3 research outputs found

    A machine learning approach for gesture recognition with a lensless smart sensor system

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    Hand motion tracking traditionally requires highly complex and expensive systems in terms of energy and computational demands. A low-power, low-cost system could lead to a revolution in this field as it would not require complex hardware while representing an infrastructure-less ultra-miniature (~ 100μm - [1]) solution. The present paper exploits the Multiple Point Tracking algorithm developed at the Tyndall National Institute as the basic algorithm to perform a series of gesture recognition tasks. The hardware relies upon the combination of a stereoscopic vision of two novel Lensless Smart Sensors (LSS) combined with IR filters and five hand-held LEDs to track. Tracking common gestures generates a six-gestures dataset, which is then employed to train three Machine Learning models: k-Nearest Neighbors, Support Vector Machine and Random Forest. An offline analysis highlights how different LEDs' positions on the hand affect the classification accuracy. The comparison shows how the Random Forest outperforms the other two models with a classification accuracy of 90-91 %

    Wearable Human Computer Interface for control within immersive VAMR gaming environments using data glove and hand gestures

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    The continuous advances in the state-of-the-art in the Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality (V AMR) technology are important in many application spaces, including gaming, entertainment, and media technologies. V AMR is part of the broader Human-Computer Interface (HCI) area focused on providing an unprecedentedly immersive way of interacting with computers. These new ways of interacting with computers can leverage the emerging user input devices. In this paper, we present a demonstrator system that shows how our wearable Virtual Reality (VR) Glove can be used with an off-the-shelf head-mounted VR device, the RealWear HMT-1â„¢. We show how the smart data capture glove can be used as an effective input device to the HMT-1â„¢ to control various devices, such as virtual controls, simply using hand gesture recognition algorithms. We describe our fully functional proof-of-concept prototype, along with the complete system architecture and its ability to scale by incorporating other devices

    Motion capture technology in industrial applications: A systematic review

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    The rapid technological advancements of Industry 4.0 have opened up new vectors for novel industrial processes that require advanced sensing solutions for their realization. Motion capture (MoCap) sensors, such as visual cameras and inertial measurement units (IMUs), are frequently adopted in industrial settings to support solutions in robotics, additive manufacturing, teleworking and human safety. This review synthesizes and evaluates studies investigating the use of MoCap technologies in industry-related research. A search was performed in the Embase, Scopus, Web of Science and Google Scholar. Only studies in English, from 2015 onwards, on primary and secondary industrial applications were considered. The quality of the articles was appraised with the AXIS tool. Studies were categorized based on type of used sensors, beneficiary industry sector, and type of application. Study characteristics, key methods and findings were also summarized. In total, 1682 records were identified, and 59 were included in this review. Twenty-one and 38 studies were assessed as being prone to medium and low risks of bias, respectively. Camera-based sensors and IMUs were used in 40% and 70% of the studies, respectively. Construction (30.5%), robotics (15.3%) and automotive (10.2%) were the most researched industry sectors, whilst health and safety (64.4%) and the improvement of industrial processes or products (17%) were the most targeted applications. Inertial sensors were the first choice for industrial MoCap applications. Camera-based MoCap systems performed better in robotic applications, but camera obstructions caused by workers and machinery was the most challenging issue. Advancements in machine learning algorithms have been shown to increase the capabilities of MoCap systems in applications such as activity and fatigue detection as well as tool condition monitoring and object recognition