28 research outputs found

    Relating Static and Dynamic Measurements for the Java Virtual Machine Instruction Set

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    It has previously been noted that, for conventional machine code, there is a strong relationship between static and dynamic code measurements. One of the goals of this paper is to examine whether this same relationship is true of Java programs at the bytecode level. To this end, the hypothesis of a linear correlation between static and dynamic frequencies was investigated using Pearson’s correlation coefficient. Programs from the Java Grande and SPEC benchmarks suites were used in the analysis

    Relating Static and Dynamic Measurements for the Java Virtual Machine Instruction Set

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    It has previously been noted that, for conventional machine code, there is a strong relationship between static and dynamic code measurements. One of the goals of this paper is to examine whether this same relationship is true of Java programs at the bytecode level. To this end, the hypothesis of a linear correlation between static and dynamic frequencies was investigated using Pearson’s correlation coefficient. Programs from the Java Grande and SPEC benchmarks suites were used in the analysis

    Cache-aware cross-profiling for java processors

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    Aspect weaving in standard Java class libraries

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    A Quantitative Evaluation of the Contribution of Native Code to Java Workloads

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    Many performance analysis tools for Java focus on tracking executed bytecodes, but provide little support in determining the specific contribution of native code libraries. This paper introduces and assesses a portable approach for characterizing the amount of native code executed by Java applications. A profiling agent based on the JVM Tool Interface (JVMTI) accurately keeps track of all runtime transitions between bytecode and native code. It relies on a combination of JVMTI events, Java Native Interface (JNI) function interception, bytecode instrumentation, and hardware performance counters

    Platform-independent profiling in a virtual execution environment

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    Virtual execution environments, such as the Java virtual machine, promote platform-independent software development. However, when it comes to analyzing algorithm complexity and performance bottlenecks, available tools focus on platform-specific metrics, such as the CPU time consumption on a particular system. Other drawbacks of many prevailing profiling tools are high overhead, significant measurement perturbation, as well as reduced portability of profiling tools, which are often implemented in platform-dependent native code. This article presents a novel profiling approach, which is entirely based on program transformation techniques, in order to build a profiling data structure that provides calling-context-sensitive program execution statistics. We explore the use of platform-independent profiling metrics in order to make the instrumentation entirely portable and to generate reproducible profiles. We implemented these ideas within a Java-based profiling tool called JP. A significant novelty is that this tool achieves complete bytecode coverage by statically instrumenting the core runtime libraries and dynamically instrumenting the rest of the code. JP provides a small and flexible API to write customized profiling agents in pure Java, which are periodically activated to process the collected profiling information. Performance measurements point out that, despite the presence of dynamic instrumentation, JP causes significantly less overhead than a prevailing tool for the profiling of Java code

    High performance annotation-aware JVM for Java cards

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    Early applications of smart cards have focused in the area of per-sonal security. Recently, there has been an increasing demand for networked, multi-application cards. In this new scenario, enhanced application-specific on-card Java applets and complex cryptographic services are executed through the smart card Java Virtual Machine (JVM). In order to support such computation-intensive applica-tions, contemporary smart cards are designed with built-in micro-processors and memory. As smart cards are highly area-constrained environments with memory, CPU and peripherals competing for a very small die space, the VM execution engine of choice is often a small, slow interpreter. In addition, support for multiple applica-tions and cryptographic services demands high performance VM execution engine. The above necessitates the optimization of the JVM for Java Cards

    An input centric paradigm for program dynamic optimizations and lifetime evolvement

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    Accurately predicting program behaviors (e.g., memory locality, method calling frequency) is fundamental for program optimizations and runtime adaptations. Despite decades of remarkable progress, prior studies have not systematically exploited the use of program inputs, a deciding factor of program behaviors, to help in program dynamic optimizations. Triggered by the strong and predictive correlations between program inputs and program behaviors that recent studies have uncovered, the dissertation work aims to bring program inputs into the focus of program behavior analysis and program dynamic optimization, cultivating a new paradigm named input-centric program behavior analysis and dynamic optimization.;The new optimization paradigm consists of three components, forming a three-layer pyramid. at the base is program input characterization, a component for resolving the complexity in program raw inputs and extracting important features. In the middle is input-behavior modeling, a component for recognizing and modeling the correlations between characterized input features and program behaviors. These two components constitute input-centric program behavior analysis, which (ideally) is able to predict the large-scope behaviors of a program\u27s execution as soon as the execution starts. The top layer is input-centric adaptation, which capitalizes on the novel opportunities created by the first two components to facilitate proactive adaptation for program optimizations.;This dissertation aims to develop this paradigm in two stages. In the first stage, we concentrate on exploring the implications of program inputs for program behaviors and dynamic optimization. We construct the basic input-centric optimization framework based on of line training to realize the basic functionalities of the three major components of the paradigm. For the second stage, we focus on making the paradigm practical by addressing multi-facet issues in handling input complexities, transparent training data collection, predictive model evolvement across production runs. The techniques proposed in this stage together cultivate a lifelong continuous optimization scheme with cross-input adaptivity.;Fundamentally the new optimization paradigm provides a brand new solution for program dynamic optimization. The techniques proposed in the dissertation together resolve the adaptivity-proactivity dilemma that has been limiting the effectiveness of existing optimization techniques. its benefits are demonstrated through proactive dynamic optimizations in Jikes RVM and version selection using IBM XL C Compiler, yielding significant performance improvement on a set of Java and C/C++ programs. It may open new opportunities for a broad range of runtime optimizations and adaptations. The evaluation results on both Java and C/C++ applications demonstrate the new paradigm is promising in advancing the current state of program optimizations

    Clojure on Android: Challenges and Solutions

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    Mobile operating systems are rapidly expanding into new areas and the importance of mobile apps is rising with them. As the most popular mobile operating system, Android is at the forefront of this development. However, while other mobile operating systems have introduced newer, officially-supported languages for app development, the only supported language for Android app development is an older dialect of Java. Android developers are unable to take advantage of the features and styles available in alternative and more modern languages. The Clojure language compiles to Android-compatible bytecode and is a promising language to fill this gap. However, the development of Android apps with Clojure is hindered by performance concerns. One recognized problem is the slow startup time of Clojure on Android apps. Alternative ``lean'' Clojure compiler projects promise to improve Clojure performance including startup time. However, the performance of Clojure on Android and the lean compiler projects has not been systematically analyzed and evaluated. We benchmarked and analyzed the startup and run time performance of Android apps written in Clojure and compiled using both the standard Clojure compiler and experimental lean Clojure implementations. In our experiments the run time performance of Clojure on Android is similar to that of Clojure on the desktop. However, Clojure on Android apps take a significant amount of time to start, even on relatively new hardware and the latest Android versions. Long startup times scale upwards quickly with larger apps and the problem is closely tied to the Clojure compiler implementation. We also found that while the Skummet lean Clojure compiler project significantly reduces Clojure on Android startup times, more changes are necessary to make Clojure practical for general Android app development