992 research outputs found

    On the Simultaneous Perception of Sound and Three-Dimensional Objects

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    Although examples of work investigating the perceptual relationship and possibilities of sound and image are common, relatively litle work has been carried out into multimedia works combining sound and three-dimensional objects. A practice-based investigation into this subject is presented with original artworks and contectual material from sound art, sculpture, moving image and psychology. The project sets out to more examine the perception of multimedia work, specifically through the creation and analysis of artworks combining sound and physical objects. It considers three main areas of study: sound’s ability to draw attention to, or modify, the existing properties of an object; techniques which encourage sound and object to appear cohesively as part of the same work; and a discussion of cognitive effects that may occur as a result of their simulataneous perception. Using the concept of the search space from evolutionary computing as an example, the case is made that multimedia artworksde can present a larger field of creative opportunity than single-media works, due to the enhanced interplay between the two media and the viewer's a priori knowledge. The roles of balance, dynamism and interactivity in multimedia work are also explored. Throughout the thesis examples of original artworks are given which exemplify the issues raised. The main outcome of the study is a proposed framework for categorising and analysing the perception of multimedia artworks, based on increasing semantic separation between the sensory elements. It is claimed that as the relationship between these elements becomes less obvious, more work is demanded of the viewer's imagination in trying to reconcile the gap, leading to active engagement and the possibility of extra imaginary forms which do not exist in the original material. It is proposed that the framework and ideas in this document will be applicable beyond the sound/object focus of this study, and it is hoped they will inform research into multimedia work in other forms

    Designing and Operating Safe and Secure Transit Systems: Assessing Current Practices in the United States and Abroad, MTI Report 04-05

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    Public transit systems around the world have for decades served as a principal venue for terrorist acts. Today, transit security is widely viewed as an important public policy issue and is a high priority at most large transit systems and at smaller systems operating in large metropolitan areas. Research on transit security in the United States has mushroomed since 9/11; this study is part of that new wave of research. This study contributes to our understanding of transit security by (1) reviewing and synthesizing nearly all previously published research on transit terrorism; (2) conducting detailed case studies of transit systems in London, Madrid, New York, Paris, Tokyo, and Washington, D.C.; (3) interviewing federal officials here in the United States responsible for overseeing transit security and transit industry representatives both here and abroad to learn about efforts to coordinate and finance transit security planning; and (4) surveying 113 of the largest transit operators in the United States. Our major findings include: (1) the threat of transit terrorism is probably not universal—most major attacks in the developed world have been on the largest systems in the largest cities; (2) this asymmetry of risk does not square with fiscal politics that seek to spread security funding among many jurisdictions; (3) transit managers are struggling to balance the costs and (uncertain) benefits of increased security against the costs and (certain) benefits of attracting passengers; (4) coordination and cooperation between security and transit agencies is improving, but far from complete; (5) enlisting passengers in surveillance has benefits, but fearful passengers may stop using public transit; (6) the role of crime prevention through environmental design in security planning is waxing; and (7) given the uncertain effectiveness of antitransit terrorism efforts, the most tangible benefits of increased attention to and spending on transit security may be a reduction in transit-related person and property crimes

    Social news, citizen journalism and democracy

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    Abstract This article aims to contribute to a critical research agenda for investigating the democratic implications of citizen journalism and social news. The article calls for a broad conception of 'citizen journalism' which is (1) not an exclusively online phenomenon, (2) not confined to explicitly 'alternative' news sources, and (3) includes 'metajournalism' as well as the practices of journalism itself. A case is made for seeing democratic implications not simply in the horizontal or 'peer-to-peer' public sphere of citizen journalism networks, but also in the possibility of a more 'reflexive' culture of news consumption through citizen participation. The article calls for a research agenda that investigates new forms of gatekeeping and agendasetting power within social news and citizen journalism networks and, drawing on the example of three sites, highlights the importance of both formal and informal status differentials and of the software 'code' structuring these new modes of news production

    Machinic Eyes: New and Post-Digital Aesthetics, Surveillance, and Resistance

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    This work concerns the rise of the New Aesthetic, an art project developed by James Bridle in 2012. The New Aesthetic, as envisioned by Bridle, was chiefly concerned with the overlapping of physical and digital realities through both the artifacts produced by this overlapping and the systems involved therein. I introduce the advent of the New Aesthetic and present the major criticisms: the lack of a robust theoretical and scholarly framework, the lack of a historical framework, the privileging of artifacts over systems as new Aesthetic, and the fragmented scholarly outlook on the New Aesthetic. Upon further examination, I discovered that the New Aesthetic is less of an art project but a metaphor for a global surveillance apparatus that is the result of clandestine partnerships between multinational technology corporations and intelligence agencies associated the Five Eyes consortium. In this dissertation, I critique the New Aesthetic from a scholarly viewpoint, offer a historical precedent of how the New Aesthetic came to be from cultural and technological perspectives, examine the rise of the global surveillance apparatus within the New Aesthetic, and offer ideas of how to resist surveillance as a result of our reliance upon computational technologies

    Sensitivity analysis in a scoping review on police accountability : assessing the feasibility of reporting criteria in mixed studies reviews

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    In this paper, we report on the findings of a sensitivity analysis that was carried out within a previously conducted scoping review, hoping to contribute to the ongoing debate about how to assess the quality of research in mixed methods reviews. Previous sensitivity analyses mainly concluded that the exclusion of inadequately reported or lower quality studies did not have a significant effect on the results of the synthesis. In this study, we conducted a sensitivity analysis on the basis of reporting criteria with the aims of analysing its impact on the synthesis results and assessing its feasibility. Contrary to some previous studies, our analysis showed that the exclusion of inadequately reported studies had an impact on the results of the thematic synthesis. Initially, we also sought to propose a refinement of reporting criteria based on the literature and our own experiences. In this way, we aimed to facilitate the assessment of reporting criteria and enhance its consistency. However, based on the results of our sensitivity analysis, we opted not to make such a refinement since many publications included in this analysis did not sufficiently report on the methodology. As such, a refinement would not be useful considering that researchers would be unable to assess these (sub-)criteria

    Toolkit for tackling misinformation on noncommunicable disease : forum for tackling misinformation on health and NCDs

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    Published online: 21 October 2021Noncommunicable disease related, and health misinformation is a growing concern as more and more individuals obtain their health information from digital venues such as search engines or social media platforms. While increased access to information on health issues can be seen as generally positive, the spread of inaccurate medical information is of course problematic. It can lead to harmful lifestyle or dietary choices, self-medication, the abandonment of medical treatment and incorrect diagnoses. As such, three meetings were hosted to discuss the topic with representatives from Member States, the media and social media sectors, and civil society. The outcomes of these meetings are reflected in this Toolkit. This Toolkit was drafted following these meetings, and includes the concerns, challenges and conclusions shared during those conversations by all discussion partners. It is the product of an intense iterative process, of arguments between competing views and interests, and of the constant upgrades in available knowledge. It reflects, to the extent possible, the developments that occurred after the meetings, but it should be read with the knowledge that it does not presume to contain everything there is to know about this topic

    Viatopias: Exploring the experience of urban travel space

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    The title of this research is constructed from: `via' - route and töp(os) -a place. Viatopias are urban spaces of continual travel or flux that incorporate multiple forms of perception and inscriptions of meaning. My aim has been to define and describe the increasingly important fluid perceptual spaces that have developed between static nineteenth century destinations. Viatopias such as passageways, underground tunnels, train tracks, and the North Circular escape a sense of destination, operating as ever-changing experiences or events. The practice has sought to produce digital representations of these urban travel spaces that exist in constant flux, to communicate the experience of Viatopias. The research explores themes such as: The North Circular as a Deleuzian Route exploring driving as performance; Plica, Replica, Explica an unfolding of experience through digital media; The Making of Baroque Videos, using Baroque architectures of viewing; Mobilizing Perception treating human vision as an artifact; Mirrors For Un-Recognition disassembling nineteenth century controlled vision; Sound as an Urban Compass considering urban audio experience; Narrative Practice in New Media Space analysing contemporary approaches in digital media; and Convergent Languages, Digital Poiesis investigating the dislocation of representation in different digital languages. These conceptual frameworks developed in symbiosis with the practice. The visual practice presents a collection of digital videos that extend and complicate these concepts through experimental visual and audio techniques such as layering, repetition, anamorphic distortion, and mirroring to produce visual immersion and the fracturing of space. The concluding digital works incorporate video with audio and text resulting in integrated visual statements that attempt to stretch the viewer's perception, in the process offering a glimpse of a new experience within urban space

    Researching children as becoming writers in their first year of school

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    Young children’s writing activity in English Reception classrooms is framed by a rigid developmental model whereby children are conceived of as ‘becoming’ writers. However, recent postSstructuralist research suggests that writing activity, as an assemblage of objects, bodies, expressions and territories, involves constant change rather than being fixed to particular frameworks. This ethnographic enquiry focussed on six children in one Reception class during one school year. Deleuzoguattarian ideas were ‘plugged into’ a sociocultural, multimodal understanding of young children’s writing and the children were reSconceptualised as ‘becoming’: creating and disrupting multiple connections and relations through their actions as writers and research participants. Narrative observations, field notes, photographs, video and artefacts were analysed rhizomatically and vignettes of data were formed into discursive assemblages. The findings indicate that children’s writing within openSended play in the classroom was a moving, overlapping and connective ensemble, utilising many different modes of expression (drawing, text making, map making, copying, etc.). The writing materials used in these encounters ‘mattered’ to children: their sensorial qualities, the histories associated with them, and the potential they had to be adapted. Writing activity, however, was often organised by adults into regular discreet phonics sessions where the children’s opportunities for material intraSaction, social interaction and links to other writing experiences, were limited. Alongside this, discourses surrounding writing in the classroom were reflective of the curriculum ‘ideal’, and certain modes of expression were privileged. The conclusions suggest that containing young children’s writing within representative acts driven by external outcomes limits the potential of writing to be a sensory, embodied, material, and connected activity. Adults in schools should foster children’s playful writing encounters where these elements exist. Effective practices are needed to encourage young children’s multiple modes of expression, enabling them to build the language associations needed for their writing to be meaningful and desirous
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