11 research outputs found

    Propuesta programática para mejorar la relación de consumo en el Perú

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    Para efectos de la presente investigación resulta necesario evidenciar la situación de la relación de consumo en el Perú, para lo cual cabe considerar lo señalado por Moliner y Fuentes (2011: 37-58), y reflejado en la Encuesta en Lima Metropolitana y el Callao para la Determinación de Línea de Base en Materia de Protección al Consumidor, realizada del 08 al 22 de febrero del año 2014 por Ipsos (2014) donde los consumidores, a través de quejas y reclamos, manifiestan su insatisfacción acerca de las relaciones de consumo establecidas con diversos proveedores, sean éstos personas naturales o jurídicas. Estas quejas y reclamos pueden presentarse tanto en sectores económicos no regulados como regulados. Del análisis de la información estadística contenida en diversos documentos del Instituto Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia y de la Protección de la Propiedad Intelectual (Indecopi), la entidad competente para la atención de quejas y reclamos en sectores no regulados, como el Anuario de Estadísticas Institucionales de los años 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 (Indecopi 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015); Compendio Estadístico Institucional 2006 – 2010 (Indecopi 2011a); Informe Anual 2014: Estado de la protección de los Consumidores (Dirección de la Autoridad Nacional de Protección del Consumidor de Indecopi 2015), y Reporte Mensual Enero 2016 (Gerencia de Estudios Económicos de Indecopi 2016) se evidencia que los consumidores de sectores económicos no regulados entre el año 2007 y el 2014 presentaron un total de 204.763 reclamos y denuncias ante el Servicio de Atención al Ciudadano (SAC), Órganos resolutivos de protección al consumidor (OPS) y Comisiones de Protección al Consumidor (CPC), respectivamente, reflejándose un incremento del 311% y del 474%, siendo el sector financiero el que presenta mayor número de reclamos y denuncias, especialmente el rubro de tarjetas de crédito. Respecto a las relaciones de consumo en sectores regulados (telecomunicaciones, energía, infraestructura de transporte terrestre y aéreo y saneamiento), se evidencia que las empresas proveedoras de servicios regulados resolvieron un total de 690.531 reclamos en el año 2014, siendo telecomunicaciones el sector más reclamado y Telefónica del Perú S.A.A. la entidad privada con mayor número de reclamos. En ese sentido, en la presente investigación se ha considerado que el creciente número de reclamos y denuncias refleja el problema del incremento de la insatisfacción de los consumidores, considerada ésta como aquel incumplimiento del proveedor sobre los derechos del consumidor reflejados en la omisión de información, incumplimiento de contrato, cláusulas abusivas, falta de idoneidad del producto o servicio, consumos fraudulentos o trato discriminatorio en la relación de consumo de cualquier actividad o sector económico

    Model of Information Retrieval in the Context of Organizations

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    An information retrieval model is presented as a result of a study of two different but integrated perspectives of Information Science. On the one hand, Information Science is considered from the point of view of Information Management, and on the other from the Information Science retrieval. The latter encompasses the point of view of some cognitivist authors who have created an information retrieval model and these have been exhaustively studied. This appraisal begins with the intention of finding realistic solutions to the problems in order that the information chain can flow unhindered and, thus, enable to achieve the objectives for which the information was generated

    Direct Answers or Brief Informative Suggestions? Performance of Different Types of Search Assistance Tools on Different Types on Search Tasks

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    While search assistance tools can help users with their search in various ways, would they always be effective for every type of search task? This study explored the different performance between two kinds of search assistance tools on exploratory tasks and comparative tasks. A user study was conducted on an experimental web search interface with the search assistance widget displaying on the right-hand side. Each participant was asked to do exploratory and comparative tasks on each search assistance tool. We collected and analyzed data from participants’ web logs, pre-test and post-task questionnaires, and the semi-structured interviews by the end of the study sessions. The findings suggest the effectiveness of each type of search task is different between the two search assistance tools; the dimension assistance is more helpful in comparative tasks whereas the link-suggesting assistance is more favored by exploratory tasks.Master of Science in Information Scienc

    An Exploration of User Engagement With a Search Assistance Tool in Different Positions on a SERP.

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    This study aimed to explore the difference in user engagement with a search assistance tool in different positions on a SERP. A usability study with eye-tracker was conducted in a lab environment. Overall, there were 12 subjects participated in this study, each of them was asked to perform two tasks on a search system with a search assistance tool placed in two positions. Qualitative data collected from the retrospective interview and quantitative data gathered from questionnaires, eye-tracking system, and custom log system were analyzed to investigate the position effect. The results in this study showed that the search assistance tool placed in the middle is easier to get noticed while people are more likely to pay attention to it and use it when the search assistance tool is placed on the right side of the page. Also, the source authority and the information foraging theories like Camouflage Links, Banner Blindness have impacts on the use of the search assistance tool.Master of Science in Information Scienc

    Increasing evidence informed decision making practices among senior non-clinical NHS managers.

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    There is limited engagement with research based evidence among senior managers within the NHS, and a failure to consistently integrate research findings into the decision making process. While much is known about the decision making and information behaviour of clinical staff and policy makers, there is little knowledge of this for senior non-clinical managers within the NHS. There is also a lack of clarity on how best to facilitate and integrate research evidence into the decision making process and a lack of research regarding the context of non-clinical healthcare managers working in the NHS. This study addresses these shortcomings through in-depth analysis in a case study approach. Data was collected through semi-structured interview, questionnaire and observed scenario work. This data was analysed to increase knowledge and understanding of the current information behaviour and decision making practices of non-medical senior management staff working within the NHS in England. Several key barriers to research utilisation were identified in the analysis of the data. These barriers included insufficient information literacy skills in the cohort, shortcomings with the published research papers, a culture which was focused on achieving politically set targets, and a lack of defined processes to decision making. To address these barriers an embedded librarian and a SharePoint based knowledge management system were implemented and evaluated. Evaluation of these interventions concluded that an embedded librarian was effective in increasing and supporting evidence informed decision making. This provides a practical example of an effective service development which should be considered for implementation across the NHS and wider healthcare community. The study also recommends that, to increase use of their output, researchers need to include more explicit information on the implementation and financial elements of their findings rather than a narrow focus on the intervention outcome. In addition, findings showed the target driven culture of the NHS create an environment that stifles evidence informed decision making. To address this barrier the study recommends that the NHS adopts methods of quality assurance and metrics which place an emphasis on measures of process. This study contributes to theory by exploring the information behaviour of a specific group which have been overlooked in previous research, and contributes new understanding of mechanisms for knowledge translation and interactions between the research based evidence and decision making processes in the context of NHS non-clinical management

    A model of uncertainty and its relation to information seeking and retrieval (IS&R)

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    Purpose -- The purpose of this paper is to show that uncertainty may be caused not only by a knowledge gap in the mind of a user with respect to a given subject or topic, but also by the various complexities associated with the information seeking and retrieval (IS&R) process in a digital environment. Design/methodology/approach -- Both quantitative and qualitative studies were conducted to collect data from users in the higher education sector regarding whether or not they experienced uncertainty in relation to the IS&R process. Analysis: a correlation analysis was undertaken to establish whether there were any relationships between information-seeking activities and information-seeking problems. Findings -- The findings of this research show that uncertainty existed at different stages of the IS&R process amongst users. It was established that uncertainty was caused by a number of information-seeking activities and information-seeking problems, and that such uncertainty could continue over the course of successive search sessions, leading to the proposal of a new model of uncertainty. Research limitations/implications -- The proposed model of uncertainty should contribute to a better understanding of the issues related to IS&R in a digital environment. Practical implications -- A number of benefits could be realised in systems design from the application of this model in terms of reducing the negative impact of uncertainty, while at the same time helping users to gain from the positive aspects of uncertainty in IS&R. Originality/value -- The general consensus is that uncertainty is a mental state of users reflecting a gap in knowledge which triggers an IS&R process, and that the gap is reduced as relevant information is found, and thus that the uncertainty disappears as the search process concludes. However, in the present study it is argued that some form of uncertainty is always associated with some part of the IS&R process and that it also fluctuates throughout the IS&R process. Users may therefore feel uncertain at any stage of the IS&R process and this may be related to: the initial information need and expression of that need, the search process itself, including identification of relevant systems, services and resources; and the assessment of, and reaction to, the results produced by the search process. Uncertainty may be unresolved, or even increase, as the user progresses, often iteratively, through the IS&R process and may remain even after its completion, resulting in what may be called a persistent uncertainty. In other words, this research hypothesises that, in addition to the uncertainty that triggers the information search process (Wilson et al., 2000), users suffer from varying degrees of uncertainty at every stage of the information search and retrieval process, and that in turn, triggers different information-seeking behaviours

    Risk Mitigation, Vulnerability Management and Resilience under Disasters

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    The Special Issue (SI) discusses the topic of Disaster Risk Management and its cornerstones: vulnerability reduction and resilience building. The focus of the SI is the impact of risk information, communication and representation, risk knowledge as related to science and practice, risk perception and awareness, and risk culture on multi-faceted vulnerability and several aspects of resilience

    Information journeys in digital archives

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    Archival collections have particular properties that make physical and intellectual access difficult for researchers. This generates feelings of uncertainty in the researchers leading to a large burden of enquiries to the archive, many routine. In this thesis I investigate the information seeking behaviours of archival researchers and the distinct properties of the archive first through the respective literatures and then through a series of five studies. Using systems, data and researchers from the National Archives, these studies examine the nature of the enquiries archives receive across many channels, the in-person interactions between archivists and researchers in the reading rooms and the unmediated search behaviours of archival researchers. I proceed to outline the barriers inhibiting research progress and the techniques or 'regulators' used by researchers to surmount or mitigate these barriers. In the final two studies I develop and attempt to validate an instrument for measuring uncertainty in information seeking in large digital collections. This three factor (disorientation, prospect and preparedness) scale of archival uncertainty allows improvements to online archival systems to be effectively tested before implementation. I also propose system properties which seem likely to assist researchers to make progress given these factors and which could be tested using this instrument

    Nachhaltiges Konsumverhalten am Beispiel von Bio-Lebensmitteln und Nachhaltiger Mode

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    Vor dem Hintergrund des Klimawandels, dessen Auswirkungen von Jahr zu Jahr deutlicher zu spüren sind, nimmt die Relevanz des nachhaltigen Handelns in unserer Gesellschaft merklich zu (Seifi et al.2012). Die Einführung einer sogenannten „Green Economy“, um dem Klimawandel entgegenwirken zu können, gewinnt daher zunehmend an Bedeutung (BMBF 2014). Dennoch lassen sich zahlreiche Hürden beim Versuch erkennen, zukünftige Generationen vor den Auswirkungen des aktuellen Umweltverhaltens zu schützen. Auf der einen Seite sind die Produktion und der Konsum von Gütern und Dienstleistungen wichtige Treiber des wirtschaftlichen Wohlstandes (Belz 2005). Die Produktion dieser Güter ist jedoch abhängig von der Natur und dem ökologischen Kreislauf und kann daher auf der anderen Seite gleichzeitig zu sozialen und umweltbezogenen Problemen führen (Nölting 2010, Belz 2005). Zwar gibt es bereits einige Fortschritte und Initiativen für eine nachhaltige Produktion sowie einen nachhaltigen Konsum wie zum Beispiel erneuerbare Energien, Gemeinschaftskonsum oder geltende Umweltstandards, die Entwicklung eines nachhaltigen Konsumverhaltens steht jedoch noch am Anfang (World Economic Forum 2012, Grunwald und Kopfmüller 2006). Die Herausforderungen bezogen auf das Konsumentenverhalten beim Erwerb von nachhaltigen Produkten wurde bisher hauptsächlich aus der Sicht der Konsumenten betrachtet und analysiert. Dazu wurden die Einflüsse unterschiedlicher Determinanten auf die Kaufabsicht und das Kaufverhalten untersucht. Eine Betrachtung der aktuellen Herausforderungen aus Sicht der Unternehmen und eine Gegenüberstellung der Sichtweise der Konsumenten und der der Unternehmen fehlten hingegen bisher in den wissenschaftlicher Untersuchungen. Die vorliegende Thesis betrachtet daher beide Sichtweisen, die zusammen die sogenannte ‚Zielgruppenperspektive‘ innerhalb dieser Arbeit bilden. Neben der Zielgruppenperspektive beinhaltet die vorliegende Thesis die sogenannte ‚Branchenperspektive‘. Da Nachhaltigkeit ein weitumfassendes Thema ist, werden in dieser Arbeit die Branchenschwerpunkte ‚Bio-Lebensmittel‘ und ‚Nachhaltige Mode‘ als Nachhaltigkeitsbeispiele untersucht. Bezogen auf die aktuellen Herausforderungen des nachhaltigen Konsums der vorliegenden Thesis wird das übergeordnete Ziel angestrebt, neue Ansatzpunkte zur Steigerung und Verbesserung des nachhaltigen Handels für Konsumenten und Unternehmen zu identifizieren

    Information seeking behaviour of first-generation students at the University of Johannesburg

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    This study is an investigation into the information seeking behaviour of first-year first generation (FG) students. The qualitative phenomenological approach was applied to sought understanding of factors influencing this groups’ information seeking behaviour. It endeavoured to determine the students’ information literacy abilities and benchmark these against the library’s current information literacy training course. A purposive convenience sample was drawn from FG students enrolled in the extended programme of the Mastering Academic and Professional Skills (MAPS) in the Humanities at the University of Johannesburg (UJ) who completed the library’s information literacy course. Seventeen students participated. A literature review indicated that FG students’ socioeconomic situations in their homes leave them academically unprepared for higher education, with inadequate cognitive skills to solve information problems and carry out academic tasks, which in an academic context require information literacy skills. The empirical findings confirmed this. The literature revealed interplay between the academic context and the study group’s everyday life context giving rise to the group’s information needs and triggering information seeking activities. Situations in the students’ everyday life context and academic context influenced their information seeking behaviour. Interconnectedness between contextual components and their personal experiences was evident in their information seeking behaviour, which reflected an inability to find information to support their information needs. The intervention of the library’s information literacy training course improved the respondents’ information literacy skills and enabled them to find the required information. The findings enabled the development of a conceptual model graphically illustrating FG students’ information seeking behaviour. Furthermore, the library’s information literacy training course could be reviewed and improved by exploring a more blended learning approach; making the online component of the course more user-friendly; training MAPS mentors in information literacy so that they can fully assist the FG students; educating librarians on FG students’ information seeking behaviour. This study yielded understanding of the influence of two different contexts influencing information seeking behaviour and facilitated employment of an adapted information literacy training course to equip FG students to function successfully in an academic context.Information ScienceD. Litt. et. Phil. (Information Science