88 research outputs found

    Neuro-mechanical entrainment in a bipedal robotic walking platform

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    In this study, we investigated the use of van der Pol oscillators in a 4-dof embodied bipedal robotic platform for the purposes of planar walking. The oscillator controlled the hip and knee joints of the robot and was capable of generating waveforms with the correct frequency and phase so as to entrain with the mechanical system. Lowering its oscillation frequency resulted in an increase to the walking pace, indicating exploitation of the global natural dynamics. This is verified by its operation in absence of entrainment, where faster limb motion results in a slower overall walking pace

    Neuro-mechanical entrainment in a bipedal robotic walking platform

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    In this study, we investigated the use of van der Pol oscillators in a 4-dof embodied bipedal robotic platform for the purposes of planar walking. The oscillator controlled the hip and knee joints of the robot and was capable of generating waveforms with the correct frequency and phase so as to entrain with the mechanical system. Lowering its oscillation frequency resulted in an increase to the walking pace, indicating exploitation of the global natural dynamics. This is verified by its operation in absence of entrainment, where faster limb motion results in a slower overall walking pace

    Bionic Control of Cheetah Bounding with a Segmented Spine

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    A cheetah model is built to mimic real cheetah and its mechanical and dimensional parameters are derived from the real cheetah. In particular, two joints in spine and four joints in a leg are used to realize the motion of segmented spine and segmented legs which are the key properties of the cheetah bounding. For actuating and stabilizing the bounding gait of cheetah, we present a bioinspired controller based on the state-machine. The controller mainly mimics the function of the cerebellum to plan the locomotion and keep the body balance. The haptic sensor and proprioception system are used to detect the trigger of the phase transition. Besides, the vestibular modulation could perceive the pitching angle of the trunk. At last, the cerebellum acts as the CPU to operate the information from the biological sensors. In addition, the calculated results are transmitted to the low-level controller to actuate and stabilize the cheetah bounding. Moreover, the delay feedback control method is employed to plan the motion of the leg joints to stabilize the pitching motion of trunk with the stability criterion. Finally, the cyclic cheetah bounding with biological properties is realized. Meanwhile, the stability and dynamic properties of the cheetah bounding gait are analyzed elaborately

    Dynamic Joint Passivization for Bipedal Locomotion

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    Simulating Adaptive Human Bipedal Locomotion Based on Phase Resetting Using Foot-Contact Information

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    Humans generate bipedal walking by cooperatively manipulating their complicated and redundant musculoskeletal systems to produce adaptive behaviors in diverse environments. To elucidate the mechanisms that generate adaptive human bipedal locomotion, we conduct numerical simulations based on a musculoskeletal model and a locomotor controller constructed from anatomical and physiological findings. In particular, we focus on the adaptive mechanism using phase resetting based on the foot-contact information that modulates the walking behavior. For that purpose, we first reconstruct walking behavior from the measured kinematic data. Next, we examine the roles of phase resetting on the generation of stable locomotion by disturbing the walking model. Our results indicate that phase resetting increases the robustness of the walking behavior against perturbations, suggesting that this mechanism contributes to the generation of adaptive human bipedal locomotion

    Experimental comparison of the van der Pol and Rayleigh nonlinear oscillators for a robotic swinging task

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    In this paper, the effects of different lower-level building blocks of a robotic swinging system are explored, from the perspective of motor skill acquisition. The van der Pol and Rayleigh oscillators are used to entrain to the system’s natural dynamics, with two different network topologies being used: a symmetric and a hierarchical one. Rayleigh outperformed van der Pol regarding maximum oscillation amplitudes for every morphological configuration examined. However, van der Pol started large amplitude relaxation oscillations faster, attaining better performance during the first half of the transient period. Hence, even though there are great similarities between the oscillators, differences in their resultant behaviours are more pronounced than originally expected

    Resonant hopping of a robot controlled by an artificial neural oscillator

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    "The bouncing gaits of terrestrial animals (hopping, running, trotting) can be modeled as a hybrid dynamic system, with spring-mass dynamics during stance and ballistic motion during the aerial phase. We used a simple hopping robot controlled by an artificial neural oscillator to test the ability of the neural oscillator to adaptively drive this hybrid dynamic system. The robot had a single joint, actuated by an artificial pneumatic muscle in series with a tendon spring. We examined how the oscillator-robot system responded to variation in two neural control parameters: descending neural drive and neuromuscular gain. We also tested the ability of the oscillator-robot system to adapt to variations in mechanical properties by changing the series and parallel spring stiffnesses. Across a 100-fold variation in both supraspinal gain and muscle gain, hopping frequency changed by less than 10%. The neural oscillator consistently drove the system at the resonant half-period for the stance phase, and adapted to a new resonant half-period when the muscle series and parallel stiffnesses were altered. Passive cycling of elastic energy in the tendon accounted for 70-79% of the mechanical work done during each hop cycle. Our results demonstrate that hopping dynamics were largely determined by the intrinsic properties of the mechanical system, not the specific choice of neural oscillator parameters. The findings provide the first evidence that an artificial neural oscillator will drive a hybrid dynamic system at partial resonance."http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/64204/1/bb8_2_026001.pd

    Synchronisation and Differentiation: Two Stages of Coordinative Structure

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    While motor skill acquisition process is regarded as development of coordination, typically regarded as synchronisation among joint movements, we found another phenomenon which we call differentiation as a consequence of synchronisation. The synchronised movement established is decomposed into several sections or modulated to be executed on different timings without breaking the coordination among them, resulting in the gain of efficiency or flexibility. In the acquisition of skills, the coordinative structure thus goes through two stages: synchronisation and differentiation. We verify in this paper our observation through our experiments and dynamical analysis of the kneading of ceramic art and playing the shaker in samba