6 research outputs found

    Automatic Query Image Disambiguation for Content-Based Image Retrieval

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    Query images presented to content-based image retrieval systems often have various different interpretations, making it difficult to identify the search objective pursued by the user. We propose a technique for overcoming this ambiguity, while keeping the amount of required user interaction at a minimum. To achieve this, the neighborhood of the query image is divided into coherent clusters from which the user may choose the relevant ones. A novel feedback integration technique is then employed to re-rank the entire database with regard to both the user feedback and the original query. We evaluate our approach on the publicly available MIRFLICKR-25K dataset, where it leads to a relative improvement of average precision by 23% over the baseline retrieval, which does not distinguish between different image senses.Comment: VISAPP 2018 paper, 8 pages, 5 figures. Source code: https://github.com/cvjena/ai


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    Relevance feedback is an eective approach to bridge the gap between low-level featureextraction and high-level semantic concept in content-based image retrieval (CBIR). In this paper,we further improve the use of users feedback with multi-feature query and the Choquet integral.Taking into account the interaction among feature sets, feedback information are used to adjust thefeature's relevance weights that are considered as the fuzzy density values in the Choquet integralto dene the overall similarity measure between two images. The feature weight adjustment andintegration aims at minimizing the dierence between users desire and outcome of the retrieval system.Experimental results on several benchmark datasets have shown the eectiveness of the proposedmethod in improving the quality of CBIR systems

    Algorithm for Video Summarization of Bronchoscopy Procedures

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The duration of bronchoscopy examinations varies considerably depending on the diagnostic and therapeutic procedures used. It can last more than 20 minutes if a complex diagnostic work-up is included. With wide access to videobronchoscopy, the whole procedure can be recorded as a video sequence. Common practice relies on an active attitude of the bronchoscopist who initiates the recording process and usually chooses to archive only selected views and sequences. However, it may be important to record the full bronchoscopy procedure as documentation when liability issues are at stake. Furthermore, an automatic recording of the whole procedure enables the bronchoscopist to focus solely on the performed procedures. Video recordings registered during bronchoscopies include a considerable number of frames of poor quality due to blurry or unfocused images. It seems that such frames are unavoidable due to the relatively tight endobronchial space, rapid movements of the respiratory tract due to breathing or coughing, and secretions which occur commonly in the bronchi, especially in patients suffering from pulmonary disorders.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The use of recorded bronchoscopy video sequences for diagnostic, reference and educational purposes could be considerably extended with efficient, flexible summarization algorithms. Thus, the authors developed a prototype system to create shortcuts (called summaries or abstracts) of bronchoscopy video recordings. Such a system, based on models described in previously published papers, employs image analysis methods to exclude frames or sequences of limited diagnostic or education value.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The algorithm for the selection or exclusion of specific frames or shots from video sequences recorded during bronchoscopy procedures is based on several criteria, including automatic detection of "non-informative", frames showing the branching of the airways and frames including pathological lesions.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The paper focuses on the challenge of generating summaries of bronchoscopy video recordings.</p

    A Study On Information Retrieval Systems

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    A video is a key component of today's multimedia applications,  including Video Cassette Recording (VCR), Video-on-Demand (VoD), and virtual walkthrough. This happens supplementary with the fast amplification in video skill (Rynson W.H. Lau et al. 2000). Owing to innovation's progress in the  media, computerized TV, and data frameworks, an immense measure of video information is now exhaustively realistic (Walid G. Aref et al. 2003). The startling advancement in computerized video content has made entrée and moves the data in a tremendous video database a muddled and sensible issue (Chih-Wen Su et al. 2005). Therefore, the necessity for creating devices and frameworks that can effectively investigate the most needed video content, has evoked a great deal of interest among analysts. Sports video has been chosen as the prime application in this proposition since it has attracted viewers around the world

    A Literature Study On Video Retrieval Approaches

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    A detailed survey has been carried out to identify the various research articles available in the literature in all the categories of video retrieval and to do the analysis of the major contributions and their advantages, following are the literature used for the assessment of the state-of-art work on video retrieval. Here, a large number of papershave been studied

    Characterisation and adaptive learning in interactive video retrieval

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    El objetivo principal de esta tesis consiste en utilizar eficazmente los modelos de tópicos latentes para afrontar el problema de la recuperación automática de vídeo. Concretamente, se pretende mejorar tanto a nivel de eficiencia como a nivel de precisión el actual estado del arte en materia de los sitemas de recuperación automática de vídeo. En general, los modelos de tópicos latentes son un conjunto de herramientas estadísticas que permiten extraer los patrones generadores de una colección de datos. Tradicionalmente, este tipo de técnicas no han sido consideradas de gran utilidad para los sistemas de recuperación automática de vídeo debido a su alto coste computacional y a la propia complejidad del espacio de tópicos en el ámbito de la información visual.In this work, we are interested in the use of latent topics to overcome the current limitations in CBVR. Despite the potential of topic models to uncover the hidden structure of a collection, they have traditionally been unable to provide a competitive advantage in CBVR because of the high computational cost of their algorithms and the complexity of the latent space in the visual domain. Throughout this thesis we focus on designing new models and tools based on topic models to take advantage of the latent space in CBVR. Specifically, we have worked in four different areas within the retrieval process: vocabulary reduction, encoding, modelling and ranking, being our most important contributions related to both modelling and ranking