5 research outputs found

    Secure Mobile Agent for Telemedicine Based on P2P Networks

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    A NoSQL-Based Framework for Managing Home Services

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    Individuals and companies have an increasing need for services by specialized suppliers in their homes or premises. These services can be quite different and can require different amounts of resources. Service suppliers have to specify the activities to be performed, plan those activities, allocate resources, follow up after their completion and must be able to react to any unexpected situation. Various proposals were formulated to model and implement these functions; however, there is no unified approach that can improve the efficiency of software solutions to enable economy of scale. In this paper, we propose a framework that a service supplier can use to manage geo-localized activities. The proposed framework is based on a NoSQL data model and implemented using the MongoDB system. We also discuss the advantages and drawbacks of a NoSQL approach

    Analyzing fibrous tissue pattern in fibrous dysplasia bone images using deep R-CNN networks for segmentation

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    Predictive health monitoring systems help to detect human health threats in the early stage. Evolving deep learning techniques in medical image analysis results in efficient feedback in quick time. Fibrous dysplasia (FD) is a genetic disorder, triggered by the mutation in Guanine Nucleotide binding protein with alpha stimulatory activities in the human bone genesis. It slowly occupies the bone marrow and converts the bone cell into fibrous tissues. It weakens the bone structure and leads to permanent disability. This paper proposes the study of FD bone image analyzing techniques with deep networks. Also, the linear regression model is annotated for predicting the bone abnormality levels with observed coefficients. Modern image processing begins with various image filters. It describes the edges, shades, texture values of the receptive field. Different types of segmentation and edge detection mechanisms are applied to locate the tumor, lesion, and fibrous tissues in the bone image. Extract the fibrous region in the bone image using the region-based convolutional neural network algorithm. The segmented results are compared with their accuracy metrics. The segmentation loss is reduced by each iteration. The overall loss is 0.24% and the accuracy is 99%, segmenting the masked region produces 98% of accuracy, and building the bounding boxes is 99% of accuracy

    A Multiagent Approach Towards Solving Complex Problems of Sociotechnical Systems

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    Complex resource allocation problems arise due to complex human societies and scarce resources to be distributed. Scarce resources could be food, water, and energy. Meanwhile, the size of the problem, the intersection of different areas, and possible global consequences all add to the complexity of the problems, which makes it difficult for humans to solve the problems by themselves. For all these reasons, humans need technical help to tackle complex problems. Since humans participating in the problems usually own part of the information about the problems, and no one may see the whole picture of the problems, it is natural to use distributed systems to simulate and analyze the problems. In a distributed system, humans represented by agents knowing only partial information interact with each other in order to achieve a common goal while maximizing their own interests. The resultant distributed system is called a multiagent system, because multiple agents are involved in the systems. In this dissertation, we study three cases of multiagent systems that help with distributing a certain kind of resource. First, we present an approach to assist individuals shop for groceries. The aim is to help a customer to find the most economical way of shopping. We show that a customer could save 22% or more most of the time with simulated price data and 6.7% with real price data. Robustness is also considered with deceptive stores and wrongly reported prices. Second, we simulate a healthcare system in which agents are used to assist a patient to find a physician. We investigate four different strategies for assisting a person in choosing a physician and three physician-waiting policies in three common social network models. The results show that the resultant sociotechnical system can decrease the number of annual sick days per person by 0.4-1.8 days compared with choosing a physician randomly. Third we investigate the influence of humans\u27 personalities on resource allocation in mixed human-agent societies. It is shown that humans treat other humans and agents differently and humans with different temperaments behave differently, but not with significantly difference, which means fair is more important than personality types while making decisions. The three cases investigate different aspects of a sociotechnical system. The grocery-shopping case involves agents that interact with each other indirectly through a central aggregator of local results. The physician choosing case involves agents that interact with each other directly in a social network that is a subset of the complete network of agents. The resource-allocation case investigates the relationships between the agents and the humans in a sociotechnical system