26 research outputs found

    Job Shop Scheduling Using Artificial Immune System

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    Efficiency in job shop scheduling plays an important role when a large number of jobs and machines are considered. The job shop scheduling problems are one of the NP hard problems. Many heuristic methods give solutions with near optimal results. This work deals with the job shop scheduling using Artificial Immune System. Operation based representation is used to decode the schedule in the algorithm. The mutations used in the algorithm are inverse mutation and pair wise exchange mutation and a receptor editing process is also used. A C++ code was generated to use the algorithm for finding the optimal solution. The input parameters are operation time and operation sequence for each job in the machines provided. This work used the makespan values of the schedules to compare the results

    Numerical Simulation and Assessment of Meta Heuristic Optimization Based Multi Objective Dynamic Job Shop Scheduling System

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    In today's world of manufacturing, cost reduction becomes one of the most important issues. A successful business needs to reduce its cost to be competitive. The programming of the machine is playing an important role in production planning and control as a tool to help manufacturers reduce their costs maximizing   the   use   of   their   resources.   The   programming problem is not only limited to the programming of the machine, but also covers many other areas such such as computer and information technology and communication. From the definition, programming is an art that involves allocating, planning the allocation and utilization of resources to achieve a goal. The aim of the program is complete tasks in a reasonable amount of time. This reasonableness is a performance measure of how well the resources   are   allocated   to   tasks.   Time   or   time-dependent functions are always it used as performance measures. The objectives of this research are to develop Intelligent Search Heuristic algorithms (ISHA) for equal and variable size sub lot for  m  machine  flow  shop  problems,  to  Implement  Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm (PSO) in matlab, to develop PSO based Optimization program for efficient job shop scheduling problem. The work also address solution to observe and verify results of PSO based Job Shop Scheduling with help of graft chart

    Algoritam planiranja operacija "flow shop" u cilju smanjivanja vremena izvršenja kod problema n-poslova i m-strojeva

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    In multi stage job problems, simple priority dispatching rules such as shortest processing time (SPT) and earliest due date (EDD) can be used to obtain solutions of minimum total processing time, but may not sometimes give sequences as expected that are close to optimal. The Johnson\u27s algorithm is especially popular among analytical approaches that are used for solving n-jobs, 2-machines sequence problem. In this paper the presented algorithm is based on converting an m-machine problem to a 2-machine problem. Based on testing and comparison with other relevant methods, the proposed algorithm is offered as a competitive alternative for practical application when solving n-jobs and m-machines problems.U problemima posla s više faza, mogu se koristiti jednostavna prioritetna dispečerska pravila kao što su najkraće vrijeme obrade (PT) i najraniji datum dospijeća (EDD) za dobivanje rješenja najmanjega ukupnog vremena obrade. Međutim, ona ponekad ne daju slijed za koji se očekuje da je blizu optimalnom. Johnsonov algoritam je posebno popularan među analitičkim pristupima koji se koriste za rješavanje problema slijeda n-poslova i 2-stroja. Algoritam prikazan u ovom radu se temelji na pretvaranju problema m-strojeva u problem 2-stroja. Na temelju ispitivanja i usporedbe s drugim relevantnim metodama, predloženi algoritam se nudi kao konkurentna alternativa za praktičnu primjenu pri rješavanju problema n-poslova i m-strojeva

    Investigating a Hybrid Metaheuristic For Job Shop Rescheduling

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    Previous research has shown that artificial immune systems can be used to produce robust schedules in a manufacturing environment. The main goal is to develop building blocks (antibodies) of partial schedules that can be used to construct backup solutions (antigens) when disturbances occur during production. The building blocks are created based upon underpinning ideas from artificial immune systems and evolved using a genetic algorithm (Phase I). Each partial schedule (antibody) is assigned a fitness value and the best partial schedules are selected to be converted into complete schedules (antigens). We further investigate whether simulated annealing and the great deluge algorithm can improve the results when hybridised with our artificial immune system (Phase II). We use ten fixed solutions as our target and measure how well we cover these specific scenarios

    Job shop rescheduling using a hybrid artificial immune system and genetic algorithm model

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    This paper discusses on developing a hybrid model to tackle the problem of changing environment in the job shop scheduling problem.The main idea is to develop building blocks of partial schedules using the model developed that can be used to provide backup solutions when disturbances occur during production.This model hybridizes genetic algorithm (GA) with artificial immune systems (AIS) techniques to generate these partial schedules.Each partial schedule, also known as antibody, is assigned a fitness value for the selection of final population of best partial schedules. The results of the analysis are compared with previous research. Future works on this study are also discussed

    Job shop rescheduling using a hybridization of genetic algorithm and artificial immune systems

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    This paper discusses on developing a hybrid model of genetic algorithm and artificial immune systems to tackle the problem of changing environment in the job shop scheduling problem. The main idea is to use the model to develop building blocks of partial schedules that can be used to provide backup solutions when disturbances occur during production.Each partial schedule, also known as antibody, is assigned a fitness value for the selection of final population of best partial schedules.The results of the analysis are compared with a previous work. Future works on this study are also discussed

    A hybrid metaheuristic model for job shop rescheduling problem

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    This paper discusses on developing a hybrid metaheuristic model to tackle the problem of changing environment in the job shop scheduling problem.The main idea is to use the model to develop building blocks of partial schedules that can be used to provide backup solutions when disturbances occur during production.Each partial schedule is assigned a fitness value for the selection of final population of best partial schedules.The results of the experiments show an improvement from a previous work. Future work on this study is also discussed

    Robust Artificial Immune System in the Hopfield network for Maximum k-Satisfiability

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    Artificial Immune System (AIS) algorithm is a novel and vibrant computational paradigm, enthused by the biological immune system. Over the last few years, the artificial immune system has been sprouting to solve numerous computational and combinatorial optimization problems. In this paper, we introduce the restricted MAX-kSAT as a constraint optimization problem that can be solved by a robust computational technique. Hence, we will implement the artificial immune system algorithm incorporated with the Hopfield neural network to solve the restricted MAX-kSAT problem. The proposed paradigm will be compared with the traditional method, Brute force search algorithm integrated with Hopfield neural network. The results demonstrate that the artificial immune system integrated with Hopfield network outperforms the conventional Hopfield network in solving restricted MAX-kSAT. All in all, the result has provided a concrete evidence of the effectiveness of our proposed paradigm to be applied in other constraint optimization problem. The work presented here has many profound implications for future studies to counter the variety of satisfiability problem

    Evolutionary approaches for scheduling a flexible manufacturing system with automated guided vehicles and robots

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    This paper addresses the scheduling of machines, an Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) and two robots in a Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS) formed in three loop layouts, with objectives to minimize the makespan, mean flow time and mean tardiness. The scheduling optimization is carried out using Sheep Flock Heredity Algorithm (SFHA) and Artificial Immune System (AIS) algorithm. AGV is used for carrying jobs between the Load/Unload station and the machines. The robots are used for loading and unloading the jobs in the machines, and also used for transferring jobs between the machines. The algorithms are applied for test problems taken from the literature and the results obtained using the two algorithms are compared. The results indicate that SFHA performs better than AIS for this problem