6 research outputs found

    Collaborative Filtering and Inference Rules for Context-Aware Learning Object Recommendation

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    Learning objects strive for reusability in e-Learning to reduce cost and allow personalization of content. We argue that learning objects require adapted Information Retrieval systems. In the spirit of the Semantic Web, we discuss the semantic description, discovery, and composition of learning objects using Web-based MP3 objects as examples. As part of our project, we tag learning objects with both objective and subjective metadata. We study the application of collaborative filtering as prototyped in the RACOFI (Rule-Applying Collaborative Filtering) Composer system, which consists of two libraries and their associated engines: a collaborative filtering system and an inference rule system. We are currently developing RACOFI to generate context-aware recommendation lists. Context is handled by multidimensional predictions produced from a database-driven scalable collaborative filtering algorithm. Rules are then applied to the predictions to customize the recommendations according to user profiles. The prototype is available at inDiscover.net


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    Full-text search and metadata-enabled search have weakness in the precision of the searched article. This research offers weighted tree similarity algorithm combined with cosine similarity method to count similarity in semantic search. In this method metadata is constructed based on the tree of labelled node, labelled and weighted branch. The structure of tree metadata is constructed based on semantic information like taxonomi, ontologi, preference, synonim, homonym and stemming. From testing result, the precision of search using weighted tree similarity algorithm is better that full-text search and metadata-enabled search

    Light-weight ontologies for scrutable user modelling

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    This thesis is concerned with the ways light-weight ontologies can support scrutability for large user models and the user modelling process. It explores the role that light-weight ontologies can play, and how they can be exploited, for the purpose of creating and maintaining large, scrutable user models consisting of hundreds of components. We address problems in four key areas: ontology creation, metadata annotation, creation and maintenance of large user models, and user model visualisation, with a goal to provide a simple and adaptable approach that maintains scrutability. Each of these key areas presents a number of challenges that we address. Our solution is the development of a toolkit, LOSUM, which consists of a number of tools to support the user modelling process. It incorporates light-weight ontologies to fulfill a number of roles: aiding in metadata creation, providing structure for large user model visualisation, and as a means to reason across granularities in the user model. In conjunction with this, LOSUM also features a novel visualisation tool, SIV, which performs a dual role of ontology and user model visualisation, supporting the process of ontology creation, metadata annotation, and user model visualisation. We evaluated our approach at each stage with small user studies, and conducted a large scale integrative evaluation of these approaches together in an authentic learning context with 114 students, of whom 77 had exposure to their learner models through SIV. The results showed that students could use the interface and understand the process of user model construction. The flexibility and adaptability of the toolkit has also been demonstrated in its deployment in several other application areas

    A match-making system for learners and learning objects

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    We have proposed and implemented AgentMatcher, an architecture for match-making in e-Business applications. It uses arc-labeled and arc-weighted trees to match buyers and sellers via our novel similarity algorithm. This paper adapts the architecture for matchmaking between learners and learning objects (LOs). It uses the Canadian Learning Object Metadata (CanLOM) repository of the eduSource e-Learning project. Through AgentMatcher’s new indexing component, known as Learning Object Metadata Generator (LOMGen), metadata is extracted from HTML LOs for use in CanLOM. LOMGen semi-automatically generates the LO metadata by combining a word frequency count and dictionary lookup. A subset of these metadata terms can be selected from a query interface, which permits adjustment of weights that express user preferences. Webbased prefiltering is then performed over the CanLOM metadata kept in a relational database. Using an XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations) translator, the prefiltered result is transformed into an XML representation, called Weighted Object-Oriented (WOO) RuleML (Rule Markup Language). This is compared to the WOO RuleML representation obtained from the query interface by AgentMatcher’s core Similarity Engine. The final result is presented as a ranked LO list with a user-specified threshold