3 research outputs found

    A multi-hop angular routing protocol for wireless sensor networks

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    In this article, we propose two new routing protocols for wireless sensor networks. First one is AM-DisCNT (angular multi-hop distance-based clustering network transmission) protocol which uses circular deployment of sensors (nodes) for uniform energy consumption in the network. The protocol operates in such a way that nodes with maximum residual energy are selected as cluster heads for each round. Second one is iAM-DisCNT (improved AM-DisCNT) protocol which exploits both mobile and static base stations for throughput maximization. Besides the proposition of routing protocols, iAM-DisCNT is provided with three mathematical models: two linear-programming-based models for information flow maximization and packet drop rate minimization and one model for calculating energy consumption of nodes. Graphical analysis for linear-programming-based mathematical formulation is also part of this work. Simulation results show that AM-DisCNT has 32% and iAM-DisCNT has 48% improved stability period as compared to LEACH (low-energy adaptive clustering hierarchy) and DEEC (distributed energy-efficient clustering) routing protocols. Similarly, throughput of AM-DisCNT and iAM-DisCNT is improved by 16% and 80%, respectively, in comparison with the counterpart schemes. © The Author(s) 2016

    Energy efficient in cluster head and relay node selection for wireless sensor networks

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are defined as networks of nodes that work in a cooperative way to sense and control the surrounding environment. However, nodes contain limited energy which is the key limiting factor of the sensor network operation. In WSN architecture, the nodes are typically grouped into clusters where one node from each cluster is selected as the Cluster Head (CH) and relays utilisation to minimise energy consumption. Currently, the selection of CH based on a different combination of input variables. Example of these variables includes residual energy, communication cost, node density, mobility, cluster size and many others. Improper selection of sensor node (i.e. weak signal strength) as CH can cause an increase in energy consumption. Additionally, a direct transmission in dual-hop communication between sensor nodes (e.g. CH) with the base station (BS) uses high energy consumption. A proper selection of the relay node can assist in communication while minimising energy consumption. Therefore, the research aim is to prolong the network lifetime (i.e. reduce energy consumption) by improving the selection of CHs and relay nodes through a new combination of input variables and distance threshold approach. In CH selection, the Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) scheme, residual energy, and centrality variable were proposed. Fuzzy logic was utilized in selecting the appropriate CHs based on these variables in the MATLAB. In relay node selection, the selection is based on the distance threshold according to the nearest distance with the BS. The selection of the optimal number of relay nodes is performed using K-Optimal and K-Means techniques. This ensures that all CHs are connected to at least one corresponding relay node (i.e. a 2-tier network) to execute the routing process and send the data to BS. To evaluate the proposal, the performance of Multi-Tier Protocol (MAP) and Stable Election Protocol (SEP) was compared based on 100, 200, and 800 nodes with 1 J and random energy. The simulation results showed that our proposed approach, refer to as Energy Efficient Cluster Heads and Relay Nodes (EECR) selection approach, extended the network lifetime of the wireless sensor network by 43% and 33% longer than SEP and MAP, respectively. This thesis concluded that with effective combinations of variables for CHs and relay nodes selection in static environment for data routing, EECR can effectively improve the energy efficiency of WSNs

    Balanced Transmissions Based Trajectories of Mobile Sink in Homogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Mobile Sink (MS) based routing strategies have been widely investigated to prolong the lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). In this paper, we propose two schemes for data gathering in WSNs: (i) MS moves on random paths in the network (RMS) and (ii) the trajectory of MS is defined (DMS). In both the schemes, the network field is logically divided into small squares. The center point of each partitioned area is the sojourn location of the MS. We present three linear programming based models: (i) to maximize network lifetime, (ii) to minimize path loss, and (iii) to minimize end to end delay. Moreover, a geometric model is proposed to avoid redundancy while collecting information from the network nodes. Simulation results show that our proposed schemes perform better than the selected existing schemes in terms of the selected performance metrics