6 research outputs found

    Lehmer code transforms and Mahonian statistics on permutations

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    In 2000 Babson and Steingr{\'\i}msson introduced the notion of vincular patterns in permutations. They shown that essentially all well-known Mahonian permutation statistics can be written as combinations of such patterns. Also, they proved and conjectured that other combinations of vincular patterns are still Mahonian. These conjectures were proved later: by Foata and Zeilberger in 2001, and by Foata and Randrianarivony in 2006. In this paper we give an alternative proof of some of these results. Our approach is based on permutation codes which, like Lehmer's code, map bijectively permutations onto subexcedant sequences. More precisely, we give several code transforms (i.e., bijections between subexcedant sequences) which when applied to Lehmer's code yield new permutation codes which count occurrences of some vincular patterns

    Generating permutations with a given major index

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    In [S. Effler, F. Ruskey, A CAT algorithm for listing permutations with a given number of inversions, {\it I.P.L.}, 86/2 (2003)] the authors give an algorithm, which appears to be CAT, for generating permutations with a given major index. In the present paper we give a new algorithm for generating a Gray code for subexcedant sequences. We show that this algorithm is CAT and derive it into a CAT generating algorithm for permutations with a given major index

    Generalizations of Permutation Statistics to Words and Labeled Forests

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    A classical result of MacMahon shows the equidistribution of the major index and inversion number over the symmetric groups. Since then, these statistics have been generalized in many ways, and many new permutation statistics have been defined, which are related to the major index and inversion number in may interesting ways. In this dissertation we study generalizations of some newer statistics over words and labeled forests. Foata and Zeilberger defined the graphical major index, majU , and the graphical inversion index, invU , for words over the alphabet {1, . . . , n}. In this dissertation we define a graphical sorting index, sorU , which generalizes the sorting index of a permutation. We then characterize the graphs U for which sorU is equidistributed with invU and majU on a single rearrangement class. Bj¨orner and Wachs defined a major index for labeled plane forests, and showed that it has the same distribution as the number of inversions. We define and study the distributions of a few other natural statistics on labeled forests. Specifically, we introduce the notions of bottom-to-top maxima, cyclic bottom-to-top maxima, sorting index, and cycle minima. Then we show that the pairs (inv, BT-max), (sor, Cyc), and (maj, CBT-max) are equidistributed. Our results extend the result of Bj¨orner and Wachs and generalize results for permutations. Lastly, we study the descent polynomial of labeled forests. The descent polynomial for per-mutations is known to be log-concave and unimodal. In this dissertation we discuss what properties are preserved in the descent polynomial of labeled forests

    A new Euler-Mahonian constructive bijection

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