5 research outputs found

    Some observations on weighted GMRES

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    We investigate the convergence of the weighted GMRES method for solving linear systems. Two different weighting variants are compared with unweighted GMRES for three model problems, giving a phenomenological explanation of cases where weighting improves convergence, and a case where weighting has no effect on the convergence. We also present new alternative implementations of the weighted Arnoldi algorithm which may be favorable in terms of computational complexity, and examine stability issues connected with these implementations. Two implementations of weighted GMRES are compared for a large number of examples. We find that weighted GMRES may outperform unweighted GMRES for some problems, but more often this method is not competitive with other Krylov subspace methods like GMRES with deflated restarting or BICGSTAB, in particular when a preconditioner is used

    Global Range Restricted GMRES for Linear Systems with Multiple Right Hand Sides

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    This work concerns the solution of non-symmetric, sparse linear systems with multiple right hand sides by iterative methods. Herein a global version of the range restricted generalized minimal residual method (RRGMRES) is proposed for solving this sort of problems. Numerical results confirm that this new algorithm is applicable

    GMRES implementations and residual smoothing techniques for solving ill-posed linear systems

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    AbstractThere are verities of useful Krylov subspace methods to solve nonsymmetric linear system of equations. GMRES is one of the best Krylov solvers with several different variants to solve large sparse linear systems. Any GMRES implementation has some advantages. As the solution of ill-posed problems are important. In this paper, some GMRES variants are discussed and applied to solve these kinds of problems. Residual smoothing techniques are efficient ways to accelerate the convergence speed of some iterative methods like CG variants. At the end of this paper, some residual smoothing techniques are applied for different GMRES methods to test the influence of these techniques on GMRES implementations