2,050 research outputs found

    A Review on Automated Storage/ Retrieval Systems and Shuttle Based Storage/Retrieval Systems

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    Automated storage and retrieval systems are warehousing systems that are used for the storage and retrieval of products in both distribution and production environments. Shuttle based storage/retrieval systems are composed of elevators with lifting tables that are attached on a mast, shuttle carriers, buffer positions and the storage racks. It is observed that the shuttle based storage/retrieval systems increases the throughput capacity of the systems compared to automated storage/retrieval systems. Shuttle based storage/retrieval systems is relatively a new technology in automated storage and retrieval systems and usually works with aisle and tier captive shuttles. This new technology is mostly used for mini-load warehouses. The main body of the paper consists of an overview of literature discussing automated storage/retrieval systems and shuttle based storage/retrieval systems

    Robotized Warehouse Systems: Developments and Research Opportunities

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    Robotized handling systems are increasingly applied in distribution centers. They require little space, provide flexibility in managing varying demand requirements, and are able to work 24/7. This makes them particularly fit for e-commerce operations. This paper reviews new categories of robotized handling systems, such as the shuttle-based storage and retrieval systems, shuttle-based compact storage systems, and robotic mobile fulfillment systems. For each system, we categorize the literature in three groups: system analysis, design optimization, and operations planning and control. Our focus is to identify the research issue and OR modeling methodology adopted to analyze the problem. We find that many new robotic systems and applications have hardly been studied in academic literature, despite their increasing use in practice. Due to unique system features (such as autonomous control, networked and dynamic operation), new models and methods are needed to address the design and operational control challenges for such systems, in particular, for the integration of subsystems. Integrated robotized warehouse systems will form the next category of warehouses. All vital warehouse design, planning and control logic such as methods to design layout, storage and order picking system selection, storage slotting, order batching, picker routing, and picker to order assignment will have to be revisited for new robotized warehouses

    An Integrated Network Modeling Framework for Analysis of Multi-line Order Pick Systems

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    Due to demanding service levels in E-commerce order fulfillment, modeling and analysis of order picking processes in warehouses deserve special attention. With a particular focus on multi-line E-commerce orders, we develop modeling tools that are necessary to analyze the order consolidation delays in the downstream pick stations. We develop a queuing network modeling framework for integrated analysis of upstream (storage system) and downstream (pick system). We apply our modeling approach to an integrated order-pick system that includes a shuttle-based storage and retrieval system, and a single pick station. Using simulations, we test the effect of the storage system configuration on the order throughput time

    Modeling, Analysis, and Design Insights for Shuttle-based Compact Storage Systems

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    Shuttle-based compact systems are new automated multi-deep unit-load storage systems with lifts that promise both low operational cost and large volume flexibility. In this paper, we develop novel queuing network models to estimate the performance of both single-tier and multi-tier shuttle-based compact systems. Each tier is modeled as a multi-class semi- open queuing network, whereas the vertical transfer is modeled using an open queue. For a multi-tier system, the models corresponding to tiers and vertical transfer are linked together using the first and second moment information of the queue departure processes. The models can handle both specialized and generic shuttles, and both continuous and discrete lifts. The accuracy of the models is validated through both simulation and a real case. Errors are acceptable for conceptualizing initial designs. Numerical studies provide new design insights. Results show that the best way to minimize expected throughput time in single-tier systems is to have a depth/width ratio around 1.25. Moreover, specialized shuttles are recommended for multi-tier systems because the higher cost of generic shuttles is not balanced by savings in reduced throughput time and equipment need

    Hybrid model for the design of a deep-lane multisatellite AVS/RS

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    The autonomous vehicle storage and retrieval system (AVS/RS) significantly improves the responsiveness and throughput of the traditional automated storage and retrieval system (AS/RS) in regard to handling unit loads. The AVS/RS consists of multiple tiers connected to an elevator system and is equipped with at least two autonomous vehicles, that is, a shuttle and satellite. Other necessary equipment are the lifts and input/output buffer areas. This paper aims to present and apply an original hybrid analytical-simulative model for the design of a deep-lane and multisatellite AVS-RS by evaluating and controlling the system performance. This AVS-RS is equipped with multiple free and non-free satellites for each tier. As an original contribution, this study reviews the literature on AVS/RS according to the introduction of multiple features categorized into five homogeneous groups: (1) rack configuration, (2) vehicle kinematics and configuration, (3) dispatching rules, (4) modeling approach, and (5) validation. Two of the most critical issues in existing research studies are the random arrival time of storage and retrieval transactions and the random storage policy. The proposed modeling approach is data-driven and based on realistic assumptions, filling the gap between the literature and real applications. This hybrid model is applied to a case study of the beverage industry according to a what-if comparative and competitive multiscenario analysis. This data-driven assessment supports the decision-making process on the number of satellites for each tier, while simultaneously controlling the service and waiting times, system throughput, and vehicle utilization. The analysis based on the maximum system throughput estimation demonstrates that introducing more than two satellites does not increase the productivity of the system

    A Performance Calculator for Shuttle-based Storage and Retrieval System Design

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    In this study, we present an analytical model based tool that can estimate critical performance measures from a pre-defined shuttle-based storage and retrieval system (SBS/RS) design. SBS/RS is relatively a new automated storage and retrieval technology and mostly used for mini-load material handling. In this study, we develop an open queuing network model based tool estimating critical performance measures: the mean travel time of lifts/shuttles, utilization of lifts/shuttles, amount of energy consumption and energy regeneration per transaction, waiting times and number of jobs waiting in queues, etc., from a pre-defined SBS/RS design. By the developed tool, one can evaluate an SBS/RS design’s performance promptly by changing the input design parameters (e.g., distance between two adjacent bays/tiers, velocity of vehicles, acceleration/deceleration of vehicles, number of tiers, number of bays, number of aisles, arrival rates, weight of totes, etc.) in these systems

    Performance evaluation of warehouses with automated storage and retrieval technologies.

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    In this dissertation, we study the performance evaluation of two automated warehouse material handling (MH) technologies - automated storage/retrieval system (AS/RS) and autonomous vehicle storage/retrieval system (AVS/RS). AS/RS is a traditional automated warehouse MH technology and has been used for more than five decades. AVS/RS is a relatively new automated warehouse MH technology and an alternative to AS/RS. There are two possible configurations of AVS/RS: AVS/RS with tier-captive vehicles and AVS/RS with tier-to-tier vehicles. We model the AS/RS and both configurations of the AVS/RS as queueing networks. We analyze and develop approximate algorithms for these network models and use them to estimate performance of the two automated warehouse MH technologies. Chapter 2 contains two parts. The first part is a brief review of existing papers about AS/RS and AVS/RS. The second part is a methodological review of queueing network theory, which serves as a building block for our study. In Chapter 3, we model AS/RSs and AVS/RSs with tier-captive vehicles as open queueing networks (OQNs). We show how to analyze OQNs and estimate related performance measures. We then apply an existing OQN analyzer to compare the two MH technologies and answer various design questions. In Chapter 4 and Chapter 5, we present some efficient algorithms to solve SOQN. We show how to model AVS/RSs with tier-to-tier vehicles as SOQNs and evaluate performance of these designs in Chapter 6. AVS/RS is a relatively new automated warehouse design technology. Hence, there are few efficient analytical tools to evaluate performance measures of this technology. We developed some efficient algorithms based on SOQN to quickly and effectively evaluate performance of AVS/RS. Additionally, we present a tool that helps a warehouse designer during the concepting stage to determine the type of MH technology to use, analyze numerous alternate warehouse configurations and select one of these for final implementation

    A survey of literature on shuttle based storage and retrieval systems

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    Prethodna decenija donela je pravi procvat u oblasti automatskih skladišnih sistema (SBS/RS) baziranih na šatl tehnologiji u mnogim industrijama. Njihova superiornost u odnosu na 'mini-load' automatske skladišne sisteme ogleda se prvenstveno u mogućnosti većeg protoka skladišnih jedinica kroz sistem, velikoj fleksibilnosti proširenja sistema i mnogo boljoj energetskoj efikasnosti, koja je rezultat manje potrošnje energije i sposobnosti regeneracije velike količine energije. Sveobuhvatan pregled literature SBS/RS prikazan u ovom radu ukazuje na glavne specifičnosti, ključne pretpostavke i aproksimacije u razvijenim modelima za procenu vrednosti performansi sistema ili strategijama za upravljanje sistemom, i ističe najvažnije zaključke izvedene iz dobijenih rezultata. Predstavljeni pristupi u modeliranju sistema mogu biti koristan alat za projektante SBS/RS prilikom procene efikasnosti sistema u početnoj fazi projektovanja.The last decade brought the blooming of the shuttle-based automated storage and retrieval system (SBS/RS) in many industrial applications. They proved the superiority over the mini-load automated storage and retrieval system mainly due to higher throughput capacity, high flexibility of future extension, much better energy efficiency resulting from lower energy consumption and high energy regeneration capability. A comprehensive literature review on SBS/RS given in the paper pointed out main specifics and crucial approximations and assumptions of the developed system performance estimation models or control strategies, as well as the main conclusions resulting from the obtained results. Presented modeling approaches could be a valuable tool for SBS/RS designers and other related decision makers to estimate the system efficiency in the starting phase of SBS/RS design activities

    Energy and Cycle Time Efficient Warehouse Design for Autonomous Vehicle-based Storage and Retrieval System

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    This study explores the best warehouse design for an autonomous vehicle based storage and retrieval system (AVS/RS) minimizing average energy consumption per transaction and average cycle time per transaction, simultaneously. In the design concept, we consider, rack design in terms of number of bays, number of tiers, number of aisles; number of resources, namely number of autonomous vehicles and lifts and; velocity profiles of lifts and autonomous vehicles in the AVS/RS. We completed 1,296 number of experiments in simulation to obtain Pareto solutions representing the “average energy consumption per transaction” and “average cycle time per transaction” trade-offs based on designs which is a very useful visual tool in decision making. Different from the existing studies, we approach to the warehouse design problem of AVS/RSs from a multi-objective view as well as energy efficient view minimizing both electricity consumption and cycle time per transaction in the system

    Throughput Analysis of S/r Shuttle Systems

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    Shuttle systems are used in high performance automated storage/retrieval unit load systems. Each storage level is serviced by one transfer car travelling in dual command operation. One buffer slot is located at both ends of each level. This decouples horizontal travel from vertical input/output moves, which in this case requires two independent vertical reciprocating lifts at each end of the aisle. Other systems work with only one lift used in lower throughput applications. The content of this paper is treated in the following sections starting with a problem definition and a literature survey. This is followed by a detailed functional description of the system investigated here. A predictive model with analytical equations is derived for simplified calculations and a comparison with simulation results. A summary, conclusions and an outlook finalize the paper