234 research outputs found

    A novel formulation of the flexural overstrength factor for steel beams

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    The ductile design of steel structures is directly influenced by the flexural behaviour of steel beams,which should be sufficient to allowplastic hinges to rotate until the collapsemechanismis completely developed. To guarantee the achievement of such a performance, the beam flexural overstrength must be quantified to appropriately apply capacity design principles. To this aim, analytical formulations to predict the flexural overstrength factor (s) of steel beams with a wide range of cross-section typologies (I and H sections, square and rectangular hollow sections) were developed based on gene expression programming (GEP). An experimental database was gathered from the available literature and processed to obtain the training and testing databases for the derivation of the closed-form solution through GEP. The independent variables used for the development of the prediction models were the geometric properties of the sections, the mechanical properties of the material, and the shear length of the steel beams. The predictions of the proposed GEP-based models were compared with the results obtained using the existing analytical equations proposed in the current literature. Comparative analysis revealed that the proposed formulation provides a more accurate prediction of beam overstrength

    Active vibration control of flexible beam incorporating recursive least square and neural network algorithms

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    In recent years, active vibration control (AVC) has emerged as an important area of scient ific study especially for vibrat ion suppression of flexible structures. Flexible structures offer great advantages in contrast to the conventional structures, but necessary action must be taken for cancelling the unwanted vibration. In this research, a simulation algorithm represent ing flexible beam with specific condit ions was derived from Euler Bernoulli beam theory. The proposed finite difference (FD) algorithm was developed in such way that it allows the disturbance excitat ion at various points. The predicted resonance frequencies were recorded and validated with theoretical and experimental values. Subsequent ly, flexible beam test rig was developed for collecting data to be used in system ident ificat ion (SI) and controller development. The experimental rig was also utilised for implementation and validat ion of controllers. In this research, parametric and nonparametric SI approaches were used for characterising the dynamic behaviour of a lightweight flexible beam using input - output data collected experimentally. Tradit ional recursive least square (RLS) method and several artificial neural network (ANN) architectures were utilised in emulat ing this highly nonlinear dynamic system here. Once the model of the system was obtained, it was validated through a number of validation tests and compared in terms of their performance in represent ing a real beam. Next, the development of several convent ional and intelligent control schemes with collocated and non-collocated actuator sensor configurat ion for flexible beam vibrat ion attenuation was carried out. The invest igat ion involves design of convent ional proportional-integral-derivat ive (PID) based, Inverse recursive least square active vibrat ion control (RLS-AVC), Inverse neuro active vibration control (Neuro-AVC), Inverse RLS-AVC with gain and Inverse Neuro-AVC with gain controllers. All the developed controllers were tested, verified and validated experimentally. A comprehensive comparat ive performance to highlight the advantages and drawbacks of each technique was invest igated analyt ically and experimentally. Experimental results obtained revealed the superiorit y of Inverse RLS-AVC with gain controller over convent ional method in reducing the crucial modes of vibration of flexible beam structure. Vibration attenuation achieved using proportional (P), proportional-integral (PI), Inverse RLS-AVC, Inverse Neuro- AVC, Inverse RLS-AVC with gain and Inverse Neuro-AVC with gain control strategies are 9.840 dB, 6.840 dB, 9.380 dB, 8.590 dB, 17.240 dB and 5.770 dB, respectively

    Machine learning for optimal design of circular hollow section stainless steel stub columns: A comparative analysis with Eurocode 3 predictions

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    Stainless steel has many advantages when used in structures, however, the initial cost is high. Hence, it is essential to develop reliable and accurate design methods that can optimize the material. As novel, reliable soft computation methods, machine learning provided more accurate predictions than analytical formulae and solved highly complex problems. The present study aims to develop machine learning models to predict the cross-section resistance of circular hollow section stainless steel stub column. A parametric study is conducted by varying the diameter, thickness, length, and mechanical properties of the column. This database is used to train, validate, and test machine learning models, Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Decision Trees for Regression (DTR), Gene Expression Programming (GEP) and Support Vector Machine Regression (SVMR). Thereafter, results are compared with finite element models and Eurocode 3 (EC3) to assess their accuracy. It was concluded that the EC3 models provided conservative predictions with an average Predicted-to-Actual ratio of 0.698 and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of 437.3. The machine learning models presented the highest level of accuracy. However, the SVMR model based on RBF kernel presented a better performance than the ANN, GEP and DTR machine learning models, and RMSE value for SVMR, ANN, GEP and DTR is 22.6, 31.6, 152.84 and 29.07, respectively. The GEP leads to the lowest level of accuracy among the other three machine learning models, yet, it is more accurate than EC3. The machine learning models were implemented in a user-friendly tool, which can be used for design purposes

    Modeling of Magnetorheological Dampers under Various Impact Loads

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    Forecasting mechanical properties of steel structures through dynamic metaheuristic optimization for adaptive machine learning

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    Machine learning (ML) presents a promising method for predicting mechanical properties in structural engineering, particularly within complex nonlinear structures under extreme conditions. Despite its potential, research has shown a disproportionate focus on concrete structures, leaving steel structures less explored. Furthermore, the prevalent combination of metaheuristic optimization (MO) and ML in existing studies is often subjective, pointing to a significant gap in identifying and leveraging more effective hybrid models. To bridge these gaps, this study introduces a novel system named the Multiple Metaheuristic Optimizers – Multiple Machine Learners (MMOMML) system, designed for predicting mechanical strength in steel structures. The MMOMML system amalgamates 17 MO algorithms with 15 ML techniques, generating 255 hybrid models, including numerous novel configurations not previously examined. With a user-friendly interface, MMOMML enables structural engineers to tackle inference challenges efficiently, regardless of their coding proficiency. This capability is convincingly demonstrated through two practical applications: steel beams’ shear strength and steel cellular beams’ elastic buckling. By offering a versatile and robust tool, the MMOMML system meets construction engineers’ and researchers’ practical and research needs, marking a significant advancement in the field

    Evolutionary optimisation and real-time self-tuning active vibration control of a flexible beam system

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    Active vibration control has long been recognised as a solution for flexible beam structure to achieve sufficient vibration suppression. The flexible beam dynamic model is derived according to the Euler Bernoulli beam theory. The resonance frequencies of the beam are investigated analytically and the validity was experimentally verified. This thesis focuses on two main parts: proportional-integralderivative (PID) controller tuning methods based on evolutionary algorithms (EA) and real-time self-tuning control using iterative learning algorithm and poleplacement methods. Optimisation methods for determining the optimal values of proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller parameters for active vibration control of a flexible beam system are presented. The main objective of tuning the PID controller is to obtain a fast and stable system using EA such as genetic algorithm (GA) and differential evolution (DE) algorithms. The PID controller is tuned offline based on the identified model obtained using experimental input-output data. Experimental results have shown that PID parameters tuned by EA outperformed conventional tuning method in term of better transient response. However, in term of vibration attenuation, the performance between DE, GA and Ziegler-Nichols (ZN) method produced about the same value. For real-time selftuning control, successful design and implementation has been accomplished. Two techniques, self-tuning using iterative learning algorithm and self-tuning poleplacement control were implemented to adapt the controller parameters to meet the desired performances. In self-tuning using iterative learning algorithm, its learning mechanism will automatically find new control parameters. Whereas the self tuning pole-placement control uses system identification in real time and then the control parameters are calculated online. It is observed that self-tuning using iterative learning algorithm does not require accurate model of the plant and control the vibration based on the reference error, but it is unable to maintain its transient performance due to the change of physical parameters. Meanwhile, self-tuning poleplacement controller has shown its ability to maintain its transient performance as it was designed based on the desired closed loop poles where the control system can track changes in the plant and disturbance characteristics at every sampling time. Overall results revealed the effectiveness of both control schemes in suppressing the unwanted vibration over conventional fixed gain controllers

    Internationales Kolloquium ĂŒber Anwendungen der Informatik und Mathematik in Architektur und Bauwesen : 20. bis 22.7. 2015, Bauhaus-UniversitĂ€t Weimar

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    The 20th International Conference on the Applications of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering will be held at the Bauhaus University Weimar from 20th till 22nd July 2015. Architects, computer scientists, mathematicians, and engineers from all over the world will meet in Weimar for an interdisciplinary exchange of experiences, to report on their results in research, development and practice and to discuss. The conference covers a broad range of research areas: numerical analysis, function theoretic methods, partial differential equations, continuum mechanics, engineering applications, coupled problems, computer sciences, and related topics. Several plenary lectures in aforementioned areas will take place during the conference. We invite architects, engineers, designers, computer scientists, mathematicians, planners, project managers, and software developers from business, science and research to participate in the conference
