78 research outputs found

    A Review Of Multilevel Multibiometric Fusion System

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    Biometric systems allow automatic person recognition and authenticate based on the physical or behavioral characteristic. In recent years, researchers have paid close attention to the design of efficient multi-modal biometric systems due to their ability to withstand spoof attacks. Sometimes single biometric traits fail to extract relevant information for verifying the identity of a person. Therefore, combining multiple modalities, enhanced performance reliability could be achieved. If the security level increases then multi-level fusion techniques are used. This paper discusses the many fusion levels: algorithms, level of fusion, methods used for integrating the multiple verifiers and their applications

    Multi-modal palm-print and hand-vein biometric recognition at sensor level fusion

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    When it is important to authenticate a person based on his or her biometric qualities, most systems use a single modality (e.g. fingerprint or palm print) for further analysis at higher levels. Rather than using higher levels, this research recommends using two biometric features at the sensor level. The Log-Gabor filter is used to extract features and, as a result, recognize the pattern, because the data acquired from images is sampled at various spacing. Using the two fused modalities, the suggested system attained greater accuracy. Principal component analysis (PCA) was performed to reduce the dimensionality of the data. To get the optimum performance between the two classifiers, fusion was performed at the sensor level utilizing different classifiers, including K-nearest neighbors (K-NN) and support vector machines (SVMs). The technology collects palm prints and veins from sensors and combines them into consolidated images that take up less disk space. The amount of memory needed to store such photos has been lowered. The amount of memory is determined by the number of modalities fused

    Score Fusion Using Hybrid Bacterial Foraging Optimization And Particle Swarm Optimization (Bfo-Pso) For Hand-Based Multimodal Biometrics

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    In recent times of biometric authentication, the influence of swarm intelligence algorithms role-played in enhancing the performance accuracy to a greater extent. Most researches related to Swarm Intelligence (SI) algorithms have done on the particular, due to the need to integrate more than one SI algorithm for better results. Therefore, this research is focused on the hand-based multimodal biometric score fusion which incorporates the scores of hand-based multimodalities and the optimal weights using Hybrid Bacterial Foraging - Particle Swarm Optimization (HBF-PSO) algorithm

    A New Hand Based Biometric Modality & An Automated Authentication System

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    With increased adoption of smartphones, security has become important like never before. Smartphones store confidential information and carry out sensitive financial transactions. Biometric sensors such as fingerprint scanners are built in to smartphones to cater to security concerns. However, due to limited size of smartphone, miniaturised sensors are used to capture the biometric data from the user. Other hand based biometric modalities like hand veins and finger veins need specialised thermal/IR sensors which add to the overall cost of the system. In this paper, we introduce a new hand based biometric modality called Fistprint.  Fistprints can be captured using digital camera available in any smartphone. In this work, our contributions are: i) we propose a new non-touch and non-invasive hand based biometric modality called fistprint. Fistprint contains many distinctive elements such as fist shape, fist size, fingers shape and size, knuckles, finger nails, palm crease/wrinkle lines etc. ii) Prepare fistprint DB for the first time. We collected fistprint information of twenty individuals - both males and females aged from 23 years to 45 years of age. Four images of each hand fist (total 160 images) were taken for this purpose. iii) Propose Fistprint Automatic Authentication SysTem (FAAST). iv) Implement FAAST system on Samsung Galaxy smartphone running Android and server side on a windows machine and validate the effectiveness of the proposed modality. The experimental results show the effectiveness of fistprint as a biometric with GAR of 97.5 % at 1.0% FAR

    Finger texture verification systems based on multiple spectrum lighting sensors with four fusion levels

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    Finger Texture (FT) is one of the most recent attractive biometric characteristic. It refers to a finger skin area which is restricted between the fingerprint and the palm print (just after including the lower knuckle). Different specifications for the FT can be obtained by employing multiple images spectrum of lights. Individual verification systems are established in this paper by using multiple spectrum FT specifications. The key idea here is that by combining two various spectrum lightings of FTs, high personal recognitions can be attained. Four types of fusion will be listed and explained here: Sensor Level Fusion (SLF), Feature Level Fusion (FLF), Score Level Fusion (ScLF) and Decision Level Fusion (DLF). Each fusion method is employed, examined for different rules and analysed. Then, the best performance procedure is benchmarked to be considered. From the database of Multiple Spectrum CASIA (MSCASIA), FT images have been collected. Two types of spectrum lights have been exploited (the wavelength of 460 nm, which represents a Blue (BLU) light, and the White (WHT) light). Supporting comparisons were performed, including the state-of-the-art. Best recognition performance was recorded for the FLF based concatenation rule by improving the Equal Error Rate (EER) percentages from 5% for the BLU and 7% for the WHT to 2%

    Multimodal Biometrics for Person Authentication

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    Unimodal biometric systems have limited effectiveness in identifying people, mainly due to their susceptibility to changes in individual biometric features and presentation attacks. The identification of people using multimodal biometric systems attracts the attention of researchers due to their advantages, such as greater recognition efficiency and greater security compared to the unimodal biometric system. To break into the biometric multimodal system, the intruder would have to break into more than one unimodal biometric system. In multimodal biometric systems: The availability of many features means that the multimodal system becomes more reliable. A multimodal biometric system increases security and ensures confidentiality of user data. A multimodal biometric system realizes the merger of decisions taken under individual modalities. If one of the modalities is eliminated, the system can still ensure security, using the remaining. Multimodal systems provide information on the “liveness” of the sample being introduced. In a multimodal system, a fusion of feature vectors and/or decisions developed by each subsystem is carried out, and then the final decision on identification is made on the basis of the vector of features thus obtained. In this chapter, we consider a multimodal biometric system that uses three modalities: dorsal vein, palm print, and periocular