18 research outputs found

    Architectural support for probabilistic branches

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    A plethora of research efforts have focused on fine-tuning branch predictors to increasingly higher levels of accuracy. However, several important optimization, financial, and statistical data analysis algorithms rely on probabilistic computation. These applications draw random values from a distribution and steer control flow based on those values. Such probabilistic branches are challenging to predict because of their inherent probabilistic nature. As a result, probabilistic codes significantly suffer from branch mispredictions. This paper proposes Probabilistic Branch Support (PBS), a hardware/software cooperative technique that leverages the observation that the outcome of probabilistic branches needs to be correct only in a statistical sense. PBS stores the outcome and the probabilistic values that lead to the outcome of the current execution to direct the next execution of the probabilistic branch, thereby completely removing the penalty for mispredicted probabilistic branches. PBS relies on marking probabilistic branches in software for hardware to exploit. Our evaluation shows that PBS improves MPKI by 45% on average (and up to 99%) and IPC by 6.7% (up to 17%) over the TAGE-SC-L predictor. PBS requires 193 bytes of hardware overhead and introduces statistically negligible algorithmic inaccuracy

    DSPatch: Dual Spatial Pattern Prefetcher

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    High main memory latency continues to limit performance of modern high-performance out-of-order cores. While DRAM latency has remained nearly the same over many generations, DRAM bandwidth has grown significantly due to higher frequencies, newer architectures (DDR4, LPDDR4, GDDR5) and 3D-stacked memory packaging (HBM). Current state-of-the-art prefetchers do not do well in extracting higher performance when higher DRAM bandwidth is available. Prefetchers need the ability to dynamically adapt to available bandwidth, boosting prefetch count and prefetch coverage when headroom exists and throttling down to achieve high accuracy when the bandwidth utilization is close to peak. To this end, we present the Dual Spatial Pattern Prefetcher (DSPatch) that can be used as a standalone prefetcher or as a lightweight adjunct spatial prefetcher to the state-of-the-art delta-based Signature Pattern Prefetcher (SPP). DSPatch builds on a novel and intuitive use of modulated spatial bit-patterns. The key idea is to: (1) represent program accesses on a physical page as a bit-pattern anchored to the first "trigger" access, (2) learn two spatial access bit-patterns: one biased towards coverage and another biased towards accuracy, and (3) select one bit-pattern at run-time based on the DRAM bandwidth utilization to generate prefetches. Across a diverse set of workloads, using only 3.6KB of storage, DSPatch improves performance over an aggressive baseline with a PC-based stride prefetcher at the L1 cache and the SPP prefetcher at the L2 cache by 6% (9% in memory-intensive workloads and up to 26%). Moreover, the performance of DSPatch+SPP scales with increasing DRAM bandwidth, growing from 6% over SPP to 10% when DRAM bandwidth is doubled.Comment: This work is to appear in MICRO 201

    Dynamic Inter-Thread Vectorization Architecture: extracting DLP from TLP

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    International audienceThreads of Single-Program Multiple-Data (SPMD) applications often execute the same instructions on different data. We propose the Dynamic Inter-Thread Vectorization Architecture (DITVA) to leverage this implicit data-level parallelism in SPMD applications by assembling dynamic vector instructions at runtime. DITVA extends an SIMD-enabled in-order SMT processor with an inter-thread vectorization execution mode. In this mode, multiple scalar threads running in lockstep share a single instruction stream and their respective instruction instances are aggregated into SIMD instructions. To balance thread-and data-level parallelism, threads are statically grouped into fixed-size independently scheduled warps. DITVA leverages existing SIMD units and maintains binary compatibility with existing CPU architectures. Our evaluation on the SPMD applications from the PARSEC and Rodinia OpenMP benchmarks shows that a 4-warp Ă— 4-lane 4-issue DITVA architecture with a realistic bank-interleaved cache achieves 1.55Ă— higher performance than a 4-thread 4-issue SMT architecture with AVX instructions while fetching and issuing 51% fewer instructions, achieving an overall 24% energy reduction


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    We introduce a novel fetch architecture called Poor Man’s Trace Cache (PMTC). PMTC constructs taken-path instruction traces via instruction replication in static code and inserts them after unconditional direct and select conditional direct control transfer instructions. These traces extend to the end of the cache line. Since available space for trace insertion may vary by the position of the control transfer instruction within the line, we refer to these fetch slots as variable delay slots. This approach ensures traces are fetched along with the control transfer instruction that initiated the trace. Branch, jump and return instruction semantics as well as the fetch unit are modified to utilize traces in delay slots. PMTC yields the following benefits: 1. Average fetch bandwidth increases as the front end can fetch across taken control transfer instructions in a single cycle. 2. The dynamic number of instruction cache lines fetched by the processor is reduced as multiple non contiguous basic blocks along a given path are encountered in one fetch cycle. 3. Replication of a branch instruction along multiple paths provides path separability for branches, which positively impacts branch prediction accuracy. PMTC mechanism requires minimal modifications to the processor’s fetch unit and the trace insertion algorithm can easily be implemented within the assembler without compiler support