6 research outputs found

    A New Noise-Tolerant Obstacle Avoidance Scheme for Motion Planning of Redundant Robot Manipulators

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    Avoiding obstacle(s) is a challenging issue in the research of redundant robot manipulators. In addition, noise from truncation, rounding, and model uncertainty is an important factor that affects greatly the obstacle avoidance scheme. In this paper, based on the neural dynamics design formula, a new scheme with the pseudoinverse-type formulation is proposed for obstacle avoidance of redundant robot manipulators in a noisy environment. Such a scheme has the capability of suppressing constant and bounded time-varying noises, and it is thus termed as the noise-tolerant obstacle avoidance (NTOA) scheme in this paper. Theoretical results are also given to show the excellent property of the proposed NTOA scheme (particularly in noise situation). Based on a PA10 robot manipulator with point and window-shaped obstacles, computer simulation results are presented to further substantiate the efficacy and superiority of the proposed NTOA scheme for motion planning of redundant robot manipulators

    Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Innovations in Automation and Mechatronics Engineering (ICIAME2018)

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    The Mechatronics Department (Accredited by National Board of Accreditation, New Delhi, India) of the G H Patel College of Engineering and Technology, Gujarat, India arranged the 4th International Conference on Innovations in Automation and Mechatronics Engineering 2018, (ICIAME 2018) on 2-3 February 2018. The papers presented during the conference were based on Automation, Optimization, Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing, Nanotechnology, Solar Energy etc and are featured in this book

    A multi-objective approach for the motion planning of redundant manipulators

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    Kinematic redundancy occurs when a manipulator possesses more degrees of freedom than those required to execute a given task. Several kinematic techniques for redundant manipulators control the gripper through the pseudo-inverse of the Jacobian, but lead to a kind of chaotic inner motion with unpredictable arm configurations. Such algorithms are not easy to adapt to optimization schemes and, moreover, often there are multiple optimization objectives that can conflict between them. Unlike single optimization, where one attempts to find the best solution, in multi-objective optimization there is no single solution that is optimum with respect to all indices. Therefore, trajectory planning of redundant robots remains an important area of research and more efficient optimization algorithms are needed. This paper presents a new technique to solve the inverse kinematics of redundant manipulators, using a multi-objective genetic algorithm. This scheme combines the closed-loop pseudo-inverse method with a multi-objective genetic algorithm to control the joint positions. Simulations for manipulators with three or four rotational joints, considering the optimization of two objectives in a workspace without and with obstacles are developed. The results reveal that it is possible to choose several solutions from the Pareto optimal front according to the importance of each individual objective

    Optimisation du comportement de cellules robotiques par gestion des redondances : application à la découpe de viande et à l’Usinage Grande Vitesse

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    Industrial robots have evolved fundamentally in recent years to reach the industrial requirements. We now find more suitable anthropomorphic robots leading to the realization of more complex tasks like deformable objects cutting such as meat cutting or constrained to high stresses as machining. The behavior study of anthropomorphic robots, parallel or hybrid one highlights a kinematic and dynamic anisotropy, which impacts the expected accuracy. This thesis studied the integration of the kinematic redundancy that can partially overcome this problem by well setting the task to achieve it in a space compatible with the expected capacity. This work followed a three-step approach: analytical modeling of robotic cells by serial equivalent based on the TCS method, formalizing the constraints of meat cutting process and machining process and a multicriteria optimization.The first originality of this work focuses on the development of a 6 DoFs model to analyze the operator actions who naturally optimizes his arm behavior to ensure the task it performs. The second originality concerns the optimized placement of structural redundancy (9 DoFs robotic cell) where positioning parameters are incorporated as controllable variables (11 DoFs robotic cell). Thus, the thesis makes contributions to : - the definition of criteria adapted to the realization of complex and under high stress task for the management of the kinematic redundancy; - the structural behavior identification, under stress, by metrology tools (Laser tracker ) and the self- adaptation paths by using an industrial force control; - the behavior optimization to improve the cutting process quality (meat cutting and machining).Les robots industriels ont évolué fondamentalement ces dernières années pour répondre aux exigences industrielles de machines et mécanismes toujours plus performants. Ceci se traduit aujourd’hui par de nouveaux robots anthropomorphes plus adaptés laissant entrevoir la réalisation de tâches plus complexes comme la découpe d’objets déformables telle que la découpe de viande ou soumis à de fortes sollicitations comme l’usinage. L’étude du comportement des robots anthropomorphes, à structures parallèles ou hybrides montre une anisotropie aussi bien cinématique, que dynamique, impactant la précision attendue. Ces travaux de thèse étudient l’intégration des redondances cinématiques qui permettent de pallier en partie ce problème en positionnant au mieux la tâche à réaliser dans un espace de travail compatible avec les capacités attendues. Ces travaux ont suivi une démarche en trois étapes : la modélisation analytique de cellules robotiques par équivalent sériel basée sur la méthode TCS, la formalisation des contraintes des processus de découpe de viande et d’usinage et une résolution par optimisation multicritère. Une première originalité de ces travaux réside en le développement d’un modèle à 6 degrés de liberté permettant d’analyser les gestes de l’opérateur qui optimise naturellement le comportement de son bras pour garantir la tâche qu’il réalise. La seconde originalité concerne le placement optimisé des redondances structurales (cellules à 9 ddls) où les paramètres de positionnement sont incorporés comme des variables pilotables (cellule à 11 ddls). Ainsi, ces travaux de thèse apportent des contributions à : - la définition de critères adaptés à la réalisation de tâches complexes et sollicitantes pour la gestion des redondances cinématiques ; - l’identification du comportement des structures sous sollicitations par moyen métrologique (Laser tracker) et l’auto-adaptation des trajectoires par l’utilisation d’une commande en effort industrielle ; - l’optimisation du comportement permettant l’amélioration de la qualité de réalisation des différents processus de coupe (découpe de viande et usinage)