration/dispersion aversion capturing the value judgments of the decision-maker with respect to the distribution of citations. In order to verify the sensitivity of scientific productivity orderings with respect to concentration/dispersion aversion, an empirical application to a representative sample of Italian academic economists is presented

    Evaluación de la producción científica mediante motores de búsqueda académicos y de acceso libre

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    [EN] The evaluation of scienti c production or, more speci cally the evaluation of the productivity of a scientist, ever since the start of the publishing of research results, has not been a simple task. The human being, in his nature of quantifying everything, has developed through time varied metrics and methodologies to count the fruits of the research work and communicating it to the scienti c community. Any task that carries a measure brings a set of techniques, tools, formulas and rules to assure the objectivity of the given results.[ES] La evaluación de la producción cientí ca o especí camente la evaluaci ón de la productividad de un cientí co, ha sido desde que se iniciaran las publicaciones de los resultados de la investigación, una tarea nada sencilla. El ser humano en su naturaleza de cuanti carlo todo, ha desarrollado a lo largo del tiempo, variadas métricas y metodologías para contabilizar los frutos del trabajo de la investigación y comunicarlo a la comunidad cientí ca. Cualquier tarea que implique una medida lleva consigo el empleo de un conjunto de técnicas, herramientas, fórmulas y reglas para asegurar la objetividad de los resultados arrojados