16 research outputs found

    A 1.2 V and 69 mW 60 GHz Multi-channel Tunable CMOS Receiver Design

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    A multi-channel receiver operating between 56 GHz and 70 GHz for coverage of different 60 GHz bands worldwide is implemented with a 90 nm Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) process. The receiver containing an LNA, a frequency down-conversion mixer and a variable gain amplifier incorporating a band-pass filter is designed and implemented. This integrated receiver is tested at four channels of centre frequencies 58.3 GHz, 60.5 GHz, 62.6 GHz and 64.8 GHz, employing a frequency plan of an 8 GHz-intermediate frequency (IF). The achieved conversion gain by coarse gain control is between 4.8 dB–54.9 dB. The millimeter-wave receiver circuit is biased with a 1.2V supply voltage. The measured power consumption is 69 mW

    Gigabit close-proximity wireless connections supported by 60 GHz RoF links with low carrier suppression

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    We present an experimental investigation of the 60 GHz optical carrier suppressed radio over fiber systems with less than 5 dB carrier suppression. As a case study, the 60 GHz RoF signal is generated using a 12.5 Gb/s commercially available Mach-Zehnder modulator biased at its minimum point. We report on error free transmission over 20 km of standard single mode fiber and 1 m of wireless distance. Furthermore, the efficiency of photonic RF generation depending on the value of carrier suppression is reported. We argue that transport of RoF signals with low carrier suppression assisted with simplified techniques of lightwave generation, baseband data modulation, and RF downconversion might be a promising enabling technology for fiber support of close-proximity wireless terminals

    Performance Analysis of a 3D Wireless Massively Parallel Computer

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    In previous work, the authors presented a 3D hexagonal wireless direct-interconnect network for a massively parallel computer, with a focus on analysing processor utilisation. In this study, we consider the characteristics of such an architecture in terms of link utilisation and power consumption. We have applied a store-and-forward packet-switching algorithm to both our proposed architecture and a traditional wired 5D direct network (the same as IBM’s Blue Gene). Simulations show that for small and medium-size networks the link utility of the proposed architecture is comparable with (and in some cases even better than) traditional 5D networks. This work demonstrates that there is a potential for wireless processing array concepts to address High-Performance Computing (HPC) challenges whilst alleviating some significant physical construction drawbacks of traditional systems

    Design, Fault Modeling and Testing Of a Fully Integrated Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) in 45 nm CMOS Technology for Inter and Intra-Chip Wireless Interconnects

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    Research in recent years has demonstrated that intra and inter-chip wireless interconnects are capable of establishing energy-efficient data communications within as well as between multiple chips. This thesis introduces a circuit level design of a source degenerated two stage common source low noise amplifier suitable for such wireless interconnects in 45-nm CMOS process. The design consists of a simple two-stage common source structure based Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) to boost the degraded received signal. Operating at 60GHz, the proposed low noise amplifier consumes only 4.88 mW active power from a 1V supply while providing 17.2 dB of maximum gain at 60 GHz operating frequency at very low noise figure of 2.8 dB, which translates to a figure of merit of 16.1 GHz and IIP3 as -14.38 dBm

    Convergence of millimeter-wave and photonic interconnect systems for very-high-throughput digital communication applications

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    In the past, radio-frequency signals were commonly used for low-speed wireless electronic systems, and optical signals were used for multi-gigabit wired communication systems. However, as the emergence of new millimeter-wave technology introduces multi-gigabit transmission over a wireless radio-frequency channel, the borderline between radio-frequency and optical systems becomes blurred. As a result, there come ample opportunities to design and develop next-generation broadband systems to combine the advantages of these two technologies to overcome inherent limitations of various broadband end-to-end interconnect systems in signal generation, recovery, synchronization, and so on. For the transmission distances of a few centimeters to thousands of kilometers, the convergence of radio-frequency electronics and optics to build radio-over-fiber systems ushers in a new era of research for the upcoming very-high-throughput broadband services. Radio-over-fiber systems are believed to be the most promising solution to the backhaul transmission of the millimeter-wave wireless access networks, especially for the license-free, very-high-throughput 60-GHz band. Adopting radio-over-fiber systems in access or in-building networks can greatly extend the 60-GHz signal reach by using ultra-low loss optical fibers. However, such high frequency is difficult to generate in a straightforward way. In this dissertation, the novel techniques of homodyne and heterodyne optical-carrier suppressions for radio-over-fiber systems are investigated and various system architectures are designed to overcome these limitations of 60-GHz wireless access networks, bringing the popularization of multi-gigabit wireless networks to become closer to the reality. In addition to the advantages for the access networks, extremely high spectral efficiency, which is the most important parameter for long-haul networks, can be achieved by radio-over-fiber signal generation. As a result, the transmission performance of spectrally efficient radio-over-fiber signaling, including orthogonal frequency division multiplexing and orthogonal wavelength division multiplexing, is broadly and deeply investigated. On the other hand, radio-over-fiber is also used for the frequency synchronization that can resolve the performance limitation of wireless interconnect systems. A novel wireless interconnects assisted by radio-over-fiber subsystems is proposed in this dissertation. In conclusion, multiple advantageous facets of radio-over-fiber systems can be found in various levels of end-to-end interconnect systems. The rapid development of radio-over-fiber systems will quickly change the conventional appearance of modern communications.PhDCommittee Chair: Gee-Kung Chang; Committee Member: Bernard Kippelen; Committee Member: Shyh-Chiang Shen; Committee Member: Thomas K. Gaylord; Committee Member: Umakishore Ramachandra

    Compact and Efficient Millimetre-Wave Circuits for Wideband Applications

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    Radio systems, along with the ever increasing processing power provided by computer technology, have altered many aspects of our society over the last century. Various gadgets and integrated electronics are found everywhere nowadays; many of these were science-fiction only a few decades ago. Most apparent is perhaps your ``smart phone'', possibly kept within arm's reach wherever you go, that provides various services, news updates, and social networking via wireless communications systems. The frameworks of the fifth generation wireless system is currently being developed worldwide. Inclusion of millimetre-wave technology promise high-speed piconets, wireless back-haul on pencil-beam links, and further functionality such as high-resolution radar imaging. This thesis addresses the challenge to provide signals at carrier frequencies in the millimetre-wave spectrum, and compact integrated transmitter front-ends of sub-wavelength dimensions. A radio frequency pulse generator, i.e. a ``wavelet genarator'', circuit is implemented using diodes and transistors in III--V compound semiconductor technology. This simple but energy-efficient front-end circuit can be controlled on the time-scale of picoseconds. Transmission of wireless data is thereby achieved at high symbol-rates and low power consumption per bit. A compact antenna is integrated with the transmitter circuit, without any intermediate transmission line. The result is a physically small, single-chip, transmitter front-end that can output high equivalent isotropically radiated power. This element radiation characteristic is wide-beam and suitable for array implementations

    Dual-band lightweight, low-cost RF front-end solutions for point-to-point wireless applications

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    The objective of this work is to achieve the integration of a state-of-the-art RF CMOS chip in lightweight multilayer-organic (MLO) substrates at millimeter-wave frequencies. To do this, first the substrates need to be characterized above 30 GHz. This was done through the Ring Resonator Method. Once the loss and dielectric properties were known, the layers for the MLO stack-up were chosen and two different antenna arrays were designed for the chip’s communication. Subsequently, a hybrid integration with a silicon interposer layer was developed in preparation for the future CMOS chip. This integration consisted of a combination of flip-chip bonding assisted by a non-conductive film (NCF) layer to secure the bonding. Finally, since the chip has two different operating frequencies, an exhaustive orientation study for the arrays was performed. The study revealed the best orientation for the antennas in order to minimize interaction between them in the package. The final package possesses the ability to simultaneously excite both array designs, and also includes all interconnects and transitions required by the RF CMOS chip. Although the main focus is at millimeter-wave frequencies, other novel techniques at different frequencies are discussed, such as utilizing microfluidic channels to reduce the size of RF designs, characterizing 3D-printing materials, and designing the first micro-dispensed antenna in Ka band. All of these help to highlight the ability and versatility of organic substrates at high frequencies.Ph.D

    Wireless Chip-Scale Communications for Neural Network Accelerators

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    Wireless on-chip communications have been proposed as a complement to conventional Network-on-Chip (NoC) paradigms in manycore processors. In massively parallel architectures, the fast broadcast and reconfigurability capabilities of the wireless plane open the door to new scalable and adaptive architectures with significant impact on a plethora of fields. This thesis aims to explore such impact in the all-pervasive field of AI accelerators, designing and evaluating new accelerators augmented with wireless on-chip communication.The last decade has witnessed an explosive growth in the use of Deep Neural Networks in fields such as computer vision, natural language processing, medicine or economics. Their achievements in accuracy across so many relevant and different applications exhibit the enormous potential of this disruptive technology. However, this unprecedented performance is closely tied with the fact that their new designs contain much deeper and bigger layer sets, forcing them to manage millions - and in some cases even billions - of parameters. This comes at a high computational and communication cost at the processor level, which has prompted the development of new hardware aimed at handling such large computing expense more efficiently, the so called \acrlong{dnn} accelerators. This work explores the potential of enhancing the performance of these accelerators by introducing Wireless Networks-on-Chip in their design, a novel interconnect paradigm proposed by the research community to overcome some of the communication challenges that manycore systems face. Specifically, both on-chip and off-chip wireless interconnect implementations have been studied and evaluated. In the off-chip case, a theoretical improvement of 13X in the runtime has been achieved, but at the expense of some area and power overheads.La última década ha sido testigo de un inmenso crecimiento en el uso de Deep Neural Networks en campos como la visión artificial, procesamiento de lenguaje natural, medicina o economía. Haber conseguido estos resultados sin precedentes en aplicaciones tan relevantes y variadas muestra el enorme potencial de esta tecnología tan disruptiva. Sin embargo, estos logros van muy ligados al hecho de que los nuevos diseños contienen muchas más capas y más profundas, lo que se traduce en millones - y en algunos casos billones - de parámetros. Esto supone un gran coste computacional y de comunicación a nivel de procesador, lo que ha impulsado el desarrollo de nuevo hardware que permita gestionar tal coste de manera más eficiente, los llamados aceleradores de Deep Neural Networks. Este proyecto explora la potencial mejora en rendimiento de estos aceleradores mediante la introducción de Wireless Newtorks-on-Chip en su diseño, un nuevo paradigma de interconexiones propuesto por la comunidad científica para superar algunos de los problemas de comunicación que sistemas manycore deben afrontar. Específicamente, implementaciones tanto on-chip como off-chip se han estudiado y evaluado. Se ha conseguido una mejora teórica de 13X en el runtime, pero con algunos costes añadidos de área y potencia.La darrera dècada ha estat testimoni d'un immens creixement en l'ús de Deep Neural Networks en camps com la visió artificial, processament de llenguatge natural, medicina o economia. Haver aconseguit aquests resultats sense precedents en aplicacions tan rellevants i variades mostra l?enorme potencial d?aquesta tecnologia tan disruptiva. No obstant, aquests èxits van molt lligats al fet de que els nous dissenys contenen moltes més capes i més profundes, cosa que es tradueix en milions - i en alguns casos bilions - de paràmetres. Això suposa un gran cost computacional i de comunicació a nivell de processador, cosa que ha impulsat el desenvolupament de nou hardware que permetin gestionar tal cost de manera més eficient, els anomenats acceleradors de Deep Neural Networks. Aquest projecte explora la potencial millora en rendiment d'aquests acceleradors mitjançant la introducció de Wireless Newtorks-on-Chip al seu disseny, un nou paradigma d'interconnexions proposat per la comunitat científica per a superar alguns dels problemes de comunicació que sistemes manycore han d'afrontar. Específicament, implementacions tant on-chip com off-chip s'han estudiat i evaluat. En el cas off-chip, s'ha aconseguit una millora teòrica de 13X al runtime però amb alguns costos afegits d'àrea i potència