617 research outputs found

    Multi-Level Optimization Problems for Kidney Exchange

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    Application of reduced-set pareto-lipschitzian optimization to truss optimization

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    In this paper, a recently proposed global Lipschitz optimization algorithm Pareto-Lipschitzian Optimization with Reduced-set (PLOR) is further developed, investigated and applied to truss optimization problems. Partition patterns of the PLOR algorithm are similar to those of DIviding RECTangles (DIRECT), which was widely applied to different real-life problems. However here a set of all Lipschitz constants is reduced to just two: the maximal and the minimal ones. In such a way the PLOR approach is independent of any user-defined parameters and balances equally local and global search during the optimization process. An expanded list of other well-known DIRECT-type algorithms is used in investigation and experimental comparison using the standard test problems and truss optimization problems. The experimental investigation shows that the PLOR algorithm gives very competitive results to other DIRECT-type algorithms using standard test problems and performs pretty well on real truss optimization problems

    Filter-based DIRECT method for constrained global optimization

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    This paper presents a DIRECT-type method that uses a filter methodology to assure convergence to a feasible and optimal solution of nonsmooth and nonconvex constrained global optimization problems. The filter methodology aims to give priority to the selection of hyperrectangles with feasible center points, followed by those with infeasible and non-dominated center points and finally by those that have infeasible and dominated center points. The convergence properties of the algorithm are analyzed. Preliminary numerical experiments show that the proposed filter-based DIRECT algorithm gives competitive results when compared with other DIRECT-type methods.The authors would like to thank two anonymous referees and the Associate Editor for their valuable comments and suggestions to improve the paper. This work has been supported by COMPETE: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007043 and FCT - Fundac¸ao para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the projects UID/CEC/00319/2013 and ˆ UID/MAT/00013/2013.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The N-K Problem in Power Grids: New Models, Formulations and Numerical Experiments (extended version)

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    Given a power grid modeled by a network together with equations describing the power flows, power generation and consumption, and the laws of physics, the so-called N-k problem asks whether there exists a set of k or fewer arcs whose removal will cause the system to fail. The case where k is small is of practical interest. We present theoretical and computational results involving a mixed-integer model and a continuous nonlinear model related to this question.Comment: 40 pages 3 figure

    Synthesis, Interdiction, and Protection of Layered Networks

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    This research developed the foundation, theory, and framework for a set of analysis techniques to assist decision makers in analyzing questions regarding the synthesis, interdiction, and protection of infrastructure networks. This includes extension of traditional network interdiction to directly model nodal interdiction; new techniques to identify potential targets in social networks based on extensions of shortest path network interdiction; extension of traditional network interdiction to include layered network formulations; and develops models/techniques to design robust layered networks while considering trade-offs with cost. These approaches identify the maximum protection/disruption possible across layered networks with limited resources, find the most robust layered network design possible given the budget limitations while ensuring that the demands are met, include traditional social network analysis, and incorporate new techniques to model the interdiction of nodes and edges throughout the formulations. In addition, the importance and effects of multiple optimal solutions for these (and similar) models is investigated. All the models developed are demonstrated on notional examples and were tested on a range of sample problem sets

    Methods for solving combinatorial pricing problems

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    Le problème de tarification combinatoire (CPP) ou le jeu de tarification de Stackelberg est une classe de problèmes d’optimisation bi-niveaux comprenant deux décideurs dans un ordre séquentiel. Le premier décideur, le leader, maximise ses revenus en contrôlant les prix d’un ensemble de ressources. Le deuxième décideur, le suiveur, réagit aux prix et sélectionne un sous-ensemble de ressources selon un problème d’optimisation combinatoire. Selon le problème du suiveur, le CPP peut être très difficile à résoudre. Cette thèse présente trois articles couvrant plusieurs méthodes de solution exacte pour le CPP. Le premier article aborde la modélisation et le prétraitement pour une spécialisation du CPP : le problème de tarification du réseau (NPP), dans lequel le problème du suiveur est un problème du plus court chemin. Les formulations du NPP sont organisées dans un cadre général qui établit les liens entre elles. Le deuxième article se concentre sur la version à plusieurs marchandises du NPP. À partir des résultats de l’analyse convexe, nous dérivons une nouvelle formulation du NPP et prouvons que le NPP évolue de manière polynomiale par rapport au nombre de marchandises, étant donné que le nombre d’arcs à péage est fixe. Le troisième article nous ramène au CPP général, dans lequel les problèmes du suiveur sont NP-difficiles. En utilisant deux modèles de programmation dynamique différents, les problèmes du suiveur sont convertis en programmes linéaires, auxquels la dualité forte peut être appliquée. En raison de la nature NP-difficile de ces problèmes, des schémas de génération dynamique de contraintes sont proposés. Les méthodes de solution décrites dans chaque article sont étayées par des résultats expérimentaux, montrant leur efficacité en pratique. Cette thèse approfondit notre compréhension de la structure du CPP et introduit des méthodologies innovantes pour y faire face, contribuant ainsi à de nouvelles perspectives pour aborder les problèmes de tarification et bi-niveau en général.The combinatorial pricing problem (CPP) or Stackelberg pricing game is a class of bilevel optimization problems that consist of two decision makers in sequential order. The first decision maker, the leader, maximizes their revenue by controlling the prices of a set of resources. The second decision maker, the follower, reacts to the prices and selects a subset of resources according to a combinatorial optimization problem. Depending on the follower’s problem, the CPP can be very challenging to solve. This thesis presents three articles covering several exact solution methods for the CPP. The first article addresses the modeling and preprocessing for a specialization of the CPP: the network pricing problem (NPP), in which the follower’s problem is a shortest path problem. The formulations of the NPP are organized in a general framework which establishes the links between them. The second article focuses on the multi-commodity version of the NPP. From the results in convex analysis, we derive a novel formulation of the NPP and with it, we prove that the NPP scales polynomially with respect to the number of commodities, given that the number of tolled arcs is fixed. The third article leads us back to the general CPP, in which the follower’s problems are NP-hard. By utilizing two different dynamic programming models, the follower’s problems are converted into linear programs, to which strong duality can be applied. Due to the NP-hard nature of these problems, dynamic constraint generation schemes are proposed. The solution methods described in each article are backed up with experimental results, showing that they are effective in practice. This thesis deepens our comprehension of the CPP structure and introduces innovative methodologies for addressing it, thereby contributing new perspectives to tackle pricing and bilevel problems in general
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