4,345 research outputs found

    A modified ART 1 algorithm more suitable for VLSI implementations

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    This paper presents a modification to the original ART 1 algorithm (Carpenter and Grossberg, 1987a, A massively parallel architecture for a self-organizing neural pattern recognition machine, Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing, 37, 54–115) that is conceptually similar, can be implemented in hardware with less sophisticated building blocks, and maintains the computational capabilities of the originally proposed algorithm. This modified ART 1 algorithm (which we will call here ART 1m) is the result of hardware motivated simplifications investigated during the design of an actual ART 1 chip [Serrano-Gotarredona et al., 1994, Proc. 1994 IEEE Int. Conf. Neural Networks (Vol. 3, pp. 1912–1916); Serrano-Gotarredona and Linares-Barranco, 1996, IEEE Trans. VLSI Systems, (in press)]. The purpose of this paper is simply to justify theoretically that the modified algorithm preserves the computational properties of the original one and to study the difference in behavior between the two approaches

    Neural Pattern Recognition on Multichannel Input Representation

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    This article presents a new neural pattern recognition architecture on multichannel data representation. The architecture emploies generalized ART modules as building blocks to construct a supervised learning system generating recognition codes on channels dynamically selected in context using serial and parallel match trackings led by inter-ART vigilance signals.Sharp Corporation, Information Techology Research Laboratories, Nara, Japa

    Fusion Artmap: A Neural Network Architecture for Multi-Channel Data Fusion and Classification

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    Fusion ARTMAP is a self-organizing neural network architecture for multi-channel, or multi-sensor, data fusion. Single-channel Fusion ARTMAP is functionally equivalent to Fuzzy ART during unsupervised learning and to Fuzzy ARTMAP during supervised learning. The network has a symmetric organization such that each channel can be dynamically configured to serve as either a data input or a teaching input to the system. An ART module forms a compressed recognition code within each channel. These codes, in turn, become inputs to a single ART system that organizes the global recognition code. When a predictive error occurs, a process called paraellel match tracking simultaneously raises vigilances in multiple ART modules until reset is triggered in one of them. Parallel match tracking hereby resets only that portion of the recognition code with the poorest match, or minimum predictive confidence. This internally controlled selective reset process is a type of credit assignment that creates a parsimoniously connected learned network. Fusion ARTMAP's multi-channel coding is illustrated by simulations of the Quadruped Mammal database.Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (ONR N0014-92-J-401J, AFOSR 90-0083, ONR N00014-92-J-4015); National Science Foundation (IRI-90-00530, IRI-90-24877, Graduate Fellowship); Office of Naval Research (N00014-91-J-4100); British Petroleum (89-A-1204); Air Force Office of Scientific Research (F49620-92-J-0334

    A Neural Network Model of Spatio-Temporal Pattern Recognition, Recall and Timing

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    This paper describes the design of a self~organizing, hierarchical neural network model of unsupervised serial learning. The model learns to recognize, store, and recall sequences of unitized patterns, using either short-term memory (STM) or both STM and long-term memory (LTM) mechanisms. Timing information is learned and recall {both from STM and from LTM) is performed with a learned rhythmical structure. The network, bearing similarities with ART (Carpenter & Grossberg 1987a), learns to map temporal sequences to unitized patterns, which makes it suitable for hierarchical operation. It is therefore capable of self-organizing codes for sequences of sequences. The capacity is only limited by the number of nodes provided. Selected simulation results are reported to illustrate system properties.National Science Foundation (IRI-9024877

    ART Neural Networks: Distributed Coding and ARTMAP Applications

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    ART (Adaptive Resonance Theory) neural networks for fast, stable learning and prediction have been applied in a variety of areas. Applications include airplane design and manufacturing, automatic target recognition, financial forecasting, machine tool monitoring, digital circuit design, chemical analysis, and robot vision. Supervised ART architectures, called ARTMAP systems, feature internal control mechanisms that create stable recognition categories of optimal size by maximizing code compression while minimizing predictive error in an on-line setting. Special-purpose requirements of various application domains have led to a number of ARTMAP variants, including fuzzy ARTMAP, ART-EMAP, Gaussian ARTMAP, and distributed ARTMAP. ARTMAP has been used for a variety of applications, including computer-assisted medical diagnosis. Medical databases present many of the challenges found in general information management settings where speed, efficiency, ease of use, and accuracy are at a premium. A direct goal of improved computer-assisted medicine is to help deliver quality emergency care in situations that may be less than ideal. Working with these problems has stimulated a number of ART architecture developments, including ARTMAP-IC [1]. This paper describes a recent collaborative effort, using a new cardiac care database for system development, has brought together medical statisticians and clinicians at the New England Medical Center with researchers developing expert systems and neural networks, in order to create a hybrid method for medical diagnosis. The paper also considers new neural network architectures, including distributed ART {dART), a real-time model of parallel distributed pattern learning that permits fast as well as slow adaptation, without catastrophic forgetting. Local synaptic computations in the dART model quantitatively match the paradoxical phenomenon of Markram-Tsodyks [2] redistribution of synaptic efficacy, as a consequence of global system hypotheses.Office of Naval Research (N00014-95-1-0409, N00014-95-1-0657

    Landsat Satellite Image Segmentation Using the Fuzzy ARTMAP Neural Network

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    This application illustrates how the fuzzy ARTMAP neural network can be used to monitor environmental changes. A benchmark problem seeks to classify regions of a Landsat image into six soil and crop classes based on images from four spectral sensors. Simulations show that fuzzy ARTMAP outperforms fourteen other neural network and machine learning algorithms. Only the k-Nearest-Neighbor algorithm shows better performance (91% vs. 89%) but without any code compression, while fuzzy ARTMAP achieves a code compression ratio of 6:1. Even with a code compression ratio of 50:1 fuzzy ARTMAP still maintains good performance (83%). This example shows how fuzzy ARTMAP can combine accuracy and code compression in real-world applications.Office of Naval Research (N00014-92-J-401J, N00014-91-J-4100, N00014-92-J-4015); National Science Foundation (IRI 90-00530

    Landsat Satellite Image Segmentation Using the Fuzzy ARTMAP Neural Network

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    This application illustrates how the fuzzy ARTMAP neural network can be used to monitor environmental changes. A benchmark problem seeks to classify regions of a Landsat image into six soil and crop classes based on images from four spectral sensors. Simulations show that fuzzy ARTMAP outperforms fourteen other neural network and machine learning algorithms. Only the k-Nearest-Neighbor algorithm shows better performance (91% vs. 89%) but without any code compression, while fuzzy ARTMAP achieves a code compression ratio of 6:1. Even with a code compression ratio of 50:1 fuzzy ARTMAP still maintains good performance (83%). This example shows how fuzzy ARTMAP can combine accuracy and code compression in real-world applications.Office of Naval Research (N00014-92-J-401J, N00014-91-J-4100, N00014-92-J-4015); National Science Foundation (IRI 90-00530

    A survey of visual preprocessing and shape representation techniques

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    Many recent theories and methods proposed for visual preprocessing and shape representation are summarized. The survey brings together research from the fields of biology, psychology, computer science, electrical engineering, and most recently, neural networks. It was motivated by the need to preprocess images for a sparse distributed memory (SDM), but the techniques presented may also prove useful for applying other associative memories to visual pattern recognition. The material of this survey is divided into three sections: an overview of biological visual processing; methods of preprocessing (extracting parts of shape, texture, motion, and depth); and shape representation and recognition (form invariance, primitives and structural descriptions, and theories of attention)

    Mining Dynamic Document Spaces with Massively Parallel Embedded Processors

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    Currently Océ investigates future document management services. One of these services is accessing dynamic document spaces, i.e. improving the access to document spaces which are frequently updated (like newsgroups). This process is rather computational intensive. This paper describes the research conducted on software development for massively parallel processors. A prototype has been built which processes streams of information from specified newsgroups and transforms them into personal information maps. Although this technology does speed up the training part compared to a general purpose processor implementation, however, its real benefits emerges with larger problem dimensions because of the scalable approach. It is recommended to improve on quality of the map as well as on visualisation and to better profile the performance of the other parts of the pipeline, i.e. feature extraction and visualisation

    Adaptive Resonance Associative Map: A Hierarchical ART System for Fast Stable Associative Learning

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    This paper introduces a new class of predictive ART architectures, called Adaptive Resonance Associative Map (ARAM) which performs rapid, yet stable heteroassociative learning in real time environment. ARAM can be visualized as two ART modules sharing a single recognition code layer. The unit for recruiting a recognition code is a pattern pair. Code stabilization is ensured by restricting coding to states where resonances are reached in both modules. Simulation results have shown that ARAM is capable of self-stabilizing association of arbitrary pattern pairs of arbitrary complexity appearing in arbitrary sequence by fast learning in real time environment. Due to the symmetrical network structure, associative recall can be performed in both directions.Air Force Office of Scientific Research (90-0128