17 research outputs found


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    Pengenalan pola beat dalam analisa rekaman elektrokardiogram (EKG) menjadi bagian yang penting dalam deteksi penyakit jantung terutama aritmia. Banyak metode yang dikembangkan terkait dengan pengenalan pola beat, namun sebagian besar masih mengunakan algoritma klasifikasi klasik di mana masih belum mampu mengenali outlier klasifikasi. Fuzzy Learning Vector Quantization (FLVQ) merupakan salah satu algoritma yang mampu untuk mengenali outlier klasifikasi tetapi juga memiliki kelemahan untuk sistem uji yang bukan data berkelompok. Dalam tulisan ini peneliti mengusulkan Fuzzy Wavelet LearningVector Quantization (FWLVQ), yaitu modifikasi FLVQ sehingga mampu mengatasi data crisp maupun data fuzzy dan juga memodifikasi inferensi sistemnya sebagai perpaduan model fuzzy Takagi Sugeno Kang dengan wavelet. Sinyal EKG diperoleh dari database MIT-BIH. Sistem pengenalan pola beat secara keseluruhan terbagi atas dua bagian yaitu data pra proses dan klasifikasi. Hasil percobaan diperoleh bahwa FWLVQ memiliki akurasi sebesar 90.20% untuk data yang tidak mengandung outlier klasifikasi dan 87.19% untuk data yang melibatkan outlier klasifikasi dengan rasio data uji outlier klasifikasi dengan data non-outlier sebesar 1:1. The recognition of beat pattern in analysis of recording an electrocardiogram (ECG) becomes an important detection of heart disease, especially arrhythmias. Many methods are developed related to the recognition of beat patterns, but most still use the classical classification algorithms which are still not able to identify outlier classification. Fuzzy Learning Vector Quantization (FLVQ) is one of the algorithms that can identify outlier classification but also has a weakness for test systems that are not grouped data. In this paper we propose a Fuzzy Wavelet Quantization Learning Vector (FWLVQ), which is modified so as to overcome FLVQ crisp data and fuzzy data and also modify the inference system as a combination of Takagi Sugeno Kang fuzzy model with the wavelet. ECG signal obtained from the MIT-BIH database. Beat pattern recognition system as a whole is divided into two parts: data pre-processing and classification. The experimental results obtained that FWLVQ has an accuracy 90.20% for data that does not contain outlier classification and 87.19% for the classification of data involving outlier ratio outlier test data classification with non-outlier data of 1:1

    Evaluating and comparing performance of feature combinations of heart rate variability measures for cardiac rhythm classification

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    Abstract Automatic classification of cardiac arrhythmias using heart rate variability (HRV) analysis has been an important research topic in recent years. Explorations reveal that various HRV feature combinations can provide highly accurate models for some rhythm disorders. However, the proposed feature combinations lack a direct and carefully designed comparison. The goal of this work is to assess the various HRV feature combinations in classification of cardiac arrhythmias. In this setting, a total of 56 known HRV features are grouped in eight feature combinations. We evaluate and compare the combinations on a difficult problem of automatic classification between nine types of cardiac rhythms using three classification algorithms: support vector machines, AdaBoosted C4.5, and random forest. The effect of analyzed segment length on classification accuracy is also examined. The results demonstrate that there are three combinations that stand out the most, with total classification accuracy of roughly 85% on time segments of 20 seconds duration. A simple combination of time domain features is shown to be comparable to the more informed combinations, with only 1-4% worse results on average than the three best ones. Random forest and AdaBoosted C4.5 are shown to be comparably accurate, while support vector machines was less accurate (4-5%) on this problem. We conclude that the nonlinear features exhibit only a minor influence on the overall accuracy in discerning different arrhythmias. The analysis also shows that reasonably accurate arrhythmia classification lies in the range of 10 to 40 seconds, with a peak at 20 seconds, and a significant drop after 40 seconds

    A Novel Low Complexity On body CVD Classifier ASIC Design Methodology

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    Due to increasing rate of cardiac disorders in developed and developing countries Continuous on body monitoring of ECG signal using the concept of IoT and Body Sensor Network has become the necessity. In this work we are proposing a novel low complex, low power algorithm and architecturefor E.C.G. classification which can be incorporated in present era of IOT and Body Sensor Network. Rather than going for Artificial Intelligence based pattern matching and complex DSP algorithm we have used the simplicity of Hurst exponent and Haar wavelet for filtering out anomalous E.C.G. signals and normal ones

    Analysis of Ventricular Depolarisation and Repolarisation Using Registration and Machine Learning

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    Our understanding of cardiac diseases has greatly advanced since the advent of electrocardiography (ECG). With the increasing influx of available data in recent times, significant research efforts have been put forth to automate the study and detection of cardiac conditions. Naturally, the focus has progressed toward studying dynamic changes in ventricular depolarisation and repolarisation across serial recordings - as complex beat-to-beat changes in morphology manifest over time. Manual extraction of diagnostic and prognostic markers is a laborious task. Hence, automated and accurate methods are required to extract markers for the study of ventricular lability and detection of common diseases, such as myocardial ischemia and myocardial infarction. The aim of this thesis is to improve automated marker extraction and detection of diseases for the study of ventricular depolarisation and repolarisation lability in ECG. As such, two novel template adaptation methods capable of capturing complex beat-to-beat morphological changes are proposed for three-dimensional and two-dimensional data, respectively. The proposed three-dimensional template adaptation method provides an inhomogeneous method for transforming template vectorcardiogram (VCG) by exploiting registrationinspired parametrisation and an efficient kernel ridge regression formulation. Analysis across simulated data and clinical myocardial infarction data demonstrates state-of-the-art results. The two-dimensional template adaptation method draws from traditional registrationbased techniques and treats the ECG as a two-dimensional point set problem. Validation against previously employed simulated data and a gold-standard annotated clinical database demonstrate the highest level of performance. Subsequently, frameworks employing the proposed template adaptation techniques are developed for the automated detection of ischemic beats and myocardial infarction. Furthermore, a small study analysing ventricular repolarisation variability (VRV) in non-ischemic cardiomyopathy (CM) is considered, utilising markers of cardiac lability proposed in the development of the three-dimensional template adaptation system. In summary, this thesis highlights the necessity for custom template adaptation methods for the accurate measurement of beat-to-beat variability in cardiac data. Two novel stateof- the-art methods are proposed and extended to study myocardial ischemia, myocardial infarction and non-ischemic CM.Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 202

    Cardiovascular data analytics for real time patient monitoring

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    Improvements in wearable sensor devices make it possible to constantly monitor physiological parameters such as electrocardiograph (ECG) signals for long periods. Remote patient monitoring with wearable sensors has an important role to play in health care, particularly given the prevalence of chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease (CVD)—one of the prominent causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Approximately 4.2 million Australians suffer from long-term CVD with approximately one death every 12 minutes. The assessment of ECG features, especially heart rate variability (HRV), represents a non-invasive technique which provides an indication of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) function. Conditions such as sudden cardiac death, hypertension, heart failure, myocardial infarction, ischaemia, and coronary heart disease can be detected from HRV analysis. In addition, the analysis of ECG features can also be used to diagnose many types of life-threatening arrhythmias, including ventricular fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia. Non-cardiac conditions, such as diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, irritable bowel syndrome, dyspepsia, anorexia nervosa, anxiety, and major depressive disorder have also been shown to be associated with HRV. The analysis of ECG features from real time ECG signals generated from wearable sensors provides distinctive challenges. The sensors that receive and process the signals have limited power, storage and processing capacity. Consequently, algorithms that process ECG signals need to be lightweight, use minimal storage resources and accurately detect abnormalities so that alarms can be raised. The existing literature details only a few algorithms which operate within the constraints of wearable sensor networks. This research presents four novel techniques that enable ECG signals to be processed within the limitations of resource constraints on devices to detect some key abnormalities in heart function. - The first technique is a novel real-time ECG data reduction algorithm, which detects and transmits only those key points that are critical for the generation of ECG features for diagnoses. - The second technique accurately predicts the five-minute HRV measure using only three minutes of data with an algorithm that executes in real-time using minimal computational resources. - The third technique introduces a real-time ECG feature recognition system that can be applied to diagnose life threatening conditions such as premature ventricular contractions (PVCs). - The fourth technique advances a classification algorithm to enhance the performance of automated ECG classification to determine arrhythmic heart beats based on noisy ECG signals. The four novel techniques are evaluated in comparison with benchmark algorithms for each task on the standard MIT-BIH Arrhythmia Database and with data generated from patients in a major hospital using Shimmer3 wearable ECG sensors. The four techniques are integrated to demonstrate that remote patient monitoring of ECG using HRV and ECG features is feasible in real time using minimal computational resources. The evaluation show that the ECG reduction algorithm is significantly better than existing algorithms that can be applied within sensor nodes, such as time-domain methods, transformation methods and compressed sensing methods. Furthermore, the proposed ECG reduction is found to be computationally less complex for resource constrained sensors and achieves higher compression ratios than existing algorithms. The prediction of a common HRV measure, the five-minute standard deviation of inter-beat variations (SDNN) and the accurate detection of PVC beats was achieved using a Count Data Model, combined with a Poisson-generated function from three-minute ECG recordings. This was achieved with minimal computational resources and was well suited to remote patient monitoring with wearable sensors. The PVC beats detection was implemented using the same count data model together with knowledge-based rules derived from clinical knowledge. A real-time cardiac patient monitoring system was implemented using an ECG sensor and smartphone to detect PVC beats within a few seconds using artificial neural networks (ANN), and it was proven to provide highly accurate results. The automated detection and classification were implemented using a new wrapper-based hybrid approach that utilized t-distributed stochastic neighbour embedding (t-SNE) in combination with self-organizing maps (SOM) to improve classification performance. The t-SNE-SOM hybrid resulted in improved sensitivity, specificity and accuracy compared to most common hybrid methods in the presence of noise. It also provided a better, more accurate identification for the presence of many types of arrhythmias from the ECG recordings, leading to a more timely diagnosis and treatment outcome.Doctor of Philosoph


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