1,060 research outputs found

    Learning a Planning Domain Model from Natural Language Process Manuals

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    Artificial intelligence planning techniques have been widely used in many applications. A big challenge is to automate a planning model, especially for planning applications based on natural language (NL) input. This requires the analysis and understanding of NL text and a general learning technique does not exist in real-world applications. In this article, we investigate an intelligent planning technique for natural disaster management, e.g. typhoon contingency plan generation, through natural language process manuals. A planning model is to optimise management operations when a disaster occurs in a short time. Instead of manually building the planning model, we aim to automate the planning model generation by extracting disaster management-related content through NL processing (NLP) techniques. The learning input comes from the published documents that describe the operational process of preventing potential loss in the typhoon management. We adopt a classical planning model, namely planning domain definition language (PDDL), in the typhoon contingency plan generation. We propose a novel framework of FPTCP, which stands for a Framework of Planning Typhoon Contingency Plan , for learning a domain model of PDDL from NL text. We adapt NLP techniques to construct a ternary template of sentences of NL inputs from which actions and their objects are extracted to build a domain model. We also develop a comprehensive suite of user interaction components and facilitate the involvement of users in order to improve the learned domain models. The user interaction is to remove semantic duplicates of NL objects such that the users can select model-generated actions and predicates to better fit the PDDL domain model. We detail the implementation steps of the proposed FPTCP and evaluate its performance on real-world typhoon datasets. In addition, we compare FPTCP with two state-of-the-art approaches in applications of narrative generation, and discuss its capability and limitations

    Transformer-Based Multi-Task Learning for Crisis Actionability Extraction

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    Social media has become a valuable information source for crisis informatics. While various methods were proposed to extract relevant information during a crisis, their adoption by field practitioners remains low. In recent fieldwork, actionable information was identified as the primary information need for crisis responders and a key component in bridging the significant gap in existing crisis management tools. In this paper, we proposed a Crisis Actionability Extraction System for filtering, classification, phrase extraction, severity estimation, localization, and aggregation of actionable information altogether. We examined the effectiveness of transformer-based LSTM-CRF architecture in Twitter-related sequence tagging tasks and simultaneously extracted actionable information such as situational details and crisis impact via Multi-Task Learning. We demonstrated the system’s practical value in a case study of a real-world crisis and showed its effectiveness in aiding crisis responders with making well-informed decisions, mitigating risks, and navigating the complexities of the crisis

    Interpretable classification and summarization of crisis events from microblogs

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    The widespread use of social media platforms has created convenient ways to obtain and spread up-to-date information during crisis events such as disasters. Time-critical analysis of crisis-related information helps humanitarian organizations and governmental bodies gain actionable information and plan for aid response. However, situational information is often immersed in a high volume of irrelevant content. Moreover, crisis-related messages also vary greatly in terms of information types, ranging from general situational awareness - such as information about warnings, infrastructure damages, and casualties - to individual needs. Different humanitarian organizations or governmental bodies usually demand information of different types for various tasks such as crisis preparation, resource planning, and aid response. To cope with information overload and efficiently support stakeholders in crisis situations, it is necessary to (a) classify data posted during crisis events into fine-grained humanitarian categories, (b) summarize the situational data in near real-time. In this thesis, we tackle the aforementioned problems and propose novel methods for the classification and summarization of user-generated posts from microblogs. Previous studies have introduced various machine learning techniques to assist humanitarian or governmental bodies, but they primarily focused on model performance. Unlike those works, we develop interpretable machine-learning models which can provide explanations of model decisions. Generally, we focus on three methods for reducing information overload in crisis situations: (i) post classification, (ii) post summarization, (iii) interpretable models for post classification and summarization. We evaluate our methods using posts from the microblogging platform Twitter, so-called tweets. First, we expand publicly available labeled datasets with rationale annotations. Each tweet is annotated with a class label and rationales, which are short snippets from the tweet to explain its assigned label. Using the data, we develop trustworthy classification methods that give the best tradeoff between model performance and interoperability. Rationale snippets usually convey essential information in the tweets. Hence, we propose an integer linear programming-based summarization method that maximizes the coverage of rationale phrases to generate summaries of class-level tweet data. Next, we introduce an approach that can enhance latent embedding representations of tweets in vector space. Our approach helps improve the classification performance-interpretability tradeoff and detect near duplicates for designing a summarization model with low computational complexity. Experiments show that rationale labels are helpful for developing interpretable-by-design models. However, annotations are not always available, especially in real-time situations for new tasks and crisis events. In the last part of the thesis, we propose a two-stage approach to extract the rationales under minimal human supervision

    Analyzing Twitter Feeds to Facilitate Crises Informatics and Disaster Response During Mass Emergencies

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    It is a common practice these days for general public to use various micro-blogging platforms, predominantly Twitter, to share ideas, opinions and information about things and life. Twitter is also being increasingly used as a popular source of information sharing during natural disasters and mass emergencies to update and communicate the extent of the geographic phenomena, report the affected population and casualties, request or provide volunteering services and to share the status of disaster recovery process initiated by humanitarian-aid and disaster-management organizations. Recent research in this area has affirmed the potential use of such social media data for various disaster response tasks. Even though the availability of social media data is massive, open and free, there is a significant limitation in making sense of this data because of its high volume, variety, velocity, value, variability and veracity. The current work provides a comprehensive framework of text processing and analysis performed on several thousands of tweets shared on Twitter during natural disaster events. Specifically, this work em- ploys state-of-the-art machine learning techniques from natural language processing on tweet content to process the ginormous data generated at the time of disasters. This study shall serve as a basis to provide useful actionable information to the crises management and mitigation teams in planning and preparation of effective disaster response and to facilitate the development of future automated systems for handling crises situations

    Automated Assessment of the Aftermath of Typhoons Using Social Media Texts

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    Disasters are one of the major threats to economics and human societies, causing substantial losses of human lives, properties and infrastructures. It has been our persistent endeavors to understand, prevent and reduce such disasters, and the popularization of social media is offering new opportunities to enhance disaster management in a crowd-sourcing approach. However, social media data is also characterized by its undue brevity, intense noise, and informality of language. The existing literature has not completely addressed these disadvantages, otherwise vast manual efforts are devoted to tackling these problems. The major focus of this research is on constructing a holistic framework to exploit social media data in typhoon damage assessment. The scope of this research covers data collection, relevance classification, location extraction and damage assessment while assorted approaches are utilized to overcome the disadvantages of social media data. Moreover, a semi-supervised or unsupervised approach is prioritized in forming the framework to minimize manual intervention. In data collection, query expansion strategy is adopted to optimize the search recall of typhoon-relevant information retrieval. Multiple filtering strategies are developed to screen the keywords and maintain the relevance to search topics in the keyword updates. A classifier based on a convolutional neural network is presented for relevance classification, with hashtags and word clusters as extra input channels to augment the information. In location extraction, a model is constructed by integrating Bidirectional Long Short-Time Memory and Conditional Random Fields. Feature noise correction layers and label smoothing are leveraged to handle the noisy training data. Finally, a multi-instance multi-label classifier identifies the damage relations in four categories, and the damage categories of a message are integrated with the damage descriptions score to obtain damage severity score for the message. A case study is conducted to verify the effectiveness of the framework. The outcomes indicate that the approaches and models developed in this study significantly improve in the classification of social media texts especially under the framework of semi-supervised or unsupervised learning. Moreover, the results of damage assessment from social media data are remarkably consistent with the official statistics, which demonstrates the practicality of the proposed damage scoring scheme

    Training of Crisis Mappers and Map Production from Multi-sensor Data: Vernazza Case Study (Cinque Terre National Park, Italy)

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    This aim of paper is to presents the development of a multidisciplinary project carried out by the cooperation between Politecnico di Torino and ITHACA (Information Technology for Humanitarian Assistance, Cooperation and Action). The goal of the project was the training in geospatial data acquiring and processing for students attending Architecture and Engineering Courses, in order to start up a team of "volunteer mappers". Indeed, the project is aimed to document the environmental and built heritage subject to disaster; the purpose is to improve the capabilities of the actors involved in the activities connected in geospatial data collection, integration and sharing. The proposed area for testing the training activities is the Cinque Terre National Park, registered in the World Heritage List since 1997. The area was affected by flood on the 25th of October 2011. According to other international experiences, the group is expected to be active after emergencies in order to upgrade maps, using data acquired by typical geomatic methods and techniques such as terrestrial and aerial Lidar, close-range and aerial photogrammetry, topographic and GNSS instruments etc.; or by non conventional systems and instruments such us UAV, mobile mapping etc. The ultimate goal is to implement a WebGIS platform to share all the data collected with local authorities and the Civil Protectio

    Spatial-Temporal Data Mining for Ocean Science: Data, Methodologies, and Opportunities

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    With the increasing amount of spatial-temporal~(ST) ocean data, numerous spatial-temporal data mining (STDM) studies have been conducted to address various oceanic issues, e.g., climate forecasting and disaster warning. Compared with typical ST data (e.g., traffic data), ST ocean data is more complicated with some unique characteristics, e.g., diverse regionality and high sparsity. These characteristics make it difficult to design and train STDM models. Unfortunately, an overview of these studies is still missing, hindering computer scientists to identify the research issues in ocean while discouraging researchers in ocean science from applying advanced STDM techniques. To remedy this situation, we provide a comprehensive survey to summarize existing STDM studies in ocean. Concretely, we first summarize the widely-used ST ocean datasets and identify their unique characteristics. Then, typical ST ocean data quality enhancement techniques are discussed. Next, we classify existing STDM studies for ocean into four types of tasks, i.e., prediction, event detection, pattern mining, and anomaly detection, and elaborate the techniques for these tasks. Finally, promising research opportunities are highlighted. This survey will help scientists from the fields of both computer science and ocean science have a better understanding of the fundamental concepts, key techniques, and open challenges of STDM in ocean

    A review of the internet of floods : near real-time detection of a flood event and its impact

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    Worldwide, flood events frequently have a dramatic impact on urban societies. Time is key during a flood event in order to evacuate vulnerable people at risk, minimize the socio-economic, ecologic and cultural impact of the event and restore a society from this hazard as quickly as possible. Therefore, detecting a flood in near real-time and assessing the risks relating to these flood events on the fly is of great importance. Therefore, there is a need to search for the optimal way to collect data in order to detect floods in real time. Internet of Things (IoT) is the ideal method to bring together data of sensing equipment or identifying tools with networking and processing capabilities, allow them to communicate with one another and with other devices and services over the Internet to accomplish the detection of floods in near real-time. The main objective of this paper is to report on the current state of research on the IoT in the domain of flood detection. Current trends in IoT are identified, and academic literature is examined. The integration of IoT would greatly enhance disaster management and, therefore, will be of greater importance into the future