22,219 research outputs found

    Successive Refinement of Abstract Sources

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    In successive refinement of information, the decoder refines its representation of the source progressively as it receives more encoded bits. The rate-distortion region of successive refinement describes the minimum rates required to attain the target distortions at each decoding stage. In this paper, we derive a parametric characterization of the rate-distortion region for successive refinement of abstract sources. Our characterization extends Csiszar's result to successive refinement, and generalizes a result by Tuncel and Rose, applicable for finite alphabet sources, to abstract sources. This characterization spawns a family of outer bounds to the rate-distortion region. It also enables an iterative algorithm for computing the rate-distortion region, which generalizes Blahut's algorithm to successive refinement. Finally, it leads a new nonasymptotic converse bound. In all the scenarios where the dispersion is known, this bound is second-order optimal. In our proof technique, we avoid Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions of optimality, and we use basic tools of probability theory. We leverage the Donsker-Varadhan lemma for the minimization of relative entropy on abstract probability spaces.Comment: Extended version of a paper presented at ISIT 201

    Source Coding Problems with Conditionally Less Noisy Side Information

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    A computable expression for the rate-distortion (RD) function proposed by Heegard and Berger has eluded information theory for nearly three decades. Heegard and Berger's single-letter achievability bound is well known to be optimal for \emph{physically degraded} side information; however, it is not known whether the bound is optimal for arbitrarily correlated side information (general discrete memoryless sources). In this paper, we consider a new setup in which the side information at one receiver is \emph{conditionally less noisy} than the side information at the other. The new setup includes degraded side information as a special case, and it is motivated by the literature on degraded and less noisy broadcast channels. Our key contribution is a converse proving the optimality of Heegard and Berger's achievability bound in a new setting. The converse rests upon a certain \emph{single-letterization} lemma, which we prove using an information theoretic telescoping identity {recently presented by Kramer}. We also generalise the above ideas to two different successive-refinement problems

    Nonasymptotic noisy lossy source coding

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    This paper shows new general nonasymptotic achievability and converse bounds and performs their dispersion analysis for the lossy compression problem in which the compressor observes the source through a noisy channel. While this problem is asymptotically equivalent to a noiseless lossy source coding problem with a modified distortion function, nonasymptotically there is a noticeable gap in how fast their minimum achievable coding rates approach the common rate-distortion function, as evidenced both by the refined asymptotic analysis (dispersion) and the numerical results. The size of the gap between the dispersions of the noisy problem and the asymptotically equivalent noiseless problem depends on the stochastic variability of the channel through which the compressor observes the source.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 201

    Fixed-length lossy compression in the finite blocklength regime

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    This paper studies the minimum achievable source coding rate as a function of blocklength nn and probability Ï”\epsilon that the distortion exceeds a given level dd. Tight general achievability and converse bounds are derived that hold at arbitrary fixed blocklength. For stationary memoryless sources with separable distortion, the minimum rate achievable is shown to be closely approximated by R(d)+V(d)nQ−1(Ï”)R(d) + \sqrt{\frac{V(d)}{n}} Q^{-1}(\epsilon), where R(d)R(d) is the rate-distortion function, V(d)V(d) is the rate dispersion, a characteristic of the source which measures its stochastic variability, and Q−1(Ï”)Q^{-1}(\epsilon) is the inverse of the standard Gaussian complementary cdf

    On the rate loss of multiple description source codes

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    The rate loss of a multiresolution source code (MRSC) describes the difference between the rate needed to achieve distortion D/sub i/ in resolution i and the rate-distortion function R(D/sub i/). This paper generalizes the rate loss definition to multiple description source codes (MDSCs) and bounds the MDSC rate loss for arbitrary memoryless sources. For a two-description MDSC (2DSC), the rate loss of description i with distortion D/sub i/ is defined as L/sub i/=R/sub i/-R(D/sub i/), i=1,2, where R/sub i/ is the rate of the ith description; the joint rate loss associated with decoding the two descriptions together to achieve central distortion D/sub 0/ is measured either as L/sub 0/=R/sub 1/+R/sub 2/-R(D/sub 0/) or as L/sub 12/=L/sub 1/+L/sub 2/. We show that for any memoryless source with variance /spl sigma//sup 2/, there exists a 2DSC for that source with L/sub 1//spl les/1/2 or L/sub 2//spl les/1/2 and a) L/sub 0//spl les/1 if D/sub 0//spl les/D/sub 1/+D/sub 2/-/spl sigma//sup 2/, b) L/sub 12//spl les/1 if 1/D/sub 0//spl les/1/D/sub 1/+1/D/sub 2/-1//spl sigma//sup 2/, c) L/sub 0//spl les/L/sub G0/+1.5 and L/sub 12//spl les/L/sub G12/+1 otherwise, where L/sub G0/ and L/sub G12/ are the joint rate losses of a Gaussian source with variance /spl sigma//sup 2/

    Lossy joint source-channel coding in the finite blocklength regime

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    This paper finds new tight finite-blocklength bounds for the best achievable lossy joint source-channel code rate, and demonstrates that joint source-channel code design brings considerable performance advantage over a separate one in the non-asymptotic regime. A joint source-channel code maps a block of kk source symbols onto a length−n-n channel codeword, and the fidelity of reproduction at the receiver end is measured by the probability Ï”\epsilon that the distortion exceeds a given threshold dd. For memoryless sources and channels, it is demonstrated that the parameters of the best joint source-channel code must satisfy nC−kR(d)≈nV+kV(d)Q(Ï”)nC - kR(d) \approx \sqrt{nV + k \mathcal V(d)} Q(\epsilon), where CC and VV are the channel capacity and channel dispersion, respectively; R(d)R(d) and V(d)\mathcal V(d) are the source rate-distortion and rate-dispersion functions; and QQ is the standard Gaussian complementary cdf. Symbol-by-symbol (uncoded) transmission is known to achieve the Shannon limit when the source and channel satisfy a certain probabilistic matching condition. In this paper we show that even when this condition is not satisfied, symbol-by-symbol transmission is, in some cases, the best known strategy in the non-asymptotic regime

    One-shot lossy quantum data compression

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    We provide a framework for one-shot quantum rate distortion coding, in which the goal is to determine the minimum number of qubits required to compress quantum information as a function of the probability that the distortion incurred upon decompression exceeds some specified level. We obtain a one-shot characterization of the minimum qubit compression size for an entanglement-assisted quantum rate-distortion code in terms of the smooth max-information, a quantity previously employed in the one-shot quantum reverse Shannon theorem. Next, we show how this characterization converges to the known expression for the entanglement-assisted quantum rate distortion function for asymptotically many copies of a memoryless quantum information source. Finally, we give a tight, finite blocklength characterization for the entanglement-assisted minimum qubit compression size of a memoryless isotropic qubit source subject to an average symbol-wise distortion constraint.Comment: 36 page
