47 research outputs found

    Anticancer Inhibitors

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    The word "cancer" is associated with at least 100 different pathologies, depending on the organ involved and the type of tumor developed. Cancer is a complex disease involving multiple pathogenetic mechanisms. Characterization of different types of cancers, which distinguishes them from healthy cells and other cancers, allows for the identification of specific targets for each individual tumor. The principle of chemotherapy is based on interference with the mechanisms that regulate the life and proliferation of cancer cells, causing their death. In recent years, there has been continuous progress in the development of therapeutic agents against cancer, which is ongoing.The Anticancer Inhibitors Special Issue focuses on new target-based anticancer agents that inhibit a specific target involved in the suppression of various types of cancer and the control of their chemoresistance.There is a collection of research and review articles on advances in drug discovery, design, and development of new inhibitor compounds with potency against various cancer types

    Rational development of stabilized cyclic disulfide redox probes and bioreductive prodrugs to target dithiol oxidoreductases

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    Countless biological processes allow cells to develop, survive, and proliferate. Among these, tightly balanced regulatory enzymatic pathways that can respond rapidly to external impacts maintain dynamic physiological homeostasis. More specifically, redox homeostasis broadly affects cellular metabolism and proliferation, with major contributions by thiol/disulfide oxidoreductase systems, in particular, the Thioredoxin Reductase Thioredoxin (TrxR/Trx) and the Glutathione Reductase-Glutathione-Glutaredoxin (GR/GSH/Grx) systems. These cascades drive vital cellular functions in many ways through signaling, regulating other proteins' activity by redox switches, and by stoichiometric reductant transfers in metabolism and antioxidant systems. Increasing evidence argues that there is a persistent alteration of the redox environment in certain pathological states, such as cancer, that heavily involve the Trx system: upregulation and/or overactivity of the Trx system may support or drive cancer progression, making both TrxR and Trx promising targets for anti-cancer drug development. Understanding the biochemical mechanisms and connections between certain redox cascades requires research tools that interact with them. The state-of-the-art genetic tools are mostly ratiometric reporters that measure reduced:oxidized ratios of selected redox pairs or the general thiol pool. However, the precise cellular roles of the central oxidoreductase systems, including TrxR and Trx, remain inaccessible due to the lack of probes to selectively measure turnover by either of these proteins. However, such probes would allow measuring their effective reductive activity apart from expression levels in native systems, including in cells, animals, or patient samples. They are also of high interest to identify chemical inhibitors for TrxR/Trx in cells and to validate their potential use as anti-cancer agents (to date, there is no selective cellular Trx inhibitor, and most known TrxR inhibitors were not comprehensively evaluated considering selectivity and potential off-targets). However, small molecule redox imaging tools are underdeveloped: their protein specificity, spectral properties, and applicability remain poorly precedented. This work aimed to address this opportunity gap and develop novel, small molecule diagnostic and therapeutic tools to selectively target the Trx system based on a modular trigger cargo design: artificial cyclic disulfide substrates (trigger) for oxidoreductases are tethered to molecular agents (cargo) such that the cargo’s activity is masked and is re-established only through reduction by a target protein. The rational design of these novel reduction sensors to target the cell's strongest disulfide-reducing enzymes was driven by the following principles: (i) cyclic disulfide triggers with stabilized ring systems were used to gain low reduction potentials that should resist reduction except by the strongest cellular reductases, such as Trx; and (ii) the cyclic topology also offers the potential for kinetic reversibility that should select for dithiol-type redox proteins over the cellular monothiol background. Creating imaging agents based on such two-component designs to selectively measure redox protein activity in native cells required to combine the correct trigger reducibility, probe activation kinetics, and imaging modalities and to consider the overall molecular architecture. The major prior art in this field has applied cyclic 5-membered disulfides (1,2 dithiolanes) as substrates for TrxR in a similar way to create such tools. However, this motif was described elsewhere as thermodynamically instable and was due to widely used for dynamic covalent cascade reactions. By comparing a novel 1,2 dithiolane-based probe to the state-of-the-art probes, including commercial TrxR sensors, by screening a conclusive assay panel of cellular TrxR modulations, I clarified that 1,2 dithiolanes are not selective substrates for TrxR in biological settings (Nat Commun 2022). Instead, aiming for more stable ring systems and thus more robust redox probes, during this work, I developed bicyclic 6 membered disulfides (piperidine fused 1,2 dithianes) with remarkably low reduction potentials. I showed that molecular probes using them as reduction sensors can be mostly processed by thioredoxins while being stable against reduction by GSH. The thermodynamically stabilized decalin like topology of the cis-annelated 1,2 dithianes requires particularly strong reductants to be cleaved. They also select for dithiol type redox proteins, like Trx, based on kinetic reversibility and offer fast cyclization due to the preorganization by annelation (JACS 2021). This work further expanded the system’s modularity with structural cores based on piperazine-fused 1,2 dithianes with the two amines allowing independent derivatization. Diagnostic tools using them as reduction sensors proved equally robust but with highly improved activation kinetics and were thus cellularly activated. Cellular studies evolved that they are substrates for both Trxs and their protein cousins Grxs, so measuring the cellular dithiol protein pool rather than solely Trx activity (preprint 2023). Finally, a trigger based on a slightly adapted reduction sensor, a desymmetrized 1,2 thiaselenane, was designed for selective reduction by TrxR’s selenol/thiol active site, then combined with a precipitating large Stokes’ shift fluorophore and a solubilizing group, to evolve the first selective probe RX1 to measure cellular TrxR activity, which even allowed high throughput inhibitor screening (Chem 2022). The central principle of this work was further advanced to therapeutic prodrugs based on the duocarmycin cargo (CBI) with tunable potency (JACS Au 2022) that can be used to create off-to-on therapeutic prodrugs. Such CBI prodrugs employing stabilized 1,2 dichalcogenide triggers proved to be cytotoxins that depend on Trx system activity in cells. They could further be exploited for cell-line dependent reductase activity profiling by screening their redox activation indices, the reduction-dependent part of total prodrug activation, in 177 cell lines. Beyond that, these prodrugs were well-tolerated in animals and showed anti-cancer efficacy in vivo in two distinct mouse tumor models (preprint 2022). Taken together, I introduced unique monothiol-resistant reducible motifs to target the cellular Trx system with chemocompatible units for each for TrxR and Trx/Grx, where the cyclic nature of the dichalcogenides avoids activation by GSH. By using them with distinct molecular cargos, I developed novel selective fluorescent reporter probes; and introduced a new class of bioreductive therapeutic constructs based on a common modular design. These were either applied to selectively measure cellular reductase activity or to deliver cytotoxic anti cancer agents in vivo. Ongoing work aims to differentiate between the two major redox effector proteins Trx and Grx, requiring additional layers of selectivity that may be addressed by tuned molecular recognition. The flexible use of various molecular cargos allows harnessing the same cellular redox machinery by either probes or prodrugs. This allows predictive conclusions from diagnostics to be directly translated into therapy and offers great potential for future adaptation to other enzyme classes and therapeutic venues.Die zelluläre Redox-Homöostase hängt von Thiol/Disulfid-Oxidoreduktasen ab, die den Stoffwechsel, die Proliferation und die antioxidative Antwort von Zellen beeinflussen. Die wichtigsten Netzwerke sind die Thioredoxin Reduktase-Thioredoxin (TrxR/Trx) und Glutathion Reduktase-Glutathion-Glutaredoxin (GR/GSH/Grx) Systeme, die über Redox-Schalter in Substratproteinen lebenswichtige zelluläre Funktionen steuern und so an der Redox-Regulation und -Signalübertragung beteiligt sind. Persistente Veränderungen des Redoxmilieus in pathologischen Zuständen, wie z. B. bei Krebs, sind in hohem Maße mit dem Trx-System verbunden. Eine Hochregulierung und/oder Überaktivität des Trx-Systems, die bei vielen Krebsarten auftreten, unterstützt zudem das Fortschreiten des Krebswachstums, was TrxR/Trx zu vielversprechenden Zielproteinen für die Entwicklung neuer Krebsmedikamente macht. Um die biochemischen Prozesse dahinter zu erforschen, sind spezielle Techniken zur Visualisierung und Messung enzymatischer Aktivität nötig. Die hierzu geeigneten, meist genetischen Sensoren messen ratiometrisch das Verhältnis reduzierter/oxidierter Spezies in zellulärem Umfeld oder spezifisch ausgewählte Redoxpaare. Die weitere Erforschung der exakten Funktion von TrxR/Trx und deren Substrate ist jedoch durch mangelnde Nachweismethoden limitiert. Diese sind außerdem zur Validierung chemischer Hemmstoffe für TrxR/Trx in Zellen und deren potenziellen Verwendung als Krebsmittel von großem Interesse. Bislang gibt es keinen selektiven zellulären Trx-Inhibitor und potenzielle Off-Target-Effekte der bekannten TrxR-Inhibitoren wurden nicht abschließend bewertet. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Entwicklung niedermolekularer, diagnostischer und therapeutischer Werkzeuge, die selektiv auf das Trx-System abzielen und auf einem modularen Trigger-Cargo Design basieren. Hierzu werden zyklische Disulfid-Substrate (Trigger) für Oxidoreduktasen so mit molekularen Wirkstoffen (Cargo) verknüpft, dass dabei die Wirkstoffaktivität maskiert, und erst nach Reduktion durch ein Zielprotein wiederhergestellt wird. Diese neuartigen, synthetischen Reduktionssensoren basieren auf den folgenden Grundprinzipien: (i) Zyklische Disulfide sind thermodynamisch stabilisiert und können nur durch die stärksten Reduktasen gespalten werden; und (ii) die zyklische Topologie ermöglicht die kinetische Reversibilität der zwei Thiol-Disulfid-Austauschreaktionen, die eine erste Reaktion mit Monothiolen, wie z. B. GSH, sofort umkehrt und so eine vollständige Reduktion verhindert. Die meisten früheren Arbeiten auf diesem Gebiet verwendeten ein zyklisches, fünfgliedriges Disulfid (1,2 Dithiolan) als Substrat für TrxR. Das gleiche Strukturmotiv wurde jedoch an anderer Stelle als thermodynamisch instabil beschrieben und aufgrund dieser Eigenschaft explizit für dynamische Kaskadenreaktionen verwendet. Deshalb vergleicht diese Arbeit zu Beginn einen neuen 1,2 Dithiolan basierten fluorogenen Indikator mit bestehenden, z. T. kommerziellen, Redox Sonden für TrxR in einer Reihe von Zellkultur-Experimenten unter Modulation der zellulären TrxR Aktivität und stellt so einen Widerspruch in der Literatur klar: 1,2 Dithiolane eignen sich nicht als selektive Substrate für TrxR, da sie labil sowohl gegen die Reduktion durch andere Redoxproteine, als auch gegen den Monothiol Hintergrund in Zellen sind (Nat. Commun. 2022). Als alternatives Strukturmotiv wird in dieser Arbeit ein bizyklisches sechsgliedriges Disulfid (anneliertes 1,2 Dithian) etabliert. Durch sein niedriges Reduktionspotenzial, also seine hohe Resistenz gegen Reduktion, werden molekulare Sonden basierend auf diesem 1,2 Dithian als Reduktionssensor fast ausschließlich von Trx aktiviert, nicht aber von TrxR oder GSH (JACS 2021). Dieses Kernmotiv bestimmt dabei die Reduzierbarkeit, und damit die Enzymspezifität, durch seine zyklische Natur und die Annelierung, auch unter Verwendung unterschiedlicher Farb-/Wirkstoffe. Auf dieser Grundlage konnte die molekulare Struktur durch einen weiteren Modifikationspunkt für die flexible Verwendung weiterer funktioneller Einheiten ergänzt werden. Obwohl zelluläre Studien ergaben, dass diese neuartigen 1,2 Dithian Einheiten in Zellen sowohl Trx als auch das strukturell verwandte Grx adressieren, sind die daraus resultierenden diagnostischen Moleküle wertvoll, um den katalytischen Umsatz zellulärer Dithiol-Reduktasen, der sogenannten Trx Superfamilie, selektiv anzuzeigen (Preprint 2023). Begünstigt durch das modulare Moleküldesign stellt diese Arbeit zudem das erste Reportersystem RX1 zum selektiven Nachweis der TrxR-Aktivität in Zellen vor. Es basiert auf der Verwendung eines zyklischen, unsymmetrischen Selenenylsulfid-Sensors (1,2 Thiaselenan), der selektiv von dem einzigartigen Selenolat der TrxR angegriffen wird, und dadurch letztlich nur von TrxR reduziert werden kann. RX1 eignete sich zudem für eine Hochdurchsatz-Validierung bestehender TrxR Inhibitoren und unterstreicht dadurch den kommerziellen Nutzen derartiger Diagnostika (Chem 2022). Das zentrale Trigger-Cargo Konzept dieser Arbeit wurde für therapeutische Zwecke weiterentwickelt und nutzt dabei den einzigartigen Wirkmechanismus der Duocarmycin-Naturstoffklasse (CBI) (JACS Au 2022) zur Entwicklung reduktiv aktivierbarer Therapeutika. CBI Prodrugs basierend auf stabilisierten Redox-Schaltern (1,2 Dithiane für Trx; 1,2 Thiaselenan für TrxR) reagierten signifikant auf TrxR-Modulation in Zellen. Sie wurden darüber hinaus durch das Referenzieren ihrer Aktivität gegenüber nicht-reduzierbaren Kontrollmoleküle für die Erstellung zelllinienabhängiger Profile der Reduktaseaktivität in 177 Zelllinien genutzt. Schließlich waren diese neuen Krebsmittel im Tiermodell gut verträglich und zeigten in zwei verschiedenen Mausmodellen eine krebshemmende Wirkung (Preprint 2022b). Zusammenfassend präsentiert diese Dissertation monothiol-resistente reduzierbare Trigger-Einheiten für das zelluläre Trx-System zur Entwicklung neuartiger, selektiver Reporter-Sonden, sowie eine neue Klasse reduktiv aktivierbarer Krebsmittel auf Basis eines adaptierbaren Trigger-Cargo Designs. Diese fanden entweder zur selektiven Messung zellulärer Proteinaktivität oder zum Einsatz als Antikrebsmittel Verwendung. Es wurden chemokompatible Motive sowohl für TrxR als auch für Trx/Grx identifiziert, wobei deren zyklische Natur eine Aktivierung durch GSH verhindert. Eine weitere Differenzierung zwischen den beiden Redox-Proteinen Trx und Grx und anderen Proteinen der Trx-Superfamilie erfordert eine zusätzliche Ebene der Selektierung, z. B. durch molekulare Erkennung, und ist Gegenstand laufender Arbeiten. Die flexible Verwendung verschiedener molekularer Wirkstoffe ermöglicht dabei die „Pipeline-Entwicklung“ von Diagnostika und Therapeutika, die von der zellulären Redox-Maschinerie analog umgesetzt werden, und dadurch Schlussfolgerungen aus der Diagnostik direkt auf eine Therapie übertragbar machen. Dies birgt großes Potenzial für künftige Entwicklungen bei einer potenziellen Übertragung des modularen Konzepts auf andere Enzymklassen und therapeutische Einsatzgebiete

    Cytochromes P450: Drug Metabolism, Bioactivation and Biodiversity 2.0

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    This book, "Cytochromes P450: Drug Metabolism, Bioactivation and Biodiversity", presents five papers on human cytochrome P450 (CYP) and P450 reductase, three reviews on the role of CYPs in humans and their use as biomarkers, six papers on CYPs in microorganisms, and one study on CYP in insects. The first paper reports the in silico modeling of human CYP3A4 access channels. The second uses structural methods to explain the mechanism-based inactivation of CYP3A4 by mibefradil, 6,7-dihydroxy-bergamottin, and azamulin. The third article compares electron transfer in CYP2C9 and CYP2C19 using structural and biochemical methods, and the fourth uses kinetic methods to study electron transfer to CYP2C8 allelic mutants. The fifth article characterizes electron transfer between the reductase and CYP using in silico and in vitro methods, focusing on the conformations of the reductase. Then, two reviews describe clinical implications in cardiology and oncology and the role of fatty acid metabolism in cardiology and skin diseases. The second review is on the potential use of circulating extracellular vesicles as biomarkers. Five papers analyze the CYPomes of diverse microorganisms: the Bacillus genus, Mycobacteria, the fungi Tremellomycetes, Cyanobacteria, and Streptomyces. The sixth focuses on a specific Mycobacterium CYP, CYP128, and its importance in M. tuberculosis. The subject of the last paper is CYP in Sogatella furcifera, a plant pest, and its resistance to the insecticide sulfoxaflor

    Nanomedicine Formulations Based on PLGA Nanoparticles for Diagnosis, Monitoring and Treatment of Disease: From Bench to Bedside

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    Nanomedicine is among the most promising emerging fields that can provide innovative and radical solutions to unmet needs in pharmaceutical formulation development. Encapsulation of active pharmaceutical ingredients within nano-size carriers offers several benefits, namely, protection of the therapeutic agents from degradation, their increased solubility and bioavailability, improved pharmacokinetics, reduced toxicity, enhanced therapeutic efficacy, decreased drug immunogenicity, targeted delivery, and simultaneous imaging and treatment options with a single system.Poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) is one of the most commonly used polymers in nanomedicine formulations due to its excellent biocompatibility, tunable degradation characteristics, and high versatility. Furthermore, PLGA is approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in pharmaceutical products. Nanomedicines based on PLGA nanoparticles can offer tremendous opportunities in the diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment of various diseases.This Special Issue aims to focus on the bench-to-bedside development of PLGA nanoparticles including (but not limited to) design, development, physicochemical characterization, scale-up production, efficacy and safety assessment, and biodistribution studies of these nanomedicine formulations

    Coumarin and Its Derivatives

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    Coumarins are widely distributed in nature and can be found in a large number of naturally occurring and synthetic bioactive molecules. The unique and versatile oxygen-containing heterocyclic structure makes them a privileged scaffold in Medicinal Chemistry. Many coumarin derivatives have been extracted from natural sources, designed, synthetized, and evaluated on different pharmacological targets. In addition, coumarin-based ion receptors, fluorescent probes, and biological stains are growing quickly and have extensive applications to monitor timely enzyme activity, complex biological events, as well as accurate pharmacological and pharmacokinetic properties in living cells. The extraction, synthesis, and biological evaluation of coumarins have become extremely attractive and rapidly developing topics. A large number of research and review papers have compiled information on this important family of compounds in 2020. Research articles, reviews, communications, and concept papers focused on the multidisciplinary profile of coumarins, highlighting natural sources, most recent synthetic pathways, along with the main biological applications and theoretical studies, were the main focus of this book. The huge and growing range of applications of coumarins described in this book is a demonstration of the potential of this family of compounds in Organic Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, and different sciences related to the study of natural products. This book includes 23 articles: 17 original papers and six review papers

    Albumin-Based Drug Delivery Systems

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    Albumin is playing an increasing role as a versatile, biodegradable drug carrier in clinical theranostics. By applying different techniques, smart drug-delivery systems can be developed from albumin in order to improve drug delivery of different active pharmaceutical ingredients, even small-molecule drugs, peptides or enzymes. Principally, three drug delivery technologies can be distinguished for binding small-molecule or peptide drugs through the charged amino acids, carboxyl, and amino groups of albumin: physical or covalent binding of the drug to albumin through a ligand- or protein-binding group, the fusion of drug with albumin or the encapsulation of drugs into albumin nanoparticles. The accumulation of albumin in inflamed tissues and solid tumours forms the rationale for developing albumin-based drug delivery systems for targeted drug delivery. Besides tumour therapy, albumin-based drug delivery systems can be successfully applied as anti-inflammatory and anti-thrombotic coating for medical devices. The development and optimization of albumin nanoparticles may also be a rational and promising tool for conventional or alternative administration routes in order to improve therapy. This collection provides an overview of the significant scientific research works in this field, which may inspire researchers towards further development and utilization of these smart drug delivery systems

    Drug-drug interactions : from knowledge base to clinical impact

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    Drug usage has increased steadily, and the more drugs used, the higher the risk for adverse effects or loss of effect due to drug-drug interactions. For drug prescribers it is difficult to know what drugs a patient is taking and whether they interact. Computerizing of health care records has made it possible to connect patients’ drug lists to clinical decision support systems giving the prescriber information about e.g. drug-drug interactions, duplicated prescriptions and drugs in pregnancy. The aim of this thesis is to create a knowledge base suitable for usage in decision support systems, to evaluate the database in clinical practice, and to use existing clinical databases to create new knowledge about possible drug-drug interactions and their mechanisms. Paper I is a description of how the knowledge base SFINX was created. The publication describes handling of substances and drug formulations. Standardization of literature searches and text formulations, classification of interactions, structuring of interaction texts, basis for recommendations and the process of approval is also discussed. In paper II, the interaction between lamotrigine and quetiapine was studied using therapeutic drug monitoring data. Patients exposed to both quetiapine and lamotrigine were matched with controls exposed to quetiapine alone. The dose-corrected quetiapine concentration was 58% lower in patients co-treated with lamotrigine than in patients treated with quetiapine alone, possibly due to induction of quetiapine metabolism by lamotrigine. In paper III, the influence of mutations in the CYP2C9 gene on the interaction between simvastatin and warfarin was studied. In patients with a CYP2C9*3 allele, the warfarin maintenance dose was 25% lower if treated with simvastatin, according to the results from multiple regression. No significant interaction could be observed in patients lacking the *3 allele. Paper IV was a questionnaire study where we collected information about how SFINX is used and how the database is perceived by the users of the web version. We found that the database is often used when the prescriber/pharmacist sees the patient, that the information influences the treatment of the patient, and that the database is used to learn more about interactions. In paper V, we investigated if integration of SFINX into electronic health care records prevented the prescribing of drug combinations leading to potentially serious drug-drug interactions in primary health care. When comparing prescriptions between a period before integration of SFINX and a period after integration, we found that the prevalence of potentially serious drug-drug interactions decreased significantly by 17%

    Chemistry & Chemical Biology 2013 APR Self-Study & Documents

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    UNM Chemistry & Chemical Biology APR self-study report, review team report, response to review report, and initial action plan for Spring 2013, fulfilling requirements of the Higher Learning Commission

    High-throughput methodologies for systematic enzyme profiling

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    From Omics to Drug Metabolism and High Content Screen of Natural Product in Zebrafish: A New Model for Discovery of Neuroactive Compound

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    The zebrafish (Danio rerio) has recently become a common model in the fields of genetics, environmental science, toxicology, and especially drug screening. Zebrafish has emerged as a biomedically relevant model for in vivo high content drug screening and the simultaneous determination of multiple efficacy parameters, including behaviour, selectivity, and toxicity in the content of the whole organism. A zebrafish behavioural assay has been demonstrated as a novel, rapid, and high-throughput approach to the discovery of neuroactive, psychoactive, and memory-modulating compounds. Recent studies found a functional similarity of drug metabolism systems in zebrafish and mammals, providing a clue with why some compounds are active in zebrafish in vivo but not in vitro, as well as providing grounds for the rationales supporting the use of a zebrafish screen to identify prodrugs. Here, we discuss the advantages of the zebrafish model for evaluating drug metabolism and the mode of pharmacological action with the emerging omics approaches. Why this model is suitable for identifying lead compounds from natural products for therapy of disorders with multifactorial etiopathogenesis and imbalance of angiogenesis, such as Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, cardiotoxicity, cerebral hemorrhage, dyslipidemia, and hyperlipidemia, is addressed