122,033 research outputs found

    Enhanced information retrieval using domain-specific recommender models

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    The objective of an information retrieval (IR) system is to retrieve relevant items which meet a user information need. There is currently significant interest in personalized IR which seeks to improve IR effectiveness by incorporating a model of the user’s interests. However, in some situations there may be no opportunity to learn about the interests of a specific user on a certain topic. In our work, we propose an IR approach which combines a recommender algorithm with IR methods to improve retrieval for domains where the system has no opportunity to learn prior information about the user’s knowledge of a domain for which they have not previously entered a query. We use search data from other previous users interested in the same topic to build a recommender model for this topic. When a user enters a query on a topic, new to this user, an appropriate recommender model is selected and used to predict a ranking which the user may find interesting based on the behaviour of previous users with similar queries. The recommender output is integrated with a standard IR method in a weighted linear combination to provide a final result for the user. Experiments using the INEX 2009 data collection with a simulated recommender training set show that our approach can improve on a baseline IR system

    Information Retrieval Performance Enhancement Using The Average Standard Estimator And The Multi-criteria Decision Weighted Set

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    Information retrieval is much more challenging than traditional small document collection retrieval. The main difference is the importance of correlations between related concepts in complex data structures. These structures have been studied by several information retrieval systems. This research began by performing a comprehensive review and comparison of several techniques of matrix dimensionality estimation and their respective effects on enhancing retrieval performance using singular value decomposition and latent semantic analysis. Two novel techniques have been introduced in this research to enhance intrinsic dimensionality estimation, the Multi-criteria Decision Weighted model to estimate matrix intrinsic dimensionality for large document collections and the Average Standard Estimator (ASE) for estimating data intrinsic dimensionality based on the singular value decomposition (SVD). ASE estimates the level of significance for singular values resulting from the singular value decomposition. ASE assumes that those variables with deep relations have sufficient correlation and that only those relationships with high singular values are significant and should be maintained. Experimental results over all possible dimensions indicated that ASE improved matrix intrinsic dimensionality estimation by including the effect of both singular values magnitude of decrease and random noise distracters. Analysis based on selected performance measures indicates that for each document collection there is a region of lower dimensionalities associated with improved retrieval performance. However, there was clear disagreement between the various performance measures on the model associated with best performance. The introduction of the multi-weighted model and Analytical Hierarchy Processing (AHP) analysis helped in ranking dimensionality estimation techniques and facilitates satisfying overall model goals by leveraging contradicting constrains and satisfying information retrieval priorities. ASE provided the best estimate for MEDLINE intrinsic dimensionality among all other dimensionality estimation techniques, and further, ASE improved precision and relative relevance by 10.2% and 7.4% respectively. AHP analysis indicates that ASE and the weighted model ranked the best among other methods with 30.3% and 20.3% in satisfying overall model goals in MEDLINE and 22.6% and 25.1% for CRANFIELD. The weighted model improved MEDLINE relative relevance by 4.4%, while the scree plot, weighted model, and ASE provided better estimation of data intrinsic dimensionality for CRANFIELD collection than Kaiser-Guttman and Percentage of variance. ASE dimensionality estimation technique provided a better estimation of CISI intrinsic dimensionality than all other tested methods since all methods except ASE tend to underestimate CISI document collection intrinsic dimensionality. ASE improved CISI average relative relevance and average search length by 28.4% and 22.0% respectively. This research provided evidence supporting a system using a weighted multi-criteria performance evaluation technique resulting in better overall performance than a single criteria ranking model. Thus, the weighted multi-criteria model with dimensionality reduction provides a more efficient implementation for information retrieval than using a full rank model

    Integrating memory context into personal information re-finding

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    Personal information archives are emerging as a new challenge for information retrieval (IR) techniques. The user’s memory plays a greater role in retrieval from person archives than from other more traditional types of information collection (e.g. the Web), due to the large overlap of its content and individual human memory of the captured material. This paper presents a new analysis on IR of personal archives from a cognitive perspective. Some existing work on personal information management (PIM) has begun to employ human memory features into their IR systems. In our work we seek to go further, we assume that for IR in PIM system terms can be weighted not only by traditional IR methods, but also taking the user’s recall reliability into account. We aim to develop algorithms that combine factors from both the system side and the user side to achieve more effective searching. In this paper, we discuss possible applications of human memory theories for this algorithm, and present results from a pilot study and a proposed model of data structure for the HDMs achieves

    Video retrieval using objects and ostensive relevance feedback

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    The thesis discusses and evaluates a model of video information retrieval that incorporates a variation of Relevance Feedback and facilitates object-based interaction and ranking. Video and image retrieval systems suffer from poor retrieval performance compared to text-based information retrieval systems and this is mainly due to the poor discrimination power of visual features that provide the search index. Relevance Feedback is an iterative approach where the user provides the system with relevant and non-relevant judgements of the results and the system re-ranks the results based on the user judgements. Relevance feedback for video retrieval can help overcome the poor discrimination power of the features with the user essentially pointing the system in the right direction based on their judgements. The ostensive relevance feedback approach discussed in this work weights user judgements based on the o r d e r in which they are made with newer judgements weighted higher than older judgements. The main aim of the thesis is to explore the benefit of ostensive relevance feedback for video retrieval with a secondary aim of exploring the effectiveness of object retrieval. A user experiment has been developed in which three video retrieval system variants are evaluated on a corpus of video content. The first system applies standard relevance feedback weighting while the second and third apply ostensive relevance feedback with variations in the decay weight. In order to evaluate effective object retrieval, animated video content provides the corpus content for the evaluation experiment as animated content offers the highest performance for object detection and extraction

    Information retrieval in multimedia databases using relevance feedback algorithms. Applying logistic regression to relevance feedback in image retrieval systems

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    This master tesis deals with the problem of image retrieval from large image databases. A particularly interesting problem is the retrieval of all images which are similar to one in the user's mind, taking into account his/her feedback which is expressed as positive or negative preferences for the images that the system progressively shows during the search. Here, a novel algorithm is presented for the incorporation of user preferences in an image retrieval system based exclusively on the visual content of the image, which is stored as a vector of low-level features. The algorithm considers the probability of an image belonging to the set of those sought by the user, and models the logit of this probability as the output of a linear model whose inputs are the low level image features. The image database is ranked by the output of the model and shown to the user, who selects a few positive and negative samples, repeating the process in an iterative way until he/she is satisfied. The problem of the small sample size with respect to the number of features is solved by adjusting several partial linear models and combining their relevance probabilities by means of an ordered weighted averaged (OWA) operator. Experiments were made with 40 users and they exhibited good performance in finding a target image (4 iterations on average) in a database of about 4700 imagesZuccarello, PD. (2007). Information retrieval in multimedia databases using relevance feedback algorithms. Applying logistic regression to relevance feedback in image retrieval systems. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/12196Archivo delegad

    Using Semantic-Based User Profile Modeling for Context-Aware Personalised Place Recommendations

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    Place Recommendation Systems (PRS's) are used to recommend places to visit to World Wide Web users. Existing PRS's are still limited by several problems, some of which are the problem of recommending similar set of places to different users (Lack of Personalization) and no diversity in the set of recommended items (Content Overspecialization). One of the main objectives in the PRS's or Contextual suggestion systems is to fill the semantic gap among the queries and suggestions and going beyond keywords matching. To address these issues, in this study we attempt to build a personalized context-aware place recommender system using semantic-based user profile modeling to address the limitations of current user profile building techniques and to improve the retrieval performance of personalized place recommender system. This approach consists of building a place ontology based on the Open Directory Project (ODP), a hierarchical ontology scheme for organizing websites. We model a semantic user profile from the place concepts extracted from place ontology and weighted according to their semantic relatedness to user interests. The semantic user profile is then exploited to devise a personalized recommendation by re-ranking process of initial search results for improving retrieval performance. We evaluate this approach on dataset obtained using Google Paces API. Results show that our proposed approach significantly improves the retrieval performance compare to classic keyword-based place recommendation model

    LifeSeeker 3.0 : an interactive lifelog search engine for LSC’21

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    In this paper, we present the interactive lifelog retrieval engine developed for the LSC’21 comparative benchmarking challenge. The LifeSeeker 3.0 interactive lifelog retrieval engine is an enhanced version of our previous system participating in LSC’20 - LifeSeeker 2.0. The system is developed by both Dublin City University and the Ho Chi Minh City University of Science. The implementation of LifeSeeker 3.0 focuses on searching and filtering by text query using a weighted Bag-of-Words model with visual concept augmentation and three weighted vocabularies. The visual similarity search is improved using a bag of local convolutional features; while improving the previous version’s performance, enhancing query processing time, result displaying, and browsing support

    Document highlighting - message classification in printed business letters

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    This paper presents the INFOCLAS system applying statistical methods of information retrieval primarily for the classification of German business letters into corresponding message types such as order, offer, confirmation, etc. INFOCLAS is a first step towards understanding of documents. Actually, it is composed of three modules: the central indexer (extraction and weighting of indexing terms), the classifier (classification of business letters into given types) and the focuser (highlighting relevant letter parts). The system employs several knowledge sources including a database of about 100 letters, word frequency statistics for German, message type specific words, morphological knowledge as well as the underlying document model. As output, the system evaluates a set of weighted hypotheses about the type of letter at hand, or highlights relevant text (text focus), respectively. Classification of documents allows the automatic distribution or archiving of letters and is also an excellent starting point for higher-level document analysis