9 research outputs found

    Overall Performance Evaluation of Tubular Scraper Conveyors Using a TOPSIS-Based Multiattribute Decision-Making Method

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    Properly evaluating the overall performance of tubular scraper conveyors (TSCs) can increase their overall efficiency and reduce economic investments, but such methods have rarely been studied. This study evaluated the overall performance of TSCs based on the technique for order of preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS). Three conveyors of the same type produced in the same factory were investigated. Their scraper space, material filling coefficient, and vibration coefficient of the traction components were evaluated. A mathematical model of the multiattribute decision matrix was constructed; a weighted judgment matrix was obtained using the DELPHI method. The linguistic positive-ideal solution (LPIS), the linguistic negative-ideal solution (LNIS), and the distance from each solution to the LPIS and the LNIS, that is, the approximation degrees, were calculated. The optimal solution was determined by ordering the approximation degrees for each solution. The TOPSIS-based results were compared with the measurement results provided by the manufacturer. The ordering result based on the three evaluated parameters was highly consistent with the result provided by the manufacturer. The TOPSIS-based method serves as a suitable evaluation tool for the overall performance of TSCs. It facilitates the optimal deployment of TSCs for industrial purposes


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    Although considerable technical preventive measures have been taken in marine diesel engine and auxiliary systems, it is possible to observe unexpected faults in the course of the operating conditions. These faults can become so severe that they can cause losses which can be irreversible. This study aims to present Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and VIKOR (Vise Kriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje) methods applied for the expert failure detection of marine diesel engine and auxiliary systems. In this study, the failures of marine diesel engine have been revealed and prioritized. Accordingly, the section of the machine from which the failures primarily arise has been determined. At the same time, the importance of the effective use of time in determining and responding to the failures has been indicated. By means of the evaluation of decision-making groups, the system most severely affected by failures has been decided

    New Similarity of Triangular Fuzzy Number and Its Application

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    The generalized dice similarity measures for multiple attribute decision making with hesitant fuzzy linguistic information

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    In this paper, we shall present some novel Dice similarity measures of hesitant fuzzy linguistic term sets and the generalized Dice similarity measures of hesitant fuzzy linguistic term sets and indicate that the Dice similarity measures and asymmetric measures (projection measures) are the special cases of the generalized Dice similarity measures in some parameter values. Then, we propose the generalized Dice similarity measures-based multiple attribute decision making models with hesitant fuzzy linguistic term sets. Finally, a practical example concerning the evaluation of the quality of movies is given to illustrate the applicability and advantage of the proposed generalized Dice similarity measure

    The generalized dice similarity measures for multiple attribute decision making with hesitant fuzzy linguistic information

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    In this paper, we shall present some novel Dice similarity measures of hesitant fuzzy linguistic term sets and the generalized Dice similarity measures of hesitant fuzzy linguistic term sets and indicate that the Dice similarity measures and asymmetric measures (projection measures) are the special cases of the generalized Dice similarity measures in some parameter values. Then, we propose the generalized Dice similarity measures-based multiple attribute decision making models with hesitant fuzzy linguistic term sets. Finally, a practical example concerning the evaluation of the quality of movies is given to illustrate the applicability and advantage of the proposed generalized Dice similarity measure

    Farklı tarımsal üretim yöntemleri sonucu elde edilen ürün kalitesi analizi için sürdürülebilir melez bulanık ÇKKV yaklaşımı uygulaması

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    Son yıllarda, bilinçli nüfusun artışı tarımsal üretim yöntemlerine dayanarak elde edilen ürün kalitesinin irdelenme gerekliliği artırmaktadır. Tarımsal üretim sonucu elde edilen ürün kalitesiyle ilgili çeşitli yaklaşımlar bulunmaktadır. Genetik mühendislik yöntemleri sonucu edilen ürünler (GDO) verimlidir. Ancak doğal olmayan bu sürecin uzun vadede doğaya ve insan sağlığına olumsuz etkilerinin ortaya çıkacağı varsayılmaktadır. Endüstriyel tarım yöntemleriyle elde dilen ürünlere bakıldığında ürün miktarı bakımından yüksek olsa da kullanılan yüksek miktar gübre ve insektisit insan sağlığını olumsuz yönde etkilemektedir. Son olarak Organik tarım ile elde edilen organik ürünler ise, endüstriyel üretim yöntemlerinin ve genetik mühendisliğinin olumsuz etkilerini ortadan kaldırarak hem çevreyi hem de tüketici sağlığını korumayı amaçlamaktadır ancak bu üretim yöntemiyle elde edilen ürün miktarı düşükken maliyeti yüksektir ve toplumun her kesimine hitap etmemektedir. Bu çalışmada Çok Kriterli Karar Verme (ÇKKV) yöntemlerinden bulanık Analitik Hiyerarşi Süreci (B-AHS) ve VIKOR metotları bir arada kullanılarak melez bir model oluşturulmuş ve tarımsal yöntemler ile elde edilen ürün seçim problemine sürdürülebilir bir çözüm önermek için karar destek sistemi geliştirilmiştir. Yöntemin ilk adımında Memnuniyet (C1), Ekonomi (C2) ve Sağlık (C3) kriterleri B-AHS ile değerlendirilmiş ve ağrılıklar belirlenmiştir. İkinci adımda ise VIKOR yöntemi ile önerilen tarım ürünün değerlendirilmesi yapılmıştır. Bu araştırmanın amacı, tarımsal teknolojilerini kullanarak elde edilen ürün uygunluğunu değerlendirmek ve derecelendirmek için eksiksiz bir çerçeve oluşturmaktır. Önerilen ürün geçerliliğinin gösterilmesi için, güncel veriler ile gerçek bir problem üzerinde uygulama yapılmıştır

    Pythagorean 2-tuple linguistic power aggregation operators in multiple attribute decision making

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    In this paper, we investigate the multiple attribute decision making problems with Pythagorean 2-tuple linguistic information. Then, we utilize power average and power geometric operations to develop some Pythagorean 2-tuple linguistic power aggregation operators: Pythagorean 2-tuple linguistic power weighted average (P2TLPWA) operator, Pythagorean 2-tuple linguistic power weighted geometric (P2TLPWG) operator, Pythagorean 2-tuple linguistic power ordered weighted average (P2TLPOWA) operator, Pythagorean 2-tuple linguistic power ordered weighted geometric (P2TLPOWG) operator, Pythagorean 2-tuple linguistic power hybrid average (P2TLPHA) operator and Pythagorean 2-tuple linguistic power hybrid geometric (P2TLPHG) operator. The prominent characteristic of these proposed operators are studied. Then, we have utilized these operators to develop some approaches to solve the Pythagorean 2-tuple linguistic multiple attribute decision making problems. Finally, a practical example for enterprise resource planning (ERP) system selection is given to verify the developed approach and to demonstrate its practicality and effectiveness

    Fuzzy multicriteria analysis and its applications for decision making under uncertainty

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    Multicriteria decision making refers to selecting or ranking alternatives from available alternatives with respect to multiple, usually conflicting criteria involving either a single decision maker or multiple decision makers. It often takes place in an environment where the information available is uncertain, subjective and imprecise. To adequately solve this decision problem, the application of fuzzy sets theory for adequately modelling the uncertainty and imprecision in multicriteria decision making has proven to be effective. Much research has been done on the development of various fuzzy multicriteria analysis approaches for effectively solving the multicriteria decision making problem, and numerous applications have been reported in the literature. In general, existing approaches can be categorized into (a) multicriteria decision making with a single decision maker and (b) multicriteria group decision making. Existing approaches, however, are not totally satisfactory due to various shortcomings that they suffer from including (a) the inability to adequately model the uncertainty and imprecision of human decision making, (b) the failure to effectively handle the requirements of decision maker(s), (c) the tedious mathematical computation required, and (d) cognitively very demanding on the decision maker(s). This research has developed four novel approaches for effectively solving the multicriteria decision making problem under uncertainty. To effectively reduce the cognitive demand on the decision maker, a pairwise comparison based approach is developed in Chapter 4 for solving the multicriteria problem under uncertainty. To adequately meet the interest of various stakeholders in the multicriteria decision making process, a decision support system (DSS) based approach is introduced in Chapter 5. In Chapter 6, a consensus oriented approach is presented in multicriteria group decision making on which a DSS is proposed for facilitating consensus building in solving the multicriteria group decision making problem. In Chapter 7, a risk-oriented approach is developed for adequately modelling the inherent risk in multicriteria group decision making with the use of the concept of ideal solutions so that the complex and unreliable process of comparing fuzzy utilities usually required in fuzzy multicriteria analysis is avoided. Empirical studies of four real fuzzy multicriteria decision making problems are presented for illustrating the applicability of the approaches developed in solving the multicriteria decision making problem. A hospital location selection problem is discussed in Chapter 8. An international distribution centre location problem is illustrated in Chapter 9. A supplier selection problem is presented in Chapter 10. A hotel location problem is discussed in Chapter 11. These studies have shown the distinct advantages of the approaches developed respectively in this research from different perspectives in solving the multicriteria decision making problem