340 research outputs found

    Parallelizing Julia with a Non-Invasive DSL

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    Computational scientists often prototype software using productivity languages that offer high-level programming abstractions. When higher performance is needed, they are obliged to rewrite their code in a lower-level efficiency language. Different solutions have been proposed to address this trade-off between productivity and efficiency. One promising approach is to create embedded domain-specific languages that sacrifice generality for productivity and performance, but practical experience with DSLs points to some road blocks preventing widespread adoption. This paper proposes a non-invasive domain-specific language that makes as few visible changes to the host programming model as possible. We present ParallelAccelerator, a library and compiler for high-level, high-performance scientific computing in Julia. ParallelAccelerator\u27s programming model is aligned with existing Julia programming idioms. Our compiler exposes the implicit parallelism in high-level array-style programs and compiles them to fast, parallel native code. Programs can also run in "library-only" mode, letting users benefit from the full Julia environment and libraries. Our results show encouraging performance improvements with very few changes to source code required. In particular, few to no additional type annotations are necessary

    Studies on automatic parallelization for heterogeneous and homogeneous multicore processors

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    制度:新 ; 報告番号:甲3537号 ; 学位の種類:博士(工学) ; 授与年月日:2012/2/25 ; 早大学位記番号:新587

    Compilation techniques for irregular problems on parallel machines

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    Massively parallel computers have ushered in the era of teraflop computing. Even though large and powerful machines are being built, they are used by only a fraction of the computing community. The fundamental reason for this situation is that parallel machines are difficult to program. Development of compilers that automatically parallelize programs will greatly increase the use of these machines.;A large class of scientific problems can be categorized as irregular computations. In this class of computation, the data access patterns are known only at runtime, creating significant difficulties for a parallelizing compiler to generate efficient parallel codes. Some compilers with very limited abilities to parallelize simple irregular computations exist, but the methods used by these compilers fail for any non-trivial applications code.;This research presents development of compiler transformation techniques that can be used to effectively parallelize an important class of irregular programs. A central aim of these transformation techniques is to generate codes that aggressively prefetch data. Program slicing methods are used as a part of the code generation process. In this approach, a program written in a data-parallel language, such as HPF, is transformed so that it can be executed on a distributed memory machine. An efficient compiler runtime support system has been developed that performs data movement and software caching

    Automatic Parallelization of Affine Loops using Dependence and Cache analysis in a Binary Rewriter

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    Today, nearly all general-purpose computers are parallel, but nearly all software running on them is serial. Bridging this disconnect by manually rewriting source code in parallel is prohibitively expensive. Automatic parallelization technology is therefore an attractive alternative. We present a method to perform automatic parallelization in a binary rewriter. The input to the binary rewriter is the serial binary executable program and the output is a parallel binary executable. The advantages of parallelization in a binary rewriter versus a compiler include (i) compatibility with all compilers and languages; (ii) high economic feasibility from avoiding repeated compiler implementation; (iii) applicability to legacy binaries; and (iv) applicability to assembly-language programs. Adapting existing parallelizing compiler methods that work on source code to work on binary programs instead is a significant challenge. This is primarily because symbolic and array index information used in existing compiler parallelizers is not available in a binary. We show how to adapt existing parallelization methods to achieve equivalent parallelization from a binary without such information. We have also designed a affine cache reuse model that works inside a binary rewriter building on the parallelization techniques. It quantifies cache reuse in terms of the number of cache lines that will be required when a loop dimension is considered for the innermost position in a loop nest. This cache metric can be used to reason about affine code that results when affine code is transformed using affine transformations. Hence, it can be used to evaluate candidate transformation sequences to improve run-time directly from a binary. Results using our x86 binary rewriter called SecondWrite on a suite of dense- matrix regular programs from Polybench suite of benchmarks shows an geomean speedup of 6.81X from binary and 8.9X from source with 8 threads compared to the input serial binary on a x86 Xeon E5530 machine; and 8.31X from binary and 9.86X from source with 24 threads compared to the input serial binary on a x86 E7450 machine. Such regular loops are an important component of scientific and multi- media workloads, and are even present to a limited extent in otherwise non-regular programs. Further in this thesis we present a novel algorithm that enhances the past techniques significantly for loops with unknown loop bounds by guessing the loop bounds using only the memory expressions present in a loop. It then inserts run-time checks to see if these guesses were indeed correct and if correct executes the parallel version of the loop, else the serial version executes. These techniques are applied to the large affine benchmarks in SPEC2006 and OMP2001 and unlike previous methods the speedups from binary are as good as from source. We also present results on the number of loops parallelized directly from a binary with and without this algorithm. Among the 8 affine benchmarks among these suites, the best existing binary parallelization method achieves an geo-mean speedup of 1.33X, whereas our method achieves a speedup of 2.96X. This is close to the speedup from source code of 2.8X

    Compiler techniques for scalable performance of stream programs on multicore architectures

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2010.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 211-222).Given the ubiquity of multicore processors, there is an acute need to enable the development of scalable parallel applications without unduly burdening programmers. Currently, programmers are asked not only to explicitly expose parallelism but also concern themselves with issues of granularity, load-balancing, synchronization, and communication. This thesis demonstrates that when algorithmic parallelism is expressed in the form of a stream program, a compiler can effectively and automatically manage the parallelism. Our compiler assumes responsibility for low-level architectural details, transforming implicit algorithmic parallelism into a mapping that achieves scalable parallel performance for a given multicore target. Stream programming is characterized by regular processing of sequences of data, and it is a natural expression of algorithms in the areas of audio, video, digital signal processing, networking, and encryption. Streaming computation is represented as a graph of independent computation nodes that communicate explicitly over data channels. Our techniques operate on contiguous regions of the stream graph where the input and output rates of the nodes are statically determinable. Within a static region, the compiler first automatically adjusts the granularity and then exploits data, task, and pipeline parallelism in a holistic fashion. We introduce techniques that data-parallelize nodes that operate on overlapping sliding windows of their input, translating serializing state into minimal and parametrized inter-core communication. Finally, for nodes that cannot be data-parallelized due to state, we are the first to automatically apply software-pipelining techniques at a coarse granularity to exploit pipeline parallelism between stateful nodes. Our framework is evaluated in the context of the StreamIt programming language. StreamIt is a high-level stream programming language that has been shown to improve programmer productivity in implementing streaming algorithms. We employ the StreamIt Core benchmark suite of 12 real-world applications to demonstrate the effectiveness of our techniques for varying multicore architectures. For a 16-core distributed memory multicore, we achieve a 14.9x mean speedup. For benchmarks that include sliding-window computation, our sliding-window data-parallelization techniques are required to enable scalable performance for a 16-core SMP multicore (14x mean speedup) and a 64-core distributed shared memory multicore (52x mean speedup).by Michael I. Gordon.Ph.D

    Unified Polyhedral Modeling of Temporal and Spatial Locality

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    Despite decades of work in this area, the construction of effective loop nest optimizers and parallelizers continues to be challenging due to the increasing diversity of both loop-intensive application workloads and complex memory/computation hierarchies in modern processors. The lack of a systematic approach to optimizing locality and parallelism, with a well-founded data locality model, is a major obstacle to the design of optimizing compilers coping with the variety of software and hardware. Acknowledging the conflicting demands on loop nest optimization, we propose a new unified algorithm for optimizing parallelism and locality in loop nests, that is capable of modeling temporal and spatial effects of multiprocessors and accelerators with deep memory hierarchies and multiple levels of parallelism. It orchestrates a collection of parameterizable optimization problems for locality and parallelism objectives over a polyhedral space of semantics-preserving transformations. The overall problem is not convex and is only constrained by semantics preservation. We discuss the rationale for this unified algorithm, and validate it on a collection of representative computational kernels/benchmarks.Malgré les décennies de travail dans ce domaine, la construction de compilateurs capables de paraléliser et optimiser les nids de boucle reste un problème difficile, dans le contexte d’une augmentation de la diversité des applications calculatoires et de la complexité de la hiérarchie de calcul et de stockage des processeurs modernes. L’absence d’une méthode systématique pour optimiser la localité et le parallélisme, fondée sur un modèle de localité des données pertinent, constitue un obstacle majeur pour prendre en charge la variété des besoins en optimisation de boucles issus du logiciel et du matériel. Dans ce contexte, nous proposons un nouvel algorithme unifié pour l’optimisation du parallélisme et de la localité dans les nids de boucles, capable de modéliser les effets temporels et spatiaux des multiprocesseurs et accélérateurs comportant des hiérarchies profondes de parallélisme et de mémoire. Cet algorithme coordonne la résolution d’une collection de problèmes d’optimisation paramètrés, portant sur des objectifs de localité ou et de parallélisme, dans un espace polyédrique de transformations préservant la sémantique du programme. La conception de cet algorithme fait l’objet d’une discussion systématique, ainsi que d’une validation expérimentale sur des noyaux calculatoires et benchmarks représentatifs

    Optimizations in stream programming for multimedia applications

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    Thesis: M. Eng., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2012.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (pages 85-89).Multimedia applications are the most dominant workload in desktop and mobile computing. Such applications regularly process continuous sequences of data and can be naturally represented under the stream programming domain to take take advantage of domain-specific optimizations. Exploiting characteristics specific to multimedia programs can provide further significant impact on performance for this class of programs. This thesis identifies many multimedia applications that maintain induction variable state, which directly inhibits data parallelism for the program. We demonstrates it is essential to recognize and parallelize filters with induction variable state to enable scalable parallelization. We eliminate such state by introducing a new language construct that automatically returns the current iteration number of a target filter. This thesis also exploits the fact that multimedia applications are tolerant in the accuracy of the program output. We apply a memoization technique that exploits this tolerance and the repetitive nature of multimedia data. We provide a runtime system that automatically tunes the memoization capabilities for performance and output quality. These optimizations are implemented in the StreamIt programmming language. The necessity of parallelizing induction variable state and performance improvements and quality control of our memoization technique is demonstrated by a case study of the MPEG benchmark.by Eric Wong.M. Eng