7 research outputs found

    Resource-efficient wireless monitoring based on mobile agent migration

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    Analysis Of Aircraft Arrival Delay And Airport On-time Performance

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    While existing grid environments cater to specific needs of a particular user community, we need to go beyond them and consider general-purpose large-scale distributed systems consisting of large collections of heterogeneous computers and communication systems shared by a large user population with very diverse requirements. Coordination, matchmaking, and resource allocation are among the essential functions of large-scale distributed systems. Although deterministic approaches for coordination, matchmaking, and resource allocation have been well studied, they are not suitable for large-scale distributed systems due to the large-scale, the autonomy, and the dynamics of the systems. We have to seek for nondeterministic solutions for large-scale distributed systems. In this dissertation we describe our work on a coordination service, a matchmaking service, and a macro-economic resource allocation model for large-scale distributed systems. The coordination service coordinates the execution of complex tasks in a dynamic environment, the matchmaking service supports finding the appropriate resources for users, and the macro-economic resource allocation model allows a broker to mediate resource providers who want to maximize their revenues and resource consumers who want to get the best resources at the lowest possible price, with some global objectives, e.g., to maximize the resource utilization of the system

    Proceedings of The Multi-Agent Logics, Languages, and Organisations Federated Workshops (MALLOW 2010)

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    http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-627/allproceedings.pdfInternational audienceMALLOW-2010 is a third edition of a series initiated in 2007 in Durham, and pursued in 2009 in Turin. The objective, as initially stated, is to "provide a venue where: the cost of participation was minimum; participants were able to attend various workshops, so fostering collaboration and cross-fertilization; there was a friendly atmosphere and plenty of time for networking, by maximizing the time participants spent together"

    A Multi-Plane State Machine Agent Model

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    This paper presents a framework for implementing collaborative network agents. Agents are assembled dynamically from components into a structure described by a multi-plane state machine model. This organization lends itself to an elegant implementations of remote control, collaboration, checkpointing and mobility, dening features of an agent system. It supports techniques, like agent surgery dicult to reproduce with other approaches. The reference implementation for our model, the Bond agent system, is distributed under an open source license and can be downloaded from http://bond.cs.purdue.edu. 1 Introduction The eld of agents is witnessing the convergence of researchers from several elds. Some see agents as a natural extension of the object-oriented programming paradigm, [14, 15]. One of the most popular books on articial intelligence reinterprets the whole eld in terms of agents [2]. Contemporary work on the theory of behavior provides the foundations for theoretical mo..