4 research outputs found

    Audio-Based Identification of Queen Bee Presence Inside Beehives

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    Honeybees are essential for the health of people and the planet. They play a key role in the pollination of most crops. The high mortality observed in the last decade, caused by stress factors among which the climate change, have raised the necessity of remote sensing the beehives to help monitor the health of honeybees and better understand this phenomenon. Several solutions have been proposed in the literature, and some of them include the analysis of in-hive sounds. In this scenario, we explore the potential of machine learning methods for queen bee detection using only the audio signal, being a good indicator of the colony state of health. In particular, we experiment support vector machines and neural network classifiers. We consider the effect of varying the audio chunk duration and the adoption of different hyperparameters

    Acquisition, Processing, and Analysis of Video, Audio and Meteorological Data in Multi-Sensor Electronic Beehive Monitoring

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    In recent years, a widespread decline has been seen in honey bee population and this is widely attributed to colony collapse disorder. Hence, it is of utmost importance that a system is designed to gather relevant information. This will allow for a deeper understanding of the possible reasons behind the above phenomenon to aid in the design of suitable countermeasures. Electronic Beehive Monitoring is one such way of gathering critical information regarding a colony’s health and behavior without invasive beehive inspections. In this dissertation, we have presented an electronic beehive monitoring system called BeePi that can be placed on top of a super and requires no structural modifications to a standard beehive (Langstroth or Dadant beehive), thereby preserving the sacredness of the bee space without disturbing the natural beehive cycles. The system is capable of capturing videos of forager traffic through a camera placed over the landing pad. Audio of bee buzzing is also recorded through microphones attached outside just above the landing pad. The above sensors are connected to a low-cost raspberry pi computer, and the data is saved on the raspberry pi itself or an external hard drive. In this dissertation, we have developed an algorithm that analyzes those video recordings and returns the number of bees that have moved in each video. The algorithm is also able to distinguish between incoming, outgoing, and lateral bee movements. We believe this would help commercial and amateur beekeepers or even citizen scientists to observe the bee traffic near their respective hives to identify the state of the corresponding bee colonies. This information helps those mentioned above because it is believed that honeybee traffic carries information on colony behavior and phenology. Next, we analyzed the audio recordings and presented a system that can classify those recordings into bee buzzing, cricket chirping, and ambient noise. We later saw how a long–term analysis of the intensity of bee buzzing could help us understand the hive’s development through an entire beekeeping season. We also investigated the effect of local weather conditions using 21 different meteorological variables on the forager traffic. We collected the meteorological data from a weather station located on the campus of Utah State University. Through our study, we were able to show that without the use of additional costly intrusive hardware to count the bees, we can use our bee motion counting algorithm to calculate the bee motions and then use the counts to investigate the relationship between foraging activity and local weather. To ensure that our findings and algorithms can be reproduced, we have made our datasets and source codes public for interested research and citizen science communities

    Honey Bee Health

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    Over the past decade, the worldwide decline in honey bee populations has been an important issue due to its implications for beekeeping and honey production. Honey bee pathologies are continuously studied by researchers, in order to investigate the host–parasite relationship and its effect on honey bee colonies. For these reasons, the interest of the veterinary community towards this issue has increased recently, and honey bee health has also become a subject of public interest. Bacteria, such as Melissococcus plutonius and Paenibacillus larvae, microsporidia, such as Nosema apis and Nosema ceranae, fungi, such as Ascosphaera apis, mites, such as Varroa destructor, predatory wasps, including Vespa velutina, and invasive beetles, such as Aethina tumida, are “old” and “new” subjects of important veterinary interest. Recently, the role of host–pathogen interactions in bee health has been included in a multifactorial approach to the study of these insects’ health, which involves a dynamic balance among a range of threats and resources interacting at multiple levels. The aim of this Special Issue is to explore honey bee health through a series of research articles that are focused on different aspects of honey bee health at different levels, including molecular health, microbial health, population genetic health, and the interaction between invasive species that live in strict contact with honey bee populations