668 research outputs found

    A scalability analysis of grid allocation mechanisms

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    This article examines the broker's behavior with regard to a varying number of participating nodes and shows that incremental losses have to be accepted in central resource allocation when introducing new nodes. --Grid Computing

    A semi-automated digital preservation system based on semantic Web services

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    This paper describes a Web-services-based system which we have developed to enable organizations to semi -automatically preserve their digital collections by dynamically discovering and invoking the most appropriate preservation service, as it is required. By periodically comparing preservation metadata for digital objects in a collection with a software version registry, potential object obsolescence can be detected and a notification message sent to the relevant agent. By making preservation software modules available as Web services and describing them semantically using a machine-processable ontology (OWL-S), the most appropriate preservation service(s) for each object can then be automatically discovered, composed and invoked by software agents (with optional human input at critical decision-making steps). We believe that this approach represents a significant advance towards providing a viable, cost-effective solution to the long term preservation of large-scale collections of digital objects

    The role of social networks in students’ learning experiences

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    The aim of this research is to investigate the role of social networks in computer science education. The Internet shows great potential for enhancing collaboration between people and the role of social software has become increasingly relevant in recent years. This research focuses on analyzing the role that social networks play in students’ learning experiences. The construction of students’ social networks, the evolution of these networks, and their effects on the students’ learning experience in a university environment are examined

    Application of semantic web technologies for automatic multimedia annotation

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    Prefiltering Strategy to Improve Performance of Semantic Web Service Discovery

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